Well-known member
Pretty much finished with Pluto transiting over my Venus - wasn't all that it's supposedly cut out to be.
I have Uranus transiting over my Moon now. My mother (moon) has changed a great deal during this transit. She's way more vocal, quick to anger and to fight. She's not the complacent wife/mother she used to be. She's even managed to stop taking her anti-depressents which shes been on since I was a child...looking forward to seeing how long this lasts!! I also started travelling overseas. Uranus is at the same time opposite my Saturn, North Node, and square Neptune. Quite a combination...Im restless as hell. After the tense Saturn aspects to four of my natal planets, three of which were personal, I thought I'd calmed down. But now these Uranus tranists are stirring things up again.
This week I had transitting Mars in my 12th house opposite Uranus in my 6th. I can't remember a time when I had so many needles poked into me. In a matter of 2 days I had 7 test tubes of blood taken out for blood work, a tb test, and three vaccinations. And Im bruised in all spots, including my ear which I somehow seemed to bang against my car door, and shoulder, which I have no clue about its origins?? I have Chiron over my sun now...maybe thats why im all bruised up
I have Uranus transiting over my Moon now. My mother (moon) has changed a great deal during this transit. She's way more vocal, quick to anger and to fight. She's not the complacent wife/mother she used to be. She's even managed to stop taking her anti-depressents which shes been on since I was a child...looking forward to seeing how long this lasts!! I also started travelling overseas. Uranus is at the same time opposite my Saturn, North Node, and square Neptune. Quite a combination...Im restless as hell. After the tense Saturn aspects to four of my natal planets, three of which were personal, I thought I'd calmed down. But now these Uranus tranists are stirring things up again.
This week I had transitting Mars in my 12th house opposite Uranus in my 6th. I can't remember a time when I had so many needles poked into me. In a matter of 2 days I had 7 test tubes of blood taken out for blood work, a tb test, and three vaccinations. And Im bruised in all spots, including my ear which I somehow seemed to bang against my car door, and shoulder, which I have no clue about its origins?? I have Chiron over my sun now...maybe thats why im all bruised up
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