With Part of Heavy Affliction in partile conj with Asc. and POF, and Full Moon in opposition, most assuredly it has. The reason I ask is because the results of a biopsy has concluded it's cancer and they want to do more tests to see if it has spread to other parts of the body. Physically and intuitively I know it has spread and now I feel the horary confirms that it has spread. I don't need the confirmation of more tests. These tests will only tell the Doctors what surgeries and other treatments they can perform to cure the cancer. Do you know how much value I am as a cancer patient to the medical community? Over a million dollars! They will do what ever it takes to keep me on the loop of surgeries and tests.
Personally, I'm grateful to know that I have cancer and it has spread. Beyond that, I don't want to know and will do what is in my power to use alternative, non-toxic methods to fight the cancer and will accept full responsibility that they might not save my life. What I gain is quality of life without medical intervention that make you ill. I'm 72 yrs old. Saturn, ruler of 8th is making a trine to the Asc.
For those interested in such matters, I will follow up with posting my natal chart, progression, and solar return. Personally, I feel I have many years ahead of me.

Personally, I'm grateful to know that I have cancer and it has spread. Beyond that, I don't want to know and will do what is in my power to use alternative, non-toxic methods to fight the cancer and will accept full responsibility that they might not save my life. What I gain is quality of life without medical intervention that make you ill. I'm 72 yrs old. Saturn, ruler of 8th is making a trine to the Asc.
For those interested in such matters, I will follow up with posting my natal chart, progression, and solar return. Personally, I feel I have many years ahead of me.