Has cancer spread?

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Apr 30, 2014
Rochester, MI
With Part of Heavy Affliction in partile conj with Asc. and POF, and Full Moon in opposition, most assuredly it has. The reason I ask is because the results of a biopsy has concluded it's cancer and they want to do more tests to see if it has spread to other parts of the body. Physically and intuitively I know it has spread and now I feel the horary confirms that it has spread. I don't need the confirmation of more tests. These tests will only tell the Doctors what surgeries and other treatments they can perform to cure the cancer. Do you know how much value I am as a cancer patient to the medical community? Over a million dollars! They will do what ever it takes to keep me on the loop of surgeries and tests.

Personally, I'm grateful to know that I have cancer and it has spread. Beyond that, I don't want to know and will do what is in my power to use alternative, non-toxic methods to fight the cancer and will accept full responsibility that they might not save my life. What I gain is quality of life without medical intervention that make you ill. I'm 72 yrs old. Saturn, ruler of 8th is making a trine to the Asc.

For those interested in such matters, I will follow up with posting my natal chart, progression, and solar return. Personally, I feel I have many years ahead of me.

With Part of Heavy Affliction in partile conj with Asc. and POF, and Full Moon in opposition, most assuredly it has. The reason I ask is because the results of a biopsy has concluded it's cancer and they want to do more tests to see if it has spread to other parts of the body. Physically and intuitively I know it has spread and now I feel the horary confirms that it has spread. I don't need the confirmation of more tests. These tests will only tell the Doctors what surgeries and other treatments they can perform to cure the cancer. Do you know how much value I am as a cancer patient to the medical community? Over a million dollars! They will do what ever it takes to keep me on the loop of surgeries and tests.

Personally, I'm grateful to know that I have cancer and it has spread. Beyond that, I don't want to know and will do what is in my power to use alternative, non-toxic methods to fight the cancer and will accept full responsibility that they might not save my life. What I gain is quality of life without medical intervention that make you ill. I'm 72 yrs old. Saturn, ruler of 8th is making a trine to the Asc.

For those interested in such matters, I will follow up with posting my natal chart, progression, and solar return. Personally, I feel I have many years ahead of me.

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However, the retrograde course and the presence of Saturn and Sun Moon in Capricorn could indicate slow progress.
also there is a New Moon and the moon (body) is in cazimi
However, the retrograde course and the presence of Saturn and Sun Moon in Capricorn could indicate slow progress.
also there is a New Moon and the moon (body) is in cazimi
Thank you for those insights. That New Moon cazimi does seem to be auspicious and good time to set my intention on a no medical treatment. No surgeries, kemo and radiation. I also discovered and decided to take up Shamanism. Just before I did this horary, I took my first journey to meet my power animal which came to be a crocodile, an animal that knows about survival. :)
With Part of Heavy Affliction in partile conj with Asc. and POF, and Full Moon in opposition, most assuredly it has. The reason I ask is because the results of a biopsy has concluded it's cancer and they want to do more tests to see if it has spread to other parts of the body. Physically and intuitively I know it has spread and now I feel the horary confirms that it has spread. I don't need the confirmation of more tests. These tests will only tell the Doctors what surgeries and other treatments they can perform to cure the cancer. Do you know how much value I am as a cancer patient to the medical community? Over a million dollars! They will do what ever it takes to keep me on the loop of surgeries and tests.

Personally, I'm grateful to know that I have cancer and it has spread. Beyond that, I don't want to know and will do what is in my power to use alternative, non-toxic methods to fight the cancer and will accept full responsibility that they might not save my life. What I gain is quality of life without medical intervention that make you ill. I'm 72 yrs old. Saturn, ruler of 8th is making a trine to the Asc.

For those interested in such matters, I will follow up with posting my natal chart, progression, and solar return. Personally, I feel I have many years ahead of me.

View attachment 116459
With Part of Heavy Affliction in partile conj with Asc. and POF, and Full Moon in opposition, most assuredly it has. The reason I ask is because the results of a biopsy has concluded it's cancer and they want to do more tests to see if it has spread to other parts of the body. Physically and intuitively I know it has spread and now I feel the horary confirms that it has spread. I don't need the confirmation of more tests. These tests will only tell the Doctors what surgeries and other treatments they can perform to cure the cancer. Do you know how much value I am as a cancer patient to the medical community? Over a million dollars! They will do what ever it takes to keep me on the loop of surgeries and tests.

Personally, I'm grateful to know that I have cancer and it has spread. Beyond that, I don't want to know and will do what is in my power to use alternative, non-toxic methods to fight the cancer and will accept full responsibility that they might not save my life. What I gain is quality of life without medical intervention that make you ill. I'm 72 yrs old. Saturn, ruler of 8th is making a trine to the Asc.

For those interested in such matters, I will follow up with posting my natal chart, progression, and solar return. Personally, I feel I have many years ahead of me.

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Hello Moondancing, I too have chosen a natural walk with my diagnosis, and have been blessed to meet others who have walked successful, natural paths toward longer lives, and who have recommended: YEW Botanicals (produced in Noxon, Montana), PawPaw (produced by Nature's Sunshine), and Cell Forte (I phoned the company directly and received several pages of information and test results). My oncologist is a former DO; thus, he encourages me to take vitamins, supplements, and the 3 above herbal supplements. I do take letrozole, but minimize its side effects with homeopathic remedies and herbs. I look forward to the fall of Big Pharma and its frear-mongering and the rise of rational intelligence. Blessings, my Kindred Spirit sister. You have such a beautiful, mystical call-name.
I wanted to go deeper into the symbolism of this chart. Cancer on the Asc. is in Capricorn, in it's detriment and shows weakness and is in a Cardinal sign, it is ready to act, so their is movement. Signifying the spread of cancer? The Moon is in an easy aspect with it's ruler Saturn, while Saturn is in easy aspect to the Asc. Saturn rules 7th house, doctor, and 8th house surgery, but it is peragine and not very effective? POF conj the Asc. adds an element of good health and well-being. I do feel good!

The Sun rules the 2nd and 3rd house but is peregrine so not very effective? I take an herbal tea to retard the growth, but it may not be as effective as I'd hope. Third house of daily habits and routines is not helpful. Sixth house would be a natural signifcator of alternative medicines but it symbolizes health/illness in this chart. So, I thought 2nd house would be a good choice as it represents the food we take into our bodies.

Sixth house ruler (the disease) is Retrograde in 11th (house of it's joy) and moving away from 12th house cusp. The Moon makes an inconj aspect to Jupiter showing an optimistic outlook and ability to bounce back from setbacks. Mercury rules the significator of the disease, Jupiter. Mercury is in 6th house and trines Chiron in tenth. Mercuy also makes a conj to Part of increase.

Mars is in Leo in first house and gives me another ruler. Mars symbolizes blood disorders and I have been diagnoses with animia.

Seems the Moon/Jupiter aspect is my one avenue to being healthy as much as that is possible.

Thanks for all your blessings! Heartfelt good wishes for a New Year full of promise!

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Hello Moondancing, I too have chosen a natural walk with my diagnosis, and have been blessed to meet others who have walked successful, natural paths toward longer lives, and who have recommended: YEW Botanicals (produced in Noxon, Montana), PawPaw (produced by Nature's Sunshine), and Cell Forte (I phoned the company directly and received several pages of information and test results). My oncologist is a former DO; thus, he encourages me to take vitamins, supplements, and the 3 above herbal supplements. I do take letrozole, but minimize its side effects with homeopathic remedies and herbs. I look forward to the fall of Big Pharma and its frear-mongering and the rise of rational intelligence. Blessings, my Kindred Spirit sister. You have such a beautiful, mystical call-name.
Hello CLea:

You are fortunate indeed to have doctors on your path to health. I try talking with my docs and they boo boo my ideas as 'a girl with an internet' looking for answers that can't be found there. I told one doc that even with all his education and experience, he still has to convince me that his way works for me.

Thank you for your recommendations that is so helpful!

With Part of Heavy Affliction in partile conj with Asc. and POF, and Full Moon in opposition, most assuredly it has. The reason I ask is because the results of a biopsy has concluded it's cancer and they want to do more tests to see if it has spread to other parts of the body. Physically and intuitively I know it has spread and now I feel the horary confirms that it has spread. I don't need the confirmation of more tests. These tests will only tell the Doctors what surgeries and other treatments they can perform to cure the cancer. Do you know how much value I am as a cancer patient to the medical community? Over a million dollars! They will do what ever it takes to keep me on the loop of surgeries and tests.

Personally, I'm grateful to know that I have cancer and it has spread. Beyond that, I don't want to know and will do what is in my power to use alternative, non-toxic methods to fight the cancer and will accept full responsibility that they might not save my life. What I gain is quality of life without medical intervention that make you ill. I'm 72 yrs old. Saturn, ruler of 8th is making a trine to the Asc.

For those interested in such matters, I will follow up with posting my natal chart, progression, and solar return. Personally, I feel I have many years ahead of me.

View attachment 116459
Take this with a whole bunch of salt, I look more mundane than horary.

But, the sixth has a good feel, Mercury positively aspecting Chiron.

And Sun/Moon conjunct quintile Jupiter inthe 11th. You have a good support group I believe. They are your super power?

Any horary folk, feel free to school me!🙂
Let me add and say:
If you see that Mercury and Saturn have a mutual reception from boundaries (Mercury on the boundaries of Saturn and Saturn on the boundaries of Mercury).

This means good cooperation. Don't forget Saturn is the wall, it is freezing, it is slowness. So we really like the Moon (You) under the government of Saturn (and your doctor) who also makes a sextile with the ascendant (you, your body, your health). So for me, an important indicator is that this Saturn exists and it seems to be doing you good, it freezes, delays, does not let it spread.

I also wrote to you before that the Moon (You) is in kazimi (protection).
Also, Saturn in the 9th house in the house of God gives protection, especially since it makes a sextile with the ascendant and you. Saturn is important here.
Also the Moon (you) in the element of Earth so compatible with the element of water (ascendant = body, health) This is a very positive sign too.

The 10th = healing in Pisces = healing. Neptune and Jupiter. In the 10th house you have the North Node and Neptune-Power (very very positive for your healing) The North goes to find Neptune, this can only be good. Also Jupiter retrograde leaves the 12th (suffering) and is in the Lucky 11th house (in the house of joy).

Jupiter is weak and retrograde, it has no power (retrograde) to expand (Jupiter) and has left the opposition with Mercury (transporter).

The Lot of Luck as you write on Ascendant and love the MOON=YOU!
In your 10th house you also have Chiron (trauma and healing) and Mercury will make a triangle (healing of illness and even with chironic conditions (herbs etc.)

Also there in the 10th house if you see is also included the entire sign of Aries = Mars = Healing, and is in your 1st house (your body) and slowly it will enter Cancer (you) and healing will love you very very much..... this Mars do not forget rules Chiron....

and Finally I read about the 15th degree of Cancer (ASC) and I am speechless::oops:
15 – 16 Degree of strength
Psychic and physical strength, physical endurance, not accepting defeat

<I was taken to your message by the first one and the words you wrote:
...Beyond that, I don't want to know and will do what is in my power to use alternative, non-toxic methods to fight the cancer and will accept full responsibility that they might not save my life. ...
...I feel I have many years ahead of me....":giggle:

good luck my friend!
I send you all the positive energy of the universe
you truly are a Quiet Force
Let me add and say:
If you see that Mercury and Saturn have a mutual reception from boundaries (Mercury on the boundaries of Saturn and Saturn on the boundaries of Mercury).

This means good cooperation. Don't forget Saturn is the wall, it is freezing, it is slowness. So we really like the Moon (You) under the government of Saturn (and your doctor) who also makes a sextile with the ascendant (you, your body, your health). So for me, an important indicator is that this Saturn exists and it seems to be doing you good, it freezes, delays, does not let it spread.

I also wrote to you before that the Moon (You) is in kazimi (protection).
Also, Saturn in the 9th house in the house of God gives protection, especially since it makes a sextile with the ascendant and you. Saturn is important here.
Also the Moon (you) in the element of Earth so compatible with the element of water (ascendant = body, health) This is a very positive sign too.

The 10th = healing in Pisces = healing. Neptune and Jupiter. In the 10th house you have the North Node and Neptune-Power (very very positive for your healing) The North goes to find Neptune, this can only be good. Also Jupiter retrograde leaves the 12th (suffering) and is in the Lucky 11th house (in the house of joy).

Jupiter is weak and retrograde, it has no power (retrograde) to expand (Jupiter) and has left the opposition with Mercury (transporter).

The Lot of Luck as you write on Ascendant and love the MOON=YOU!
In your 10th house you also have Chiron (trauma and healing) and Mercury will make a triangle (healing of illness and even with chironic conditions (herbs etc.)

Also there in the 10th house if you see is also included the entire sign of Aries = Mars = Healing, and is in your 1st house (your body) and slowly it will enter Cancer (you) and healing will love you very very much..... this Mars do not forget rules Chiron....

and Finally I read about the 15th degree of Cancer (ASC) and I am speechless::oops:
15 – 16 Degree of strength
Psychic and physical strength, physical endurance, not accepting defeat

<I was taken to your message by the first one and the words you wrote:
...Beyond that, I don't want to know and will do what is in my power to use alternative, non-toxic methods to fight the cancer and will accept full responsibility that they might not save my life. ...
...I feel I have many years ahead of me....":giggle:

good luck my friend!
I send you all the positive energy of the universe
you truly are a Quiet Force
Thanks! Good read.


Sixth house would be a natural signifcator of alternative medicines but it symbolizes health/illness in this chart. So, I thought 2nd house would be a good choice as it represents the food we take into our bodies.

from the little I know and read:
Poseidon is medicine and therapy,
The General signifier of Nutrition = Venus.
the 6th house shows us our dietary habits = way of eating
Taurus and Cancer = are the signs of nutrition.
so depending on your chart you will see how you will move and what is good based on the elements.
Take this with a whole bunch of salt, I look more mundane than horary.

But, the sixth has a good feel, Mercury positively aspecting Chiron.

And Sun/Moon conjunct quintile Jupiter inthe 11th. You have a good support group I believe. They are your super power?

Any horary folk, feel free to school me!🙂
Thank you, Opal for your insights! Got me thinking. In regards to Chiron, I find it a challenging planet (asteroid) so it has it's difficult side which is more in line with what I'm experiencing. Trying to communicate what I'm experiencing with my health can leave me emotionally and mentally drained. I struggle to express myself. Although, I think it has the potential to heal what has been a life long challenge for me and that would be a blessing.

Also, since learning about Shamanism, I'm being introduced to such beautiful, magical sounds which are designed for healing. I would love to go on a retreat.

You are right about the aspect between Sun/Moon and Jupiter. It's the house of good spirit and that is a welcome emotional comfort. Thinking about it further, 11th house is about networking and seems I'm building quite a network of good spirits. There is my family doctor, breast specialist, oncologist, hospital, this forum. All helping me to understand the path my life has taken. Blessing abound!
Chiron is “The Wounded Healer” the wound, was a description of him though, his pain, that could not be fixed. So, he sacrificed himself.

He was a teacher, a mentor and a healer.

Sometimes we concentrate on the pain bestowed and where, and not what he gifts.

He was a gentle soul, giving and kind.

But above all he was a healer.
Thank you, Opal for your insights! Got me thinking. In regards to Chiron, I find it a challenging planet (asteroid) so it has it's difficult side which is more in line with what I'm experiencing. Trying to communicate what I'm experiencing with my health can leave me emotionally and mentally drained. I struggle to express myself. Although, I think it has the potential to heal what has been a life long challenge for me and that would be a blessing.

Also, since learning about Shamanism, I'm being introduced to such beautiful, magical sounds which are designed for healing. I would love to go on a retreat.

You are right about the aspect between Sun/Moon and Jupiter. It's the house of good spirit and that is a welcome emotional comfort. Thinking about it further, 11th house is about networking and seems I'm building quite a network of good spirits. There is my family doctor, breast specialist, oncologist, hospital, this forum. All helping me to understand the path my life has taken. Blessing abound!

I could listen to this easily. Very aboriginal.

Thank you!
Let me add and say:
If you see that Mercury and Saturn have a mutual reception from boundaries (Mercury on the boundaries of Saturn and Saturn on the boundaries of Mercury).

This means good cooperation. Don't forget Saturn is the wall, it is freezing, it is slowness. So we really like the Moon (You) under the government of Saturn (and your doctor) who also makes a sextile with the ascendant (you, your body, your health). So for me, an important indicator is that this Saturn exists and it seems to be doing you good, it freezes, delays, does not let it spread.

I also wrote to you before that the Moon (You) is in kazimi (protection).
Also, Saturn in the 9th house in the house of God gives protection, especially since it makes a sextile with the ascendant and you. Saturn is important here.
Also the Moon (you) in the element of Earth so compatible with the element of water (ascendant = body, health) This is a very positive sign too.

The 10th = healing in Pisces = healing. Neptune and Jupiter. In the 10th house you have the North Node and Neptune-Power (very very positive for your healing) The North goes to find Neptune, this can only be good. Also Jupiter retrograde leaves the 12th (suffering) and is in the Lucky 11th house (in the house of joy).

Jupiter is weak and retrograde, it has no power (retrograde) to expand (Jupiter) and has left the opposition with Mercury (transporter).

The Lot of Luck as you write on Ascendant and love the MOON=YOU!
In your 10th house you also have Chiron (trauma and healing) and Mercury will make a triangle (healing of illness and even with chironic conditions (herbs etc.)

Also there in the 10th house if you see is also included the entire sign of Aries = Mars = Healing, and is in your 1st house (your body) and slowly it will enter Cancer (you) and healing will love you very very much..... this Mars do not forget rules Chiron....

and Finally I read about the 15th degree of Cancer (ASC) and I am speechless::oops:
15 – 16 Degree of strength
Psychic and physical strength, physical endurance, not accepting defeat

<I was taken to your message by the first one and the words you wrote:
...Beyond that, I don't want to know and will do what is in my power to use alternative, non-toxic methods to fight the cancer and will accept full responsibility that they might not save my life. ...
...I feel I have many years ahead of me....":giggle:

good luck my friend!
I send you all the positive energy of the universe
you truly are a Quiet Force
Wow, there is much good energy here to reflect on. The cazimi is a powerful aspect, for sure but it only lasts for a short time. That is why I looked to what I accomplished during that time. I had made the intention to self-heal with alternative medicines and practices and start the path of Shamanism which has proven to bring me much comfort. These are what I take with me on this journey and feel confident in my decision because I made them at an auspicious time.

I will write further when I absorb all you share here. The 15th degree leaves me speechless too! Nice find!


Sixth house would be a natural signifcator of alternative medicines but it symbolizes health/illness in this chart. So, I thought 2nd house would be a good choice as it represents the food we take into our bodies.

from the little I know and read:
Poseidon is medicine and therapy,
The General signifier of Nutrition = Venus.
the 6th house shows us our dietary habits = way of eating
Taurus and Cancer = are the signs of nutrition.
so depending on your chart you will see how you will move and what is good based on the elements.
Do you consider supplements and herbs to be food rather than alternative medicines? PawPaw and Pacific YEW (other Yew trees are ornamental shrubs) capsules are produced from trees. I replied to your original post because the wonderful placements in your 10th House of medicines and/or treatment indicated alternatives as a possibiliity. I am learning a great deal from your comments and the replies...a huge THANKS for posting, and as always...BLESSINGS.
Do you consider supplements and herbs to be food rather than alternative medicines? PawPaw and Pacific YEW (other Yew trees are ornamental shrubs) capsules are produced from trees. I replied to your original post because the wonderful placements in your 10th House of medicines and/or treatment indicated alternatives as a possibiliity. I am learning a great deal from your comments and the replies...a huge THANKS for posting, and as always...BLESSINGS.
Supplements are alternative medicines, imo. I think giving it's signification to 10th house makes much more sense.

I started to drink Essiac tea when I first became aware of my breast issue in October. The ingredients are burdock root, sheep sorrel, slippery elm bark, and Indian rhubarb root. When reading about the supplement online, you get warnings about it's effectiveness. But, I've read the books about the life of the Canadian nurse Rene Caisse and you get a much better understanding of it's use for cancer. It would do me well to find someone who can help me understand the choices alternative medicines and how to manage them. I consider them serious medicine and don't want to just mix and match and use wrong dosages. I'm hoping the oncologist can give me direction who to see. Thanks so much for your encouragement!

P.S. I've decided to get the body scan because it would be important to know how my cancer changes with use of supplements. Might be helpful information to others who want to follow that path.
Supplements are alternative medicines, imo. I think giving it's signification to 10th house makes much more sense.

I started to drink Essiac tea when I first became aware of my breast issue in October. The ingredients are burdock root, sheep sorrel, slippery elm bark, and Indian rhubarb root. When reading about the supplement online, you get warnings about it's effectiveness. But, I've read the books about the life of the Canadian nurse Rene Caisse and you get a much better understanding of it's use for cancer. It would do me well to find someone who can help me understand the choices alternative medicines and how to manage them. I consider them serious medicine and don't want to just mix and match and use wrong dosages. I'm hoping the oncologist can give me direction who to see. Thanks so much for your encouragement!

P.S. I've decided to get the body scan because it would be important to know how my cancer changes with use of supplements. Might be helpful information to others who want to follow that path.
Amazon sells books that provide the history and testing for each of the supplements I use. I always want to know where the products I ingest are sourced; thus, I also phone the companies directly and ask questions.
I tried essiac tea, but it did not afford me any relief.
Oct of 2024, I underwent 5 CT scans with radioactive dye. I thought it was rather overkill (pun intended) by the surgeon, but I no longer "see" that doctor. I agree with you regarding testing since then you will know how successful your supplements are handling the diagnosis. (I'm an optimist.)