I saw the context and I will agree with Ilenek.
He as Jupiter is retrograde and in fact he will say in a standstill, that is, absolutely nothing moves. and in his Weakness and in a double sign. And of course he will change his mind, the situation will change. However, not in your favor....
Saturn there shows his marriage, shows him institutions etc. etc. It is the obstacle. And in fact, this Venus is going to find him from his 12th derivative house.
This Venus (laws) is all-powerful and Saturn loves her very much and is under her power.
Of course, this Venus there (she is from the 3rd derivative house from the 7th) can also show other things. But I will not analyze this now.
We have mutable (not stable) and dual signs that show us dual situations and not honest ones (Pisces)
Finally, this Mercury (you) with anti-shadow will oppose this Jupiter (him)
this tells me that probably in the future things will not go as you expect, they will not be in your favor......
And of course I will not analyze the Moon in the 12th house and its future aspects that it will make.