has he decided to divorce?

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I don’t see him/Jup taking any action against you/Merc at this time.. He still cares about you a great deal based on Jup’s reception to Merc. With there being no coming together between you by aspect, to me this describes your current estrangement, that you both are not seeing or understanding the other person’s point of view. And it is this lack of aspect between Merc and Jup, along with Jupiter’s general weakness being in detriment, that suggests to me it is not likely he will take action to divorce.

I do think both of you are in a difficult, hard place. You as Moon are in the uncomfortable 12th; Moon’s next aspect is with him/Jup by challenging, sometimes blindsiding square. But it is quite a ways off. And Saturn is on the cusp of his/7th house.
I don’t see he has decided to divorce at this time, but it does look like there may be difficult times in the future.
I thought that any aspect to me means yes, including the Moon. His Jup is moving towards house 9, court.In fact my Moon is weaker than his Jup.
I thought that any aspect to me means yes, including the Moon.
It is not necessarily true that any aspect means yes. It depends upon the particulars of the question. Your question is: has he decided to divorce?
For him to have already decided, the aspect would have to have already passed instead of being in the future.

His Jup is moving towards house 9, court.
Jup moves toward house 10, is leaving house 9
In fact my Moon is weaker than his Jup.
Moon has no weakness by essential dignity in Virgo, it dignified by triplicity in Virgo.
Jupiter also has essential dignity by triplicity but also has significant adverse essential dignity detriment. To my mind, essential dignity is most important kind of dignity, and Jupiter's weakness is important, is stronger here.
By lesser accidental dignity, Moon is in cadent 12, Jupiter is angular. But Jupiter is fundamentally weak in Gemini. Moon is not.

May I ask, what about the Moon makes you think it is weaker than Jupiter?
Hm he is retrogradating so moves back to nine house.. doesn't?
You are right about Jup retrograding, it is already in the 9th house of courts.
i was exactly counting dignity by https://www.skyscript.co.uk/dig5.html .
I defer to your use of that table. I certainly did not go into that detail.
Is Saturn decribing him?
It could being so close to the 7th house cusp.

I am comfortable with my interpretation that he has not yet decided. There are others who have shown interest and may offer further information about what they see. I am wishing you the best in this matter.
Please be sure to update and let us know how it goes.
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Has he decided?
I saw the context and I will agree with Ilenek.

He as Jupiter is retrograde and in fact he will say in a standstill, that is, absolutely nothing moves. and in his Weakness and in a double sign. And of course he will change his mind, the situation will change. However, not in your favor....

Saturn there shows his marriage, shows him institutions etc. etc. It is the obstacle. And in fact, this Venus is going to find him from his 12th derivative house.
This Venus (laws) is all-powerful and Saturn loves her very much and is under her power.

Of course, this Venus there (she is from the 3rd derivative house from the 7th) can also show other things. But I will not analyze this now.

We have mutable (not stable) and dual signs that show us dual situations and not honest ones (Pisces)

Finally, this Mercury (you) with anti-shadow will oppose this Jupiter (him)

this tells me that probably in the future things will not go as you expect, they will not be in your favor......
And of course I will not analyze the Moon in the 12th house and its future aspects that it will make.
Hi! Why the change of Jup will change my situation not in my favor? How you know it? Ok I read your whole post I know what you mean.
But Venus. My Merc is stronger - again from that table- and will interrupt to Venus before conj. But to Saturn will not reach before. Is this interruption enough?
I can' t believe he loves Venus. Jup is in my sign , Saturn is in egsaltation sign.
Future aspects of Moon... Yes, I did not see that before.
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