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Constant head aches, horrible memory (possible dimentia? My great gma had it..) Is there anything that shows WHY? Advil/tylenol doesn't help the headaches
It could be food allergies.
Really!!?? I didn't think I had any :s
To me lack of memory it's your moon squaring Neptune... for headaches I think is your mars squaring uranus...
Your rising in Virgo should give you great memory.
But I agree, that could be too because of food... we don't even realize how much food influence in our states of mind... memory, concentration, well being...
Medical check just for be more relaxed...
May I ask what your MD says is involved?
Thanks for the information.
In the natal, Aries (head) is in the 8th whole sign house, its dispositor, Mars, in the 11th under Cancer, therefore disposited by the Moon. Cancer and Moon can reflect digestion, also female hormonal system to a certain extent; so Cancer/Moon over Mars (significator of the head as ruler of Aries) might be involved in the migraines (ie, digestion and/or hormonal causal influences could be involved)
The Lot of Chronic Illness falls at 21 Pisces: Pisces is affinitive to circulation, and we know medically that migraine episodes involve usually contraction of blood vessels to the brain; so this might illustrate the mechanism of how digestive and/or hormonal imbalance causes the migraine attacks.
Therefore, investigation of digestive and hormonal balancing remedies seems indicated as possibly corrective to these potential "root causes" of the migraine attacks.
Homeopathically, such remedies as calcarea aceticum, sepia officinalis, possibly cimicifuga racemosa, pulsatilla, cyclamen, probably should be investigated.
Constant head aches, horrible memory (possible dimentia? My great gma had it..) Is there anything that shows WHY? Advil/tylenol doesn't help the headaches
Looking at your chart I see a scorpio sun which is unaspected. This MAY indicate a tendency to repress psychological issues. There are cases of head/memory/perception problems related to this tendecy for it manifest psychosomcatically. Of course, we all repress a big part of the content of our psyche, but some are just more likely to so or are repressing more urgent matters.