Heavy Saturn in my chart; what does that mean for me?

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Apr 20, 2019
Hi all!

I was wondering if you all can take a look at my chart and give any insight to my Saturn-heavy chart. I'd love to learn more about it and what I can do about it/with it. Thanks so much!

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Hey there! I wouldn't actually say you are heavy Saturn. You do have quite a bit of Capricorn, but also Aquarius.

The way people perceive you and your outward self portrays a Capricorn, earthy vibe, but deep down you're a lot more easy going with Aquarian and air being your dominant element. Not to mention, majority of your planets sit in the first or on the left side of your chart. This means your personality is very action-orientated, assertive, and impulsive. Your 10th house is in Libra, so you like to keep the peace and can be non-confrontational. You might see this a lot at work, dealing with your colleagues. And with your MC ruler in your first house, it makes you quite charming to strangers but perhaps impersonal with all that Air.
This is really interesting! I hadn't really thought about being impersonal, but I can definitely see where I can come off that way. I'm definitely impulsive lol :)