Heliocentric and geocentric planetary transits software

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Mar 15, 2011
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I have recently released software entitled 'Heliocentric Planetary Aspects and Transits' (HPAT), which is a heliocentric version of my older 'Planetary Aspects and Transits' software.

These two programs (which were inspired by the work of Richard Tarnas) are described at
PAT: http://www.planetary-aspects.com/pat/pat.htm and
HPAT: http://www.planetary-aspects.com/hpat/hpat.htm
These pages have links to the user manuals and you can download a free trial version.

Both programs calculate aspects between planets at a given date, and also display personal transits for a given birth date and synastry for two birth dates.

Both programs support search for aspect patterns such as grand trines, yods, etc. HPAT in addition allows searching for a particular aspect pattern involving up to three specified planets.

Here is an example of a heliocentric chart, showing two grand crosses occurring on January 7, 2016.


On my website at http://www.planetary-aspects.com/ there are many such charts, both geocentric and heliocentric. In particular http://www.planetary-aspects.com/hpat/hel-geo-comp.htm displays geocentric and heliocentric charts for six selected dates, showing how they differ.