I was just looking at the major chart features, but as I pointed out there were three indicators that they would leave their homeland or live/work outside their homeland.And this chart is a chart of someone who came to U.S. since was just a little kid under Political Asylum status.
Very good. I would draw the same conclusion. Because Mars was the year ruler, you would want to pay attention to Mars transits and those of the time rule and co-ruler as well and any stars activated by the profection meaning any stars in the place that comes to the Asc.It happened under the Profection year where Mars was the Profection Lord of that year. And Mars Trine Mercury in 9th Applying Trine. So Mars probably activate the event transit.
That's where I recommend lunar returns. I don't cast a lunar return for each month of the profection year. You know the year ruler or one of the time rulers is transiting a sign and will enter a new sign or is already there and will start making aspects so you cast the lunar returns for those months.
If you absolutely positively need to know a bureaucrat is going to sign off on their asylum at 10:48 am on a particular day you can do the distributions from year to month to day to hour to minute but that's a lot of work.
I've not investigated astrocartography but it might be worthwhile to look into it.You know what so weird is the state that took the native Political Asylum and give him permanent settlement there is actually right on SATURN line, I don't know if you into Astrocartography, but this person is living right on Saturn line for 30+ years. I show you the Astrocartography chart:
Maybe it time to move to another state?
Being out of sect doesn't make a star evil. That only makes it contrary to its nature and it brings out the worse characteristics of the star which can be exaggerated by the sign it's in. An out of sect Jupiter can be unduly optimistic, complacent, proud, and/or hypocritically pious.An astrologer told me it actually Jupiter that help him, and Jupiter is not evil in this chart at all. Why? Because Jupiter eventhough it in Fall in Capricorn BUT Jupiter in his own Bound and own Face. Also, this person has Syzygy Moon (Prenatal Moon) in Pisces which rule by Jupiter and Syzygy Moon also in Jupiter Bound. So Jupiter is very protective of this place.
The issue isn't Jupiter in fall. It is warm and moist Jupiter in the cold night sky in the cold moist sign of Capricorn.
And Jupiter is not weak in this chart, it in it own Bound/term and face/decan, and angular. And from where Jupiter position in this chart (angular), Jupiter see EVERYTHING, including see what Mars and Saturn doing.
I don't know who would be dumb enough to say Jupiter is weak in this chart. The Greeks repeatedly stress that Venus or Jupiter or both on the angles can mitigate the harm of malefics and even elevate a chart.
The first group and most powerful of the angles are the Asc and IC. The second group and less powerful are the MC and Dsc but angles are more powerful than places falling away from the angles. Again, the issue is not Jupiter in fall it's Jupiter in the night sky in cold moist Capricorn. It would be better if Jupiter were in an air/fire sign or his night house Pisces.
Don't get hung up on numbers because they tell you nothing and you end up going sideways and never get to where you want to be which is interpreting the chart.And I did check the Planetary Strength Analysis in PlanetDance software, Jupiter is the second strongest planet in this chart, just behind Mars ONE single point. Just look at the Grand tocal point at the bottom, Mars the highest, with Jupiter come in second right behind Mars.
Mars is the good guy in this chart.
I have mix feelings about this, I don't know how evil is this Capricorn Jupiter in this chart. But Jupiter sure is on Saturn side since Scorpio Saturn rule Capricorn Jupiter. But then Scorpio Mars rule Scorpio Saturn, so Saturn is a one very pissed off and unhappy planet.
Yes, Saturn is malefic because he's out of sect and he's cold and dry sitting in the cold night sky in cold and watery Scorpio.