Thank you Bardo and thank
@DC80 for all the help and input about native chart, appreciated.
And now I want to answer about there some reading about his chart in the pervious page that is wrong/inaccurate because it does not fit with his life and personality.
1) This is a person who came to America under Political Asylum status when he was a little child when Mars was the Profection Lord of that year. He has been in America for 30+ years and never once step foot back to his Communist homeland. Moon Aversion/Disconnect completely from the Asc turning away from the Asc, permanent settle aboard in foreign land permanently, 12th house is an Asylum theme house too.
2) This person is married LONG time 12 years married and still married, married when Mars was the Profection Lord of that year in Scorpio Profection year, and natal Mars in Scorpio. Native indeed lucky in marriage, a spouse who loves the native unconditionally and willing to do anything for the native, if there anything good in his life is his marriage.
3) This person is a person know what exactly what he wants in life and go after it, whether it jobs, education, and marriage. Native did went to University, so who say his education was interrupt by Mercury they wrong. Native is the one that work 70 hours a week.! to support his grown as-s adult lazy a-s-s spouse who stay home for the past 12 years since marriage that leech off his money as he supporting her 100% financially.
Sorry, Mercury is Trine by a strong Domicile Mars and Mercury Trine by Saturn. Mercury Sextile by Jupiter, Mercury Square by Sun and Moon. Mercury has ALOT of help from all the planets around. If there anything happen to Mercury, all the planets will come to rescue because it all aspects Mercury. So saying this Mercury has no support is wrong.
Tbh, I wouldn't even call this Mercury a weak Mercury, as alot of planets all aspects to help it.
4) Native health is very Mars like this is why . All his life, and I mean all his life since little to adulthood, he has chronic inflammation immune disease, ulcers, abscess, puke out blood, where his own immune system attack his own soft tissues and body. Often cough out red blood and blood clots from ulcers and inflammation.
When Transit Mars enter Scorpio this year right on the 12th of Oct his left lung collapsed, I took him to Emergency Room, CT CAT scan of his chest, found a 5cm tumor mass in his left lung hence cause the lung to collapse and he has blood clots in his lungs.
All his symptoms are Mars symptoms. So saying Mars is a Benefic, sorry, I have a hard time see it.
I have pictures of he vomit out blood clots, if you want to see I can post it. I took pictures so I can show it to the hospital ER room.
5) His hobbies is very Mars like. Very Scorpio Mars, Scorpio Saturn, Scorpio Pluto, all in 5th house. And seem like Saturn need to work harder to contain Mars, as Mars do what the f-ck it wants in this hobby 5th house.
He owns 8 guns, 8 guns, he loves tactical Shotguns and Riffles.
He loves go to outdoor shooting range in the middle of no where and shoot at stationary and moving targets, they have those moving mobile robotic if you want to shoot moving targets, or those clays where it fly up high in the sky and you shoot it .
This is a hobby that he has been doing for 20 years long.
His other hobbies beside guns, are mountain climbing, no not rock climbing, but mountain climbing. Archery bow and arrow. And he loves run long distance routes. Long distance running.
And here, this is just 1 of his 8 guns, so you can see the type of guns he likes to shoot at outdoor shooting range in the middle of no where. I take a picture of his gun and dated with a sticker with my username on it (sahw is my username inMarriageTalk Forum where I been a member in ther for 12 years since I got married, sahw is short for Stay-at-home-wife).
eta: I remove the gun pic
Saturn actually didn't do a good job restraint Mars. Sorry Saturn is Retrograde and 8 orb WIDE Separate from Mars, 8 orb is wide for a slow moving transit Saturn, Separating meaning Saturn separate from Mars, Mars has more power here in the conjunction.
Anyhoo thanks to those who help me in this thread, I just want to understand more of native chart, that all. I know Hellenistic astrology myself, it just there still questions in his life that I still can't find an answer to even use Hellenistic.