Let me show this Transit of the exact time of the incident happened, just sharing about astrology with you. Tell me if you see the same thing as me in the transit.
August 1, 2023 at 5:38PM (yes, I noted the time as I know I need to look at the Transit once we get home). And yes, I posted this in Reddit sub right at that night when I was home ask for help read the Transit.
Anyhoo, what happened was:
We were in our car, my husband was driving. We were in no hurry, driving normal, obey the traffic laws, we were just going home. There was a car was rushing (must be in a rush going somewhere, Los Angeles freeway), so this car cut in front of us. My husband let this car cut in front of our car, as we were not in hurry, we just going home.
Then came a stop light, so ofcourse since this car cut in front of us, so this car was the 1st car at the stop light, my husband's car was the 2nd car, after that car (the car cut in front of us).
So when the lights turn green, ofcourse the 1st car (the car cut in front of us) go first, and then us, by order.
There was a driver out of no where like a drunk person on the other side (decided to run the red light), it was suppose to be us green light that go, but this car run the red light and slammed right into the car that cut in front of us.!, since the car that cut in front of us were the first to go since it 1st in line once the light turn green.
Ofcourse the ambulance and police come, look like a drunk young college student. Both cars were wreck.
here the thing, that car that decided to cut in front of my husband car, was why it got hit by the drunk driver, because it cut in front of us and was 1st in line when the lights turn green to go. It would have been us had that car didn't cut in front of us.!
SOMETHING in his chart SAVE him.
It clearly in the Transit, it Transit Mars that caused it. Transit Mars in Virgo transit his 3rd house of short travel/cars/on the road, Transit Mars Square his Natal Moon (and he the Moon in the chart) and Transit Mars and Square his Natal Uranus (sudden accident).
The Out of Sect Greatest Malefic Mars is hella evil, lol. But something in his chart save him, or else that car won't rush and cut in front of us, and got hit by a drunk driver instead. I was told Jupiter save him. But then maybe because Transit Mercury Domicile in Virgo was also with Transit Virgo Mars in that 3rd house, so Transit Domicile Mercury cushion soften it help a bit.
But clearly something in his chart save him. I was told Transit Jupiter in Taurus save him, as Transit Taurus Jupiter aspecting his Natal Scorpio Mars and Natal Scorpio Saturn.
What do you see? Do you see the same as I see? What I see is: Transit Mars in Virgo transit his 3rd house of short travel/cars/on the road, Transit Mars Square his Natal Moon (and he the Moon in the chart) and Transit Mars and Square his Natal Uranus (sudden accident). I just not know what planet save him, but something did.