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Astrologers' Community

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I recommend it, Ilene.. The mods don't have the tools to revise the software. If the system isn't giving you a 48-hour window, Alan is the one who can fix it.
Just to share with all, I am advised by Alan through a conversation with him that:
"You should have a 30 day window to edit a post. We don't allow deletion of posts."
I am glad to know the forum rules..
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Just to share with all, I am advised by Alan through a conversation with him that:
"You should have a 30 day window to edit a post. We don't allow deletion of posts."
I am glad to know the forum rules.
That must not be true. I can't edit a post from yesterday.
So is that true or not?

Lunar Man who joined March 2024 commented yesterday :

"..Was going to contribute to support this forum but it is sending the wrong message to people: "The satisfaction that you are supporting Astrologers' Weekly Forum's future and it's role within the hobby as a library of knowledge and community." Astrology is not a hobby, but a real profession where people make money and support their families.."

Maybe so


astrology IS a hobby for many

Keep in mind however
that the vast majority of our forum is composed of beginners
some are teenagers

who openly posted that they joined when they were twelve years old

very recently our forum has experienced
a huge influx of ex-members from the old astrodienst now-closed forum

However our forum is not intended

for professional astrologers

only one member is objecting to the word "..hobby.."
and nothing prevents that member from joining Skyscript
and being a member there as well as of our forum
Many of our forum members are members of Skyscript as well
Astrodienst closed their forum? That's news to me.
I was made very unwelcome there years ago and eventually banned... so good riddance is all I have further to say about that.
I wasn't made to feel welcome at Skyscript either, for that matter. Too closed minded.
I also didn't know that wintersprite asked you to take on the role that you claim. That's very interesting.
Is Wilson still with us?
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Frater, I'd recommend you consult with Alan. I am sorry that the mods don't have the answer.
I found that I can no longer edit old posts. That is problematic because I do have threads that were meant to be ongoing processes and those that are listings of known and unknown Astrological Parts being the most of concern.
The internet overall has changed much in the last 15 years. It's become less the medium for the free exchange of ideas and open discussion than it was at first. It's become far too commercial, and controlled by commercial interests, in my opinion.
This brings to mind an old poem that I was made to read in grade school. "Elbow room, shouted Daniel Boone" or maybe I should refer to Shakespeare's play "King John", as to the part of that play where King John says, “Ah…now my soul hath elbow room.”?
I may be headed "East of the Sun and West of the Moon" so as to join Daniel Boone.
As for "HOBBY"... I mean, "really"?
My hobby is quantum physics and I spend my evenings tinkering with a black hole that I created using ingredients found in just about any kitchen.
I am a bit puzzled about my cat's intense curiosity with it and, strangely, a number of his toys have seemingly disappeared recently.
But tinkering with quantum physics is all just good harmless fun, eh? A relaxing hobby and nothing more than that.
Astrodienst closed their forum? That's news to me.
I was made very unwelcome there years ago and eventually banned... so good riddance is all I have further to say about that.
I wasn't made to feel welcome at Skyscript either, for that matter. Too closed minded.
I also didn't know that wintersprite asked you to take on the role that you claim. That's very interesting.
Wintersprite1 said that if interested, a new group - "..The Welcome Wagon.." had been created
- was the Ancient Aeon B.A. aka "..Before Ads.." appeared on our forum :)
Forum was sold since then on January 6, 2012

There were groups members could join - not that many - Welcome Wagon was one.
Forum has recently re-sold

Is Wilson still with us?
abandoned ship recently
checked out May 23rd, 2024

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Hi everyone!

My name is Alan and I have come on as the tech admin to help run the back end and support the mods and admins.

I'm sure you've noticed some differences, but if you see something broken please send me a message and I will get it corrected.

I'm very happy to be here. I'm kind of new to astrology, but it's been on my radar for a very long time. My goal here is to learn as much as I can and help out as much as possible. You won't see or hear from me much outside of the occasional question or response to technical issues that need fixing.

I hope you all will please accept my apologies for the delay in posting my intro. I've been swamped getting things set up, and with the holidays coming, I'm just generally busy, busy, busy. I know you can all appreciate that.

Thanks for having me and I look forward to getting to know you all!
Welcome to the Alan (Turing) of Community Astrology forums, you are an enigma!
Happy New Year fixing bugs in the machine!
Just to share with all, I am advised by Alan through a conversation with him that:
"You should have a 30 day window to edit a post. We don't allow deletion of posts."
I am glad to know the forum rules.
That must not be true. I can't edit a post from yesterday.
So is that true or not?
I've just successfully edited a post from Monday of this week. So the EDIT function seems to be in place.
Well, my becoming aware of the new ownership explains why I was suddenly awarded 83 points, points that I never knew existed, all in one day recently. Yet I find that everyone else here has 113 points.
Gee, I might develop an inferiority complex, or have reason to believe that I'm being "dissed", or "shamed", maybe even discriminated against.?
Can I trade my points for prizes, are their tiers to be achieved by the accumulation of a certain amount of points and benefits to be gained by reaching those tiers? Any free stuff, such as T-shirts identifying me as an achiever, or bumper stickers to let other know of my achievements?
Word for the week: Quid Nunc ...!?!?
Well, my becoming aware of the new ownership explains why I was suddenly awarded 83 points, points that I never knew existed, all in one day recently. Yet I find that everyone else here has 113 points.
Gee, I might develop an inferiority complex, or have reason to believe that I'm being "dissed", or "shamed", maybe even discriminated against.? Can I trade my points for prizes, are their tiers to be achieved by the accumulation of a certain amount of points
Rumored Offers of Nirvana at some stage :)
and benefits to be gained by reaching those tiers? Any free stuff, such as T-shirts identifying me as an achiever, or bumper stickers to let other know of my achievements?
Word for the week: Quid Nunc ...!?!?
Non Semper Ea Sunt Videntur :)

Well, my becoming aware of the new ownership explains why I was suddenly awarded 83 points, points that I never knew existed, all in one day recently. Yet I find that everyone else here has 113 points.
Gee, I might develop an inferiority complex, or have reason to believe that I'm being "dissed", or "shamed", maybe even discriminated against.?
Can I trade my points for prizes, are their tiers to be achieved by the accumulation of a certain amount of points and benefits to be gained by reaching those tiers? Any free stuff, such as T-shirts identifying me as an achiever, or bumper stickers to let other know of my achievements?
Word for the week: Quid Nunc ...!?!?
Yeah, what are points for!?

Quidnunc!!! 😂 hahaha hahahaha
Basic members have a 24 hour window to edit but I have just bumped it up to the maximum I'm allowed of 48 hours.