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Basic members have a 24 hour window to edit but I have just bumped it up to the maximum I'm allowed of 48 hours.
What’s with the points? We all are trying to guess! Do they have a purpose? Can we save for a tshirt? Or a cup? Or is it for the satisfaction of getting points and gold stars?😊

“Inquiring minds want to know”

Those points are actually just trophies for reaching various milestones, though it's not clear if this is a feature of the forum software that was previously disabled, or something added by a plugin. I actually had them on a forum of mine a long time ago, simply because I didn't see a point in disabling them, and the software apparently did it out of the box.

The theory is that they would work kind of like Steam achievements. The notion that you're only a little bit further away from a trophy might make you more likely to engage to get that next trophy, make people compete with each other for more points in a friendly little game. See who can get the higher post count, who can get more likes on their posts, etc. Sort of making a game out of it.
a feature of the forum software that was previously disabled, or something added by a plugin
I think it's pretty clear that the forum under its new management underwent a software migration some time back. Those were the interruptions in service, etc that took everyone by surprise (and were our first clue). Didn't everyone notice the new look? The changes in the features (which we're still griping about)?
At the time, I thought what we were seeing was just a software migration. I wasn't until a week or so later the facts of the sale, the moderators being blindsided, etc. came out.
Those points are actually just trophies for reaching various milestones, though it's not clear if this is a feature of the forum software that was previously disabled, or something added by a plugin. I actually had them on a forum of mine a long time ago, simply because I didn't see a point in disabling them, and the software apparently did it out of the box.

The theory is that they would work kind of like Steam achievements. The notion that you're only a little bit further away from a trophy might make you more likely to engage to get that next trophy, make people compete with each other for more points in a friendly little game. See who can get the higher post count, who can get more likes on their posts, etc. Sort of making a game out of it.
No tshirts. No cups.

I think it's pretty clear that the forum under its new management underwent a software migration some time back. Those were the interruptions in service, etc that took everyone by surprise (and were our first clue). Didn't everyone notice the new look? The changes in the features (which we're still griping about)?
At the time, I thought what we were seeing was just a software migration. I wasn't until a week or so later the facts of the sale, the moderators being blindsided, etc. came out.
Yeah, but I didn’t guess that it was being sold. Funny I think on Dec 9th ish we were looking at the forums chart.

It was already done, and we didn’t know for sure.
I won't be responding to ANY postings asking for astrology help as there is no delete button anymore.

I used to delete postings for the following:
If I made a mistake in my astrology calculations which can easily happen when you are rushing to give an answer to return back to work.
The OP never responded back or replied in a very rude way, without even give a thank you for calculating their answer.
At Astrodienst, I used to take down my comments after posting if I felt my contribution was not accepted with a little gratitude or was openly opposed in an aggressive + hostile manner.
Some people don't like an answer you give them + lash out at you. I believe I should have the right to delete my comment to such people.

In conclusion, I'm not going to bother replying anymore unless it's chat threads where no reply or feedback is needed.

Taking away the delete button is a form of censorship.
I won't be responding to ANY postings asking for astrology help as there is no delete button anymore.
I used to delete postings for the following: If I made a mistake in my astrology calculations which can easily happen when you are rushing to give an answer to return back to work. The OP never responded back or replied in a very rude way, without even give a thank you for calculating their answer.
At Astrodienst, I used to take down my comments after posting if I felt my contribution was not accepted with a little gratitude or was openly opposed in an aggressive + hostile manner.
Some people don't like an answer you give them + lash out at you. I believe I should have the right to delete my comment to such people.
In conclusion, I'm not going to bother replying anymore unless it's chat threads where no reply or feedback is needed. Taking away the delete button is a form of censorship.
Response from the new owner is as follows :)
Basic members have a 24 hour window to edit but I have just bumped it up to the maximum I'm allowed of 48 hours.
seems the edit function is now only available to
those who pay for it

Question for the new owner :)
Are there other members on this forum who would be interested in a FINANCIAL ASTROLOGY section on this forum? If enough people are interested in it, maybe the administrators will consider a stand-alone sub forum on the topic?
My personal interests are real estate investments, stock market trades and recession economics.
If others have interests, please comment and maybe we can start something.
I'm not talking about the edit button but about the DELETE button.
Posts can no longer be deleted apparently
except by moderators
WHY has this option been taken away from the people ? ??????
the following linked guidelines
were written & provided to all members
by a moderator
& clearly shall have to be updated
as they no longer are feasible
because there is no DELETE button :)

It's very unfair + very undemocratic + will stop many people like myself from replying to threads.
From what I’ve picked up, the business premise of GB’s, is to create revenue from guests who visit this site which they find via Google searches. While reading our posts, the guests will also see ads, this is how the revenue from ads is created.
Therefore, the huge database of astrology posts we have here, is directly linked to GB’s revenue, which is why not being able to edit posts is likely restricted :)

However, since it is the guests who will be creating the majority of the revenue,

and us core members only make up a small percentage of revenues, Alan may be able to convince his superiors to give us some leeway. However, it depends on how much revenue they also want to make from us core members, or if keeping us content is a priority or an extra they are willing to afford

. But we aren’t essential to the running of this business model,

it’s the huge database of posts that is essential. That’s just my summation.
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My immediate thought on the matter, when I first learned of the deletion of the delete option was that the new owners believe they own every single word that has ever been posted here at AW and that any loss of even the least is still a loss in equity.In the previous formatting system there was place at the bottom of the page where you could find out the exact number of current visitors, and it also gave info as to how many were members and how many were not. It also gave the number of the most visitors it ever had all at once. I seem to recall it was over 20,000 and that's what the marketers use to price advertising space to commercial interests.
As studies of internet usage have demonstrated that at any given time 60% of the use is from people looking at pornography.
With all the recent advances in virtual 3D technology, then maybe it would also be possible to provide virtual lap-dances, and, HEY, maybe even some "private rooms" for a virtual astrological massage?!?!?

I think pierce is getting excited here...
Yall are wild. Here is how much this site rakes in. in advertising dollars;


You have to run forums at scale because individual forums make very little money, lots of them, ones we host, we lose money on because we won't discontinue a forum. The conspiracies are funny to read sometimes but sad on how little people know but act so confidently like they do. I wish a societal shift would change that because it's not specific to forums but a general shift post Internet.
Yall are wild.
<…>. The conspiracies are funny to read sometimes but sad on how little people know but act so confidently like they do. I wish a societal shift would change that because it's not specific to forums but a general shift post Internet.

On another note, I would like to mention to those interested that the Dark theme background is now available in my account under Preferences. Another non-member just checked and they have it available too.
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Yall are wild. Here is how much this site rakes in. in advertising dollars;

View attachment 116392

You have to run forums at scale because individual forums make very little money, lots of them, ones we host, we lose money on because we won't discontinue a forum. The conspiracies are funny to read sometimes but sad on how little people know but act so confidently like they do. I wish a societal shift would change that because it's not specific to forums but a general shift post Internet.


Crazy, so what’s in it for anyone to put up with us?🫤

What’s your Sun sign Alan? Sun won’t give us much to play with, 1/12 is pretty generic.

Inquiring minds stuff.
Have you ever?

You know this as you follow me closely. I have responded to numerous people on the forum regarding astrology questions, particularly on the horary section as I enjoy this sector of astrology very much.

But I won't be doing it anymore for the reasons I listed. There are drunk, mentally ill people who post + you don't know that when you first respond to them. Or people who ignore their question + never come back to the forum. That's why we need a DELETE button option. Why should my time + effort be ignored, attacked by the OP? I should have the right to delete any postings that are offensive to me + without that, I won't be replying to any personal postings anymore.

I will continue to post in the MUNDANE ASTROLOGY threads as I'm one of the best astrologers on this forum regarding this area. I think it's important for people to understand why the Cosmic Science can be so relevant in today's world. It's been really abused by astrologers today who ignore proven + tried astrology techniques because they don't fit in with their political biases. That's why I was the only one who successfully predicted Trump winning in a landslide + Harris being decimated.....based on their natal maps, transits, solar arcs + progressions.
Speaking of staying out of threads, is this a conversation best conducted in the Administrator's Introduction to the community thread?
Just a thought...

https://astrologyweekly.com/help/terms/NEW TERMS SINCE NEW OWNERSHIP :)
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I’m not asking for anyone’s heads to be chopped off, just consistency in rules, without special privileges for the lucky few.
I remember another user writing a very insightful post about how different personalities prefer different style of leadership.
With the forum now being under a new ownership, which is very commercialised, it’s changed my perception of the forum - I saw this forum as a place of independence before. A wild and untamed little part of the internet. So that’s the crux of my discontent.
I don’t want to bring anyone down though, by keeping going on about it. I’ve just felt big changes within a very short amount of time, which doesn’t naturally align with my independent spirit so much anymore. That’s all.
There is no malice in my discontent, just a loss of what I felt was a type of independent freedom that this forum once provided me.
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These terms may be changed at any time without notice.
If you do not agree with these terms, please do not register or use the Service. Use of the Service constitutes acceptance of these terms. If you wish to close your account, please contact us.

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