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Maddie's DNA wasn't recovered anywhere in the McCanns' rented apartment.
And this puzzles deeply.
It's as if she was never there -- sleeping or playing, either inside or outside.
More importantly, it's as if someone went to great lengths to erase her completely :)
before the police were called. :)

The absence of Maddie's DNA cannot support the McCanns' kidnapping theory, either.

In a situation
where the McCanns' children were being checked frequently
no kidnapper would take the time to get rid of every trace of Maddie

- i.e. change pillow slip and bedsheets, for example
knowing that an adult might come in any minute.

MADELEINE MCCANN Detective Amaral's Theory



Not a very relaxing night out if they’re all jumping up and down

checking on the kid - would have been so much less stressful

to have employed a babysitter

would appear that some big names are being protected but the question is, why?
Strange case from start to finish with the perpetrators walking around freely.

Why Tapas Group were

a few french fries short of a happy meal :)


- just how often do children get abducted indoors, from a place they are living in?
It would require a huge nerve verging on recklessness :)
on the part of the abductor to attempt such a thing.

Abductions of children seem to overwhelmingly happen outdoors
in scenarios such as the child playing in a field or walking down the street.
Also, when children are murdered by killers they do not know
how often are the bodies extremely well hidden? Although there are exceptions
such as The Moors Murders where the victims were older
most abducted/murdered children are usually just unceremoniously dumped

in a ditch and discovered not too long afterwards.


This case was over complicated from the start
if the Portuguese police had been able to follow through with their investigation :)
the outcome would have been different.
The case was structurally derailed by the uk
& it became politcal
and the moment that happened it was over.
The talking heads were paid well with the fund money - that in itself is criminal.
MM was turned into a brand that has been marketed ever since.


Brilliant decision.
Their absolute arrogance thought they could blame Portugal
for their own failings as parents

Kate and Gerry McCann

have lost their libel case
against Goncalo Amaral
in the European Court of Human Rights! :)
They claim that Goncalo Amaral took away their right to a fair trial
a right to a private family life, freedom of expression

AND he damaged the search for Madeleine. Many disagree

Kate and Gerry McCann Lose Libel Case and Rightly So :)


Multiple Thousands of children have gone missing
since this child fell victim to her parents negligence
and they never get a mention.

Hotel had on-call babysitters for the guests
two people in well paid jobs
decided not to cough up for one and still go out for a drink

Madeleine McCann: "..Shocking New Evidence Emerges

That May Crack the Case.." :)






I don't consider this so unorthodox. Have you looked at the charts for the two possible times of the void? The traditional would be the trine to Mars and the modern would be the square to Neptune at a critical degree. At astrodienst I pointed out that she has a very prominant marking in her Moon eye that would indicate problems in her colon area. I think her natal chart with correct time will put her Moon at that same angle, around the 3rd house or 7-7:30. If I printed the picture out I could probably get an exact angle. I can't see clear enough to know if their are healing lines in it. But an iridologist would be concerned with that. Looking at the two charts mentioned, Trine Mars and Square Neptune, there easily could be a major health issue involving an obstruction or binding (Neptune) in the lower abdomen. The trine to Mars has Virgo/Pisces intercepted in 6/12, the square to Neptune has Scorpio/Taurus intercepted there.

I watched a news interview yesterday with the parents and noticed the mother couldn't keep her eyes still. The whole time she talked she kept darting to her left, over and over. The only time I do that is when I am trying to imagine something. When people lie they often look to the left. Recalling facts or accessing memory is to the right. I wasn't comfortable at all watching her. I suppose she could have been imagining all the horrible things that could be happening to her little girl but I don't see how she could have been able to talk like she was if that were happening, it would be too distracting. Mars in Pisces just past Uranus could be an inflamed, herniated (bound) bowel that ruptured some time before. The square to Neptune could also describe an obstructed bowel unnoticed. After the void Moon made a 6th house inconjunct to Venus ruling the reflex action to the bowel. The final void chart has 0Gem rising. The asteroid Madeline was at 6Gem. That is quindecile the void Moon at a critical degree. At the time of her dissapearance Moon was quindicile Mercury, ruler, and the Sun, ruling the end of matters in that chart. I'm trying to figure out how to determine location in a chart now. The asteroid was in the west of the chart when she was reported missing.
Connie dearest, - I address you as Connie, as though we were in 2007... -. I recall many of us posting extensively on this awfully-sad matter... also years after the event, when a German pedophile was accused of the misdeed. It would take too long, just now, to go through all these pages but I find your remarks very close to truth. Somewhere, in our analyses, the parents' involvement was intensively discussed. As at present, still the name of the suspect, a German pedophile is attentioned, as he is being released from prison, where he is for other crimes.
Connie, we have'nt heard from each other for years... I do wish you are doing well. Love from violalaura

Why would a mother
immediately wash her missing child's
favorite toy (cuddle cat) ?
Washing off her scent forever ! Really ?
Cadaver scent ?
G. McCann was even filmed '..Laughing & drinking..'
out on a balcony a couple of days after
Maddie '..disappeared..' !
The Portuguese detective was right all along :)


Why would a mother
immediately wash her missing child's
favorite toy (cuddle cat) ?

Washing off her scent forever ! Really ?
Cadaver scent ?
G. McCann was even filmed '..Laughing & drinking..'
out on a balcony a couple of days after
Maddie '..disappeared..' !
The Portuguese detective was right all along :)

Fully agree.

The Hidden Truth Who Is Kate Marie Healy McCann

The Story You Don't Know :)

Dont ever count on seeing justice being served .
This pair are untouchable.


Madeleine McCann’s body
has finally been found
after years of desperate searches
& unanswered questions.

Her disappearance had captured the attention
of the entire world, with people holding on
to hope for nearly two decades. :)

What started as a family vacation
turned into one of the most tragic
& confusing stories we’ve ever seen.

Could there be more to this heartbreaking story?
The actual truth about this case
that police don’t want you to know :)


Neglect your children, resulting in
one child dying & people
donate over a million pounds.
You cannot make this up.

MADELEINE MCCANN Prime Suspect Bruckner turns out to be McCanns' "..Golden Goose.." :)
