Help! I'm freaaaking out! Did I finally meet the one?

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madame moon

Active member
Apr 3, 2012
Please help me! I've been searching for someone forever and started to believe it wasn't my destiny to get married. I'm 45 and met a fellow that for the first time, feels like someone I could marry. I'm freaking out! I seriously need some input on whether or not this looks like he could be my mach. I would appreciate any help I can! Haha.


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Please help me! I've been searching for someone forever
and started to believe it wasn't my destiny to get married.
I'm 45 and met a fellow that for the first time, feels like someone I could marry.
I'm freaking out!
I seriously need some input on whether or not this looks like he could be my mach.
I would appreciate any help I can! Haha.
delineating ANY natal chart takes many hours, days, weeks, even months
IF the question is considered thoughtfully
then horary astrology provides more immediate answers
instructions how to formulate an horary question are at

so for serious answer to your question consider starting a thread on the Horary forum
for questions on RELATIONAL ISSUES

then also members can post their ideas regarding your natal chart on this thread as well :smile:
OH! I was wanting someone to look at a relationship chart more than a natal reading...
natal reading shows the natal promise
so two natal readings are required
to ascertain the natal promise of each individuals chart

that's why when I saw the thread title
I read it as an horary relational question

and that of course is just another option for you to find answers :smile:
delineating ANY natal chart takes many hours, days, weeks, even months
IF the question is considered thoughtfully
then horary astrology provides more immediate answers
instructions how to formulate an horary question are at

This is not true. It's just your opinion, which is not true.

This may be true only for you, because you do not know in another way.

There is nothing more precise than the birth chart and it is the only correct indication, other chart are only assist the natal chart.
This is not true. It's just your opinion, which is not true.

This may be true only for you, because you do not know in another way.

There is nothing more precise than the birth chart and it is the only correct indication, other chart are only assist the natal chart.
And precisely the same applies to you
this comment is simply just your opinion

delineating ANY natal chart definitely takes many hours, days, weeks, even months

IF the question is considered thoughtfully
then horary astrology provides more immediate answers

instructions how to formulate an horary question are at

it's not about my opinion, already the basics of astrology. If for you, natal chart is not basic, then you astray in astrology.

He didn't say it was basic, he said that a natal chart reading takes time, and he merely states that an horary chart is faster to read for specific results.

Whats up with the unnecesary attack on JUPASC ??
Clearly you misunderstood my comment
when you said

This is not true. It's just your opinion, which is not true.

This may be true only for you, because you do not know in another way.

There is nothing more precise than the birth chart and it is the only correct indication, other chart are only assist the natal chart
I responded to your comment regarding opinion:

And precisely the same applies to you
this comment is simply just your opinion

delineating ANY natal chart definitely takes many hours, days, weeks, even months

IF the question is considered thoughtfully
then horary astrology provides more immediate answers

instructions how to formulate an horary question are at

to which you assert

it's not about my opinion, already the basics of astrology.
If for you, natal chart is not basic, then you astray in astrology.

it seems that your opinion is that Horary astrology is somehow 'astray in astrology'

you are entitled to your opinion
with which I simply disagree

i.e. as I said
particularly for those who have no reliable time of birth
or even day of birth

and therefore have no natal chart
Horary astrology IS very useful :smile:
hi madame moon

My first flash is WOW WOW WOW.
The composite chart has eros conjunct to venus and these conjunct the north node with the sun/Jupiter/Uranus conjunct the south node.venus/eros/opposed to Uranus/sun give a very immediate and intense physical/emotional attraction and with the node and Uranus a powerful psychic/astral connection. This aspect shows that you and he have a strong dream connection and could actually communicate in your dreams in addition to being in each other’s dreams frequently. Physical intimacy likely brings feelings of soulmate because the spiritual and physical planes both burst together.
With Jupiter and the sun on the south node, marriage and commitment are part of the attraction and with juno square to the node the feeling for marriage go both ways.
As nice as this sounds there are some issues with Uranus as Uranus/Jupiter can show a quick engagement and marriage but very often ,if not always, shows divorce in the future. These aspects are very unstable. the named asteroid marc is trine/sextile to the nodal/Jupiter conjunction which implies he is very sincere about marriage. With Neptune sextile to marc and also trine/sextile to the nodal axis, sun and venus, he certainly is sensitive, loving and caring of you.
Eris is on the ascendant opposed to the vertex on the descendant. This is a very sexual aspect but eris always brings caution as the carnal lust can displace true intimate love and wit the vertex involved, the sexuality compatibility is greatly increased but the tendency of eris to be more concerned with sex that love must be watched out for, as the intense sexuality does not always translate in to love when eris is strong as this chart shows.
Another important consideration is that with Jupiter/juno/node together, the financial situation must be looked at as this shows substantial financial assets are involved. Even though there are strong devotional aspects around mark, the sizeable financial assets must always be considered when trying to analyze his true motives.
The named asteroid lisa is square to psyche and the mars/venus midpoint which is conjunct psyche which shows you both are head over heels n love, but lisa is also square to orcus which is opposed to psyche. with orcus near the IC,the implication is that even though your emotional connection is very intense and direct, there are some unspoken, maybe unconscious dynamics at the base of the relationship. lisa is conjunct the moon and ceres is conjunct psyche. This is a bit troubling as it implies that your feelings of love have been fooled before by someone who was actually acting with selfish motives in a love relationship.
But here mars is trine to orcus so it is very possible the harshness of orcus will not manifest.
Orcus square to the moon implies you have some unconscious emotional issue that may put blinders on you when you are deeply in love. This implies that in the past you made some wrong choices because you psyche has unconscious blind spots. That these dynamics are on the MC/IC axis is a bit troubling because it means there are unconscious dynamics in your conscious appraisal of the relationship. Unconscious issues are very tricky because this implies that conscious decision are being heavily influenced by the unconscious. With the mars/venus midpoint also opposed to Orcus, there is another aspect that brings a strong carnal impulse into the emotional intimacy pictured. The mars/venus/orcus aspect is very sexual but it also shows there may be emotional issues which sometimes will later tone down the physical attraction.
The 12th house position of the Venus/node/eros conjunction also shows that the relationship will be conditioned by your social milieu. This could be past spouses or children ,if there are any, or could show other undefined social responsibilities tha may take precedence over this relationship. On the flip side the 12th house can increase the financial standings greatly.
I have to play the devil’s advocate because the hard orcus/moon aspect can override the sextile/trines that show a very loving and devoted attitude. In composites, hard unconscious aspect always trump the aspects of harmony and sensitivity.
One aspect that can show a hard edge is the asteroid mark square to ixion. This shows he has a critical and manipulative side and can be uncompromising when his needs are the subject. This makes him realistic but sometimes too critical.
a greater uncertainty is the sword of god defined by Saturn inconjunct to Neptune and the sun. this aspect has the potential to turn the Neptune/sun harmony into a manipulative aspect rather than a aspect of harmony and compatibility.
It would seem that this relationship “took off” when the transiting node was conjunct asteroid lisa at 19libra29 , square to the mars/venus midpoint at 19libra29 on 9/18/14 and square to psyche at 18cap 56 on 11/10/14. This nodal transits is continuing as the node was conjunct the moon at 16libra40 12/19/14 and is currently heading to a conjunction with the asc/dsc axis at 12libra 0 on 1/31/15 and then the south node conjuncts eris at 11aries 52 2/1/15 and the north node transits the vertex on10libra15 on… so it seems the passion will grow stronger.

This transiting scenario implies that the love between you was romantic and idealistic at 19 aries and is now heading toward purely sexual gratification as the node approaches Eris. If my distinctions between romantic and carnal are valid, you will notice the difference when eris/vertex is transited as the nature of the physical and emotional sensitivity may change.

Either way I would suggest that marriage be put back until after the node transits Jupiter and the composite node at 0libra46 on 10/18/15 and 0libra36 on 10/28/15. As I have said these symbols shows a substantial financial situation and any potential problems because of money will surface during these transits.
the nature of Uranus is too rush into marriage, but I suggest you look to the long term.
If all goes well then a marriage would be very propitious when the nodal axis transits venus at26pisces29 on 12/12/15 and the sun at 27virgo 47 on 12/8/15.

Clearly you misunderstood my comment
when you said

I responded to your comment regarding opinion:

to which you assert

it seems that your opinion is that Horary astrology is somehow 'astray in astrology'

you are entitled to your opinion
with which I simply disagree

i.e. as I said
particularly for those who have no reliable time of birth
or even day of birth
and therefore have no natal chart
Horary astrology IS very useful :smile:
I've never seen a better example of trollish posts going so off topic and showing such discourtesy to a member trying to get a normal response like the 10 thousands of others who have asked the same question.
but at least I know who Jupiter ascendants troll cohorts are.
Rahu, God bless you for helping me. I'm not kidding when I said I'm freaking out and need help! And, WTH is all this other stuff being posted? I was just asking for a kind favor! Ha!

Anyway, when you say WOW WOW WOW, I'm not sure if that's good or bad. From what I read, it doesn't sound so good. It sounds like I'm, as you correctly pointed out, falling into another trap based on unconscious dynamics. Lord knows I've had far too many traumas surrounding relationships and I think that's the main reason I'm terrified right now. I know all too well how I fall into these illusions and am desperate not to repeat it again. I've given this guy a pretty hard time trying to figure him out, and am convinced he's just like the rest. But then again, maybe I'm projected my past on him. Yes, there's been some things pop up, but on the whole, he's not been anything but kind, gentle and generous with me--very loving behavior toward me. My jaded side says it's all an act, which makes me nervous when you say he might be manipulative and has hidden motives with me...

Having said ALL that--my question is simply, should I run? Ha. I'm not familiar with the type of reading you gave with the astroids. I'm curious too what you thought about the traditional synastry chart? God bless you!!!
Rahu, God bless you for helping me. I'm not kidding when I said I'm freaking out and need help! And, WTH is all this other stuff being posted? I was just asking for a kind favor! Ha!

Anyway, when you say WOW WOW WOW, I'm not sure if that's good or bad. From what I read, it doesn't sound so good. It sounds like I'm, as you correctly pointed out, falling into another trap based on unconscious dynamics. Lord knows I've had far too many traumas surrounding relationships and I think that's the main reason I'm terrified right now. I know all too well how I fall into these illusions and am desperate not to repeat it again. I've given this guy a pretty hard time trying to figure him out, and am convinced he's just like the rest. But then again, maybe I'm projected my past on him. Yes, there's been some things pop up, but on the whole, he's not been anything but kind, gentle and generous with me--very loving behavior toward me. My jaded side says it's all an act, which makes me nervous when you say he might be manipulative and has hidden motives with me...

Having said ALL that--my question is simply, should I run? Ha. I'm not familiar with the type of reading you gave with the astroids. I'm curious too what you thought about the traditional synastry chart? God bless you!!!

he wow wow wow comes from so much energy coming from the nodal axis.
you might read about the nodal energy. this link is not specifically about composites but it will give you an idea of how intense and complex the nodal energy is

the nodes can bring heaven or hell. usually the Uranus aspect shows an intense psychic/emotional/physical connection but no one that has durations. this because the intensity is other worldly, and this heighten energy does not work in relationships that demand compromise and emotionally stable routine.

I would go with your feelings .

I don't look at synastry much unless it involves multi composites. to me the composites is the nature of the relationship. it is more efficient when trying to look at dates.

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