Hello. I posted before with a photo of the chart but I realized it didn't work. I need help reading this chart to find out possibly if my friend is alive still or where he could have gone. Anything that could help. Thank you so much.
Hi - Just quickly, ruler of the 11th is your friend, shown by Saturn which is in the 10th, in good condition because he's in his own Sign, Capricorn.
Lilly says that if a missing person is in the 9th, 10th, or 11th House, it is very likely that he is alive.
Also, Saturn is separating (not applying) to a trine with Mars, the ruler of the 8th (of death.) That's the radical chart.
However, when we turn the chart, which we must do because you have asked the question, not him, we find the missing person is in his 12th House, so it is possible that he has retired from public view (in retreat somewhere or into an institution of some kind - including hospitals or even prison.)
Is any of this a possibility? Why do you ask the question whether he is "still alive" or not? Do you have any reason for supposing that he has died?