Ladies and gentlemen of this wonderful forum, I need your help because what do even degrees mean? Someone please help? I went on Astrotheme and I was trying to read my chart but then I read the interpretation of some of my degrees and was horrified. Some are true, yes I am very aggressive and straightforward as a person. But, some degrees like this one made me scratch my head. Like this one for instance. In the end of the interpretation it says that the degree is ruled by death and destruction??? Not to mention the 8 degree Mars in Aries has to do with weapons? Don’t know anything about weapons. Mind you, I was born during a war and have seen several wars in my lifetime. Not sure if this is what these degrees mean? Who is dying in my love life? Unfortunately all my exes are alive and doing well
, just kidding fortunately. Does it mean a dead love life which makes more sense?
Interpretation of the 9° Aries symbolic degree
"A hunter holding a rifle stands amid corpses and injured people on one side, and on the other, his hunting board: pheasants, partridges, and hares." (Janduz version)
Quiet, courageous, and generous character. Success is achieved in a very unusual and prestigious occupation requiring boldness, such as in the military, big game hunting, politics, etc. Should the natal chart concur, one can have a quite remarkable career in chemistry, mechanics, or metalwork such as the manufacture of weapons. One wins many a victory, including in the romantic field, which is fraught with hurdles and hurt self-esteem. This degree indicates that success is, somehow, linked to deaths or destruction.
This second interpretation scared me because it came true. I barely have any friends and the other day I had a major fight with a close friend, and have no friends anymore just acquaintances at best. Basically I had helped a female friend last year with her business. She was making body scrubs, I told her to start making more products and over the course of a year, redesigned her brand 4 times and changed her logo, among other things. She was kind enough to send me gifts. Then, I gave her an idea that her then bf told me we could all bank on. She then decides to use someone else instead. I tried to reason with her and I then cut her off because I felt I was being backstabbed. Long story short, my close friend, at one time a best friend of 22 years still kept her products at his store. Id explained the story to him. Then something snapped in me when I saw her in his Christmas exhibition second year in a row using the designs and ideas I gave her. I know my other friend is blameless but I can’t be friends with someone who supports an enemy, there is a conflict of interest here. I told him as much. He got defensive and blamed her ex. Now I’m officially all alone. This interpretation is so true because I don’t think at my age I’ll be making new friends. I’ve been wondering why I did what I did? I hope I wasn’t too unfair but it’s a matter of trust and loyalty. If anyone thinks I’ll die alone with no friends and no partner please let me know. lol I’d like to at least get a heads up.
Interpretation of the 22° Pisces symbolic degree
"In a luxurious house, a young man stares at two daggers lain in a cross shape on the table." (Janduz version)
Obsessive, unbalanced, and aggressive character revelling in provocations, plots, and conflicts. Wealth and great honours are often followed by fall from grace. This is caused by bad luck, rashness, or a nervous breakdown. No external help is to be expected since one has no friends. One must beware of burns and injuries made by bladed weapons. If in the natal chart, Jupiter is stronger than Mars, the danger is significantly offset. Nevertheless, one must remain cautious and avoid risky situations such as hunting or all occupations involving handling firearms and cutting devices. If natal Mercury is on this degree, one is blessed with an excellent memory.
Now my Jupiter is supposed to me make me wealthy. I’m not I’m poor.
Jupiter in House II
Jupiter is in the 2nd House. Why does the Tradition credit Jupiter with such a fortunate influence? According to some treaties, no financial disaster can affect the lucky beneficiary of a 2nd House Jupiter. And even better, he is supposed to live in a natural affluence far from any kind of poverty. It is necessary to put these assertions into perspective. Indeed, some people are destitute although they feel rich in their head and can live in an environment full of cheap luxury! You are interested in acquisitions and possessions, and you have tremendous aptitudes for seizing any opportunity to make a capital yield profit, regardless of the source it comes from, and in spite of the reversal of fortune you might have undergone.
This degree scares me because it says I’ll end up poor? So I’ll end up broke and alone? I mean the poor part is there already but will it get worse? I won’t be homeless right? These are different degrees of poor
. I have been sufficiently traumatized because between sharp blades and weapons and poverty and no friends, I am shooketh. Please someone help put my tiny mind and heart at ease? What is the meaning of all this? Some of it is too accurate and I’m to be honest dreading my old age, should I grow old at least. Here I was thinking the reason for my recent problems were transits. One look at these and I was blown away.
Thanks in advance to everyone and sorry for the loooong rant

Interpretation of the 16° Sagittarius symbolic degree
"« In the middle of the sea, an old man on a raft leans on a stick." (Janduz version)
Introverted, daring, and independent character. For some reason, one is estranged from parents during childhood. Loneliness has contributed to slowly develop willpower, resilience, and audacity. One achieves several remarkable feats of bravery, but success brings about foolhardiness, and after repeated risky undertakings resulting in failures and losses, the last part of life is marked by poverty.