Help!! What is the significance of each degree?

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Nov 1, 2022

Ladies and gentlemen of this wonderful forum, I need your help because what do even degrees mean? Someone please help? I went on Astrotheme and I was trying to read my chart but then I read the interpretation of some of my degrees and was horrified. Some are true, yes I am very aggressive and straightforward as a person. But, some degrees like this one made me scratch my head. Like this one for instance. In the end of the interpretation it says that the degree is ruled by death and destruction??? Not to mention the 8 degree Mars in Aries has to do with weapons? Don’t know anything about weapons. Mind you, I was born during a war and have seen several wars in my lifetime. Not sure if this is what these degrees mean? Who is dying in my love life? Unfortunately all my exes are alive and doing well 😂, just kidding fortunately. Does it mean a dead love life which makes more sense?​

Interpretation of the 9° Aries symbolic degree​

"A hunter holding a rifle stands amid corpses and injured people on one side, and on the other, his hunting board: pheasants, partridges, and hares." (Janduz version)​

Quiet, courageous, and generous character. Success is achieved in a very unusual and prestigious occupation requiring boldness, such as in the military, big game hunting, politics, etc. Should the natal chart concur, one can have a quite remarkable career in chemistry, mechanics, or metalwork such as the manufacture of weapons. One wins many a victory, including in the romantic field, which is fraught with hurdles and hurt self-esteem. This degree indicates that success is, somehow, linked to deaths or destruction.

This second interpretation scared me because it came true. I barely have any friends and the other day I had a major fight with a close friend, and have no friends anymore just acquaintances at best. Basically I had helped a female friend last year with her business. She was making body scrubs, I told her to start making more products and over the course of a year, redesigned her brand 4 times and changed her logo, among other things. She was kind enough to send me gifts. Then, I gave her an idea that her then bf told me we could all bank on. She then decides to use someone else instead. I tried to reason with her and I then cut her off because I felt I was being backstabbed. Long story short, my close friend, at one time a best friend of 22 years still kept her products at his store. Id explained the story to him. Then something snapped in me when I saw her in his Christmas exhibition second year in a row using the designs and ideas I gave her. I know my other friend is blameless but I can’t be friends with someone who supports an enemy, there is a conflict of interest here. I told him as much. He got defensive and blamed her ex. Now I’m officially all alone. This interpretation is so true because I don’t think at my age I’ll be making new friends. I’ve been wondering why I did what I did? I hope I wasn’t too unfair but it’s a matter of trust and loyalty. If anyone thinks I’ll die alone with no friends and no partner please let me know. lol I’d like to at least get a heads up.​

Interpretation of the 22° Pisces symbolic degree​

"In a luxurious house, a young man stares at two daggers lain in a cross shape on the table." (Janduz version)​

Obsessive, unbalanced, and aggressive character revelling in provocations, plots, and conflicts. Wealth and great honours are often followed by fall from grace. This is caused by bad luck, rashness, or a nervous breakdown. No external help is to be expected since one has no friends. One must beware of burns and injuries made by bladed weapons. If in the natal chart, Jupiter is stronger than Mars, the danger is significantly offset. Nevertheless, one must remain cautious and avoid risky situations such as hunting or all occupations involving handling firearms and cutting devices. If natal Mercury is on this degree, one is blessed with an excellent memory.

Now my Jupiter is supposed to me make me wealthy. I’m not I’m poor.​

Jupiter in House II​

Jupiter is in the 2nd House. Why does the Tradition credit Jupiter with such a fortunate influence? According to some treaties, no financial disaster can affect the lucky beneficiary of a 2nd House Jupiter. And even better, he is supposed to live in a natural affluence far from any kind of poverty. It is necessary to put these assertions into perspective. Indeed, some people are destitute although they feel rich in their head and can live in an environment full of cheap luxury! You are interested in acquisitions and possessions, and you have tremendous aptitudes for seizing any opportunity to make a capital yield profit, regardless of the source it comes from, and in spite of the reversal of fortune you might have undergone.

This degree scares me because it says I’ll end up poor? So I’ll end up broke and alone? I mean the poor part is there already but will it get worse? I won’t be homeless right? These are different degrees of poor 😂. I have been sufficiently traumatized because between sharp blades and weapons and poverty and no friends, I am shooketh. Please someone help put my tiny mind and heart at ease? What is the meaning of all this? Some of it is too accurate and I’m to be honest dreading my old age, should I grow old at least. Here I was thinking the reason for my recent problems were transits. One look at these and I was blown away.​

Thanks in advance to everyone and sorry for the loooong rant 💋😂❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️

Interpretation of the 16° Sagittarius symbolic degree​

"« In the middle of the sea, an old man on a raft leans on a stick." (Janduz version)​

Introverted, daring, and independent character. For some reason, one is estranged from parents during childhood. Loneliness has contributed to slowly develop willpower, resilience, and audacity. One achieves several remarkable feats of bravery, but success brings about foolhardiness, and after repeated risky undertakings resulting in failures and losses, the last part of life is marked by poverty.


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Ladies and gentlemen of this wonderful forum, I need your help because what do even degrees mean? Someone please help? I went on Astrotheme and I was trying to read my chart but then I read the interpretation of some of my degrees and was horrified. Some are true, yes I am very aggressive and straightforward as a person. But, some degrees like this one made me scratch my head. Like this one for instance. In the end of the interpretation it says that the degree is ruled by death and destruction??? Not to mention the 8 degree Mars in Aries has to do with weapons? Don’t know anything about weapons. Mind you, I was born during a war and have seen several wars in my lifetime. Not sure if this is what these degrees mean? Who is dying in my love life? Unfortunately all my exes are alive and doing well 😂, just kidding fortunately. Does it mean a dead love life which makes more sense?​

Interpretation of the 9° Aries symbolic degree​

"A hunter holding a rifle stands amid corpses and injured people on one side, and on the other, his hunting board: pheasants, partridges, and hares." (Janduz version)​

Quiet, courageous, and generous character. Success is achieved in a very unusual and prestigious occupation requiring boldness, such as in the military, big game hunting, politics, etc. Should the natal chart concur, one can have a quite remarkable career in chemistry, mechanics, or metalwork such as the manufacture of weapons. One wins many a victory, including in the romantic field, which is fraught with hurdles and hurt self-esteem. This degree indicates that success is, somehow, linked to deaths or destruction.

This second interpretation scared me because it came true. I barely have any friends and the other day I had a major fight with a close friend, and have no friends anymore just acquaintances at best. Basically I had helped a female friend last year with her business. She was making body scrubs, I told her to start making more products and over the course of a year, redesigned her brand 4 times and changed her logo, among other things. She was kind enough to send me gifts. Then, I gave her an idea that her then bf told me we could all bank on. She then decides to use someone else instead. I tried to reason with her and I then cut her off because I felt I was being backstabbed. Long story short, my close friend, at one time a best friend of 22 years still kept her products at his store. Id explained the story to him. Then something snapped in me when I saw her in his Christmas exhibition second year in a row using the designs and ideas I gave her. I know my other friend is blameless but I can’t be friends with someone who supports an enemy, there is a conflict of interest here. I told him as much. He got defensive and blamed her ex. Now I’m officially all alone. This interpretation is so true because I don’t think at my age I’ll be making new friends. I’ve been wondering why I did what I did? I hope I wasn’t too unfair but it’s a matter of trust and loyalty. If anyone thinks I’ll die alone with no friends and no partner please let me know. lol I’d like to at least get a heads up.​

Interpretation of the 22° Pisces symbolic degree​

"In a luxurious house, a young man stares at two daggers lain in a cross shape on the table." (Janduz version)​

Obsessive, unbalanced, and aggressive character revelling in provocations, plots, and conflicts. Wealth and great honours are often followed by fall from grace. This is caused by bad luck, rashness, or a nervous breakdown. No external help is to be expected since one has no friends. One must beware of burns and injuries made by bladed weapons. If in the natal chart, Jupiter is stronger than Mars, the danger is significantly offset. Nevertheless, one must remain cautious and avoid risky situations such as hunting or all occupations involving handling firearms and cutting devices. If natal Mercury is on this degree, one is blessed with an excellent memory.

Now my Jupiter is supposed to me make me wealthy. I’m not I’m poor.​

Jupiter in House II​

Jupiter is in the 2nd House. Why does the Tradition credit Jupiter with such a fortunate influence? According to some treaties, no financial disaster can affect the lucky beneficiary of a 2nd House Jupiter. And even better, he is supposed to live in a natural affluence far from any kind of poverty. It is necessary to put these assertions into perspective. Indeed, some people are destitute although they feel rich in their head and can live in an environment full of cheap luxury! You are interested in acquisitions and possessions, and you have tremendous aptitudes for seizing any opportunity to make a capital yield profit, regardless of the source it comes from, and in spite of the reversal of fortune you might have undergone.

This degree scares me because it says I’ll end up poor? So I’ll end up broke and alone? I mean the poor part is there already but will it get worse? I won’t be homeless right? These are different degrees of poor 😂. I have been sufficiently traumatized because between sharp blades and weapons and poverty and no friends, I am shooketh. Please someone help put my tiny mind and heart at ease? What is the meaning of all this? Some of it is too accurate and I’m to be honest dreading my old age, should I grow old at least. Here I was thinking the reason for my recent problems were transits. One look at these and I was blown away.​

Thanks in advance to everyone and sorry for the loooong rant 💋😂❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️

Interpretation of the 16° Sagittarius symbolic degree​

"« In the middle of the sea, an old man on a raft leans on a stick." (Janduz version)​

Introverted, daring, and independent character. For some reason, one is estranged from parents during childhood. Loneliness has contributed to slowly develop willpower, resilience, and audacity. One achieves several remarkable feats of bravery, but success brings about foolhardiness, and after repeated risky undertakings resulting in failures and losses, the last part of life is marked by poverty.
dear hello,
I will write you another interpretation for the fates I read.
You must know that when these degrees and the planets located there help or hinder the qualities according to the aspects they make

for example:
Jupiter there will bring you money, bring you luck in that area. But through your own efforts (1st house). But if you see it making a Square with Pluto - it needs attention, which indicates greed, infamy, bankruptcy. In other words, you must take care of your friends, your friendly faces (11th - Pluto). Now by reading the fates and what they say you can make a combination.

another example is Venus conjunct Mars and in the 4th house Square Neptune.
Here interpretation means many things. I will write you a version: Wrong (Neptune) action (Mars) that brings me losses (square) financial (Venus)

the 8 - 9° Aries
8 – 9 Degree of superiority
Boldness, courage, freedom, pride, refusal to help
9 – 10 Success rate
Strength, courage, risky choices, success.

the 16° Sagittarius
16 – 17 Degree of rhetoric
Great ability and harmony in speech, ease of conveying one's views to others.

the 22° Pisces
22 – 23 Fate of Conquest
Action, clear goals, power, success, conquest.

Jupiter in House II
1 degree of Aquarius
1 – 2 Degree of knowledge
Love for knowledge, natural laws, study, science, rise.
The 1st degree: Considered a leading squadron. stubbornness and guts to succeed.
There are several systems for determining individual degree meanings. However, I feel that it's best to work with the "majors" (Planets in house, sign, and aspect) before moving on to the "minors" (like individual degree meanings.)

The Sabian symbols are probably the most popular method of assigning degree meanings, but you could also look at the meanings of fixed stars conjunct important degrees in your chart.

Dwads (duads) are a system whereby each sign is divided into 12 mini-signs of 2.5 degrees each, where the first dwad in order corresponds to the main sign. I. e., the first dwad of Aquarius is Aquarius, the second dwad is Pisces, the third dwad is Aries, and so on. So, for example, Venus at 17 degrees of Leo is in the Aquarius dwad. This would give that Leo Venus, some Piscean coloring.
There are several systems for determining individual degree meanings. However, I feel that it's best to work with the "majors" (Planets in house, sign, and aspect) before moving on to the "minors" (like individual degree meanings.)

The Sabian symbols are probably the most popular method of assigning degree meanings, but you could also look at the meanings of fixed stars conjunct important degrees in your chart.

Dwads (duads) are a system whereby each sign is divided into 12 mini-signs of 2.5 degrees each, where the first dwad in order corresponds to the main sign. I. e., the first dwad of Aquarius is Aquarius, the second dwad is Pisces, the third dwad is Aries, and so on. So, for example, Venus at 17 degrees of Leo is in the Aquarius dwad. This would give that Leo Venus, some Piscean coloring.
First time I heard of that. Thank you I’ll look it up and see. ❤️
Astrological degrees and the meaning attached to them are not specific forecasts but rather archetypes that can be realized in many different ways based on the rest of the chart. Signs like 9° Aries or 22° Pisces show possible themes, such as difficulties in expressing oneself, with partners, or in being single, but it is not your judgment.

Transits, personal development, and free will all have a part to play in the course of your life, so concentrate on how you can apply these ideas to improve your life. If some interpretations are hard to swallow, they must be taken metaphorically not literally. Perhaps, consulting a professional astrologer could shed some light and enable a positive use of these energies.​
Astrological degrees and the meaning attached to them are not specific forecasts but rather archetypes that can be realized in many different ways based on the rest of the chart. Signs like 9° Aries or 22° Pisces show possible themes, such as difficulties in expressing oneself, with partners, or in being single, but it is not your judgment.

Transits, personal development, and free will all have a part to play in the course of your life, so concentrate on how you can apply these ideas to improve your life. If some interpretations are hard to swallow, they must be taken metaphorically not literally. Perhaps, consulting a professional astrologer could shed some light and enable a positive use of these energies.​
Yes very true, but to be honest some are very far off. I don’t know what they even mean. And some are scarily accurate and true. The themes kind of repeat themselves but yes it would be a good idea to ask a professional astrologer. But, I think for the most part, I’m afraid to know what they have to say. I’m trying to sell a piece of land and now I’m thinking to myself, maybe I need to keep it when things are going to get worse financially.
But thank you for your answer ❤️🌹❤️🌹
Great question. Please repost in the Degree Symbols forum under "Other Astrology" and I will address your concerns there.
dear hello,
I will write you another interpretation for the fates I read.
You must know that when these degrees and the planets located there help or hinder the qualities according to the aspects they make

for example:
Jupiter there will bring you money, bring you luck in that area. But through your own efforts (1st house). But if you see it making a Square with Pluto - it needs attention, which indicates greed, infamy, bankruptcy. In other words, you must take care of your friends, your friendly faces (11th - Pluto). Now by reading the fates and what they say you can make a combination.

another example is Venus conjunct Mars and in the 4th house Square Neptune.
Here interpretation means many things. I will write you a version: Wrong (Neptune) action (Mars) that brings me losses (square) financial (Venus)

the 8 - 9° Aries
8 – 9 Degree of superiority
Boldness, courage, freedom, pride, refusal to help
9 – 10 Success rate
Strength, courage, risky choices, success.

the 16° Sagittarius
16 – 17 Degree of rhetoric
Great ability and harmony in speech, ease of conveying one's views to others.

the 22° Pisces
22 – 23 Fate of Conquest
Action, clear goals, power, success, conquest.

Jupiter in House II
1 degree of Aquarius
1 – 2 Degree of knowledge
Love for knowledge, natural laws, study, science, rise.
The 1st degree: Considered a leading squadron. stubbornness and guts to succeed.
Thank you so much for this I really appreciate your reply. I must say Pluto in my 11th house squaring my Jupiter hits hard and I can say that I’ve now lost 22 year old friendship’s because I just couldn’t trust them anymore. I wanted to post more onto here, but looking at my chart and my transits I know this year won’t end well. I know the health of my mother is an issue and this year all I can say things potentially will turn morbid. I am ill at ease. My finances have already suffered and it’s been 4 years. So, in a way I wish I wasn’t looking at my chart and transits this hard 😂❤️. But thank you so much for this wonderful reply. So sorry it took me so long to answer.
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Astrological degrees and the meaning attached to them are not specific forecasts but rather archetypes that can be realized in many different ways based on the rest of the chart. Signs like 9° Aries or 22° Pisces show possible themes, such as difficulties in expressing oneself, with partners, or in being single, but it is not your judgment.

Transits, personal development, and free will all have a part to play in the course of your life, so concentrate on how you can apply these ideas to improve your life. If some interpretations are hard to swallow, they must be taken metaphorically not literally. Perhaps, consulting a professional astrologer could shed some light and enable a positive use of these energies.​
Astrological degrees and the meaning attached to them are not specific forecasts but rather archetypes that can be realized in many different ways based on the rest of the chart. Signs like 9° Aries or 22° Pisces show possible themes, such as difficulties in expressing oneself, with partners, or in being single, but it is not your judgment.

Transits, personal development, and free will all have a part to play in the course of your life, so concentrate on how you can apply these ideas to improve your life. If some interpretations are hard to swallow, they must be taken metaphorically not literally. Perhaps, consulting a professional astrologer could shed some light and enable a positive use of these energies.​
Yes free will is definitely something I believe in. ❤️❤️❤️

Ladies and gentlemen of this wonderful forum, I need your help because what do even degrees mean? Someone please help? I went on Astrotheme and I was trying to read my chart but then I read the interpretation of some of my degrees and was horrified. Some are true, yes I am very aggressive and straightforward as a person. But, some degrees like this one made me scratch my head. Like this one for instance. In the end of the interpretation it says that the degree is ruled by death and destruction??? Not to mention the 8 degree Mars in Aries has to do with weapons? Don’t know anything about weapons. Mind you, I was born during a war and have seen several wars in my lifetime. Not sure if this is what these degrees mean? Who is dying in my love life? Unfortunately all my exes are alive and doing well 😂, just kidding fortunately. Does it mean a dead love life which makes more sense?​

Interpretation of the 9° Aries symbolic degree​

"A hunter holding a rifle stands amid corpses and injured people on one side, and on the other, his hunting board: pheasants, partridges, and hares." (Janduz version)​

Quiet, courageous, and generous character. Success is achieved in a very unusual and prestigious occupation requiring boldness, such as in the military, big game hunting, politics, etc. Should the natal chart concur, one can have a quite remarkable career in chemistry, mechanics, or metalwork such as the manufacture of weapons. One wins many a victory, including in the romantic field, which is fraught with hurdles and hurt self-esteem. This degree indicates that success is, somehow, linked to deaths or destruction.

This second interpretation scared me because it came true. I barely have any friends and the other day I had a major fight with a close friend, and have no friends anymore just acquaintances at best. Basically I had helped a female friend last year with her business. She was making body scrubs, I told her to start making more products and over the course of a year, redesigned her brand 4 times and changed her logo, among other things. She was kind enough to send me gifts. Then, I gave her an idea that her then bf told me we could all bank on. She then decides to use someone else instead. I tried to reason with her and I then cut her off because I felt I was being backstabbed. Long story short, my close friend, at one time a best friend of 22 years still kept her products at his store. Id explained the story to him. Then something snapped in me when I saw her in his Christmas exhibition second year in a row using the designs and ideas I gave her. I know my other friend is blameless but I can’t be friends with someone who supports an enemy, there is a conflict of interest here. I told him as much. He got defensive and blamed her ex. Now I’m officially all alone. This interpretation is so true because I don’t think at my age I’ll be making new friends. I’ve been wondering why I did what I did? I hope I wasn’t too unfair but it’s a matter of trust and loyalty. If anyone thinks I’ll die alone with no friends and no partner please let me know. lol I’d like to at least get a heads up.​

Interpretation of the 22° Pisces symbolic degree​

"In a luxurious house, a young man stares at two daggers lain in a cross shape on the table." (Janduz version)​

Obsessive, unbalanced, and aggressive character revelling in provocations, plots, and conflicts. Wealth and great honours are often followed by fall from grace. This is caused by bad luck, rashness, or a nervous breakdown. No external help is to be expected since one has no friends. One must beware of burns and injuries made by bladed weapons. If in the natal chart, Jupiter is stronger than Mars, the danger is significantly offset. Nevertheless, one must remain cautious and avoid risky situations such as hunting or all occupations involving handling firearms and cutting devices. If natal Mercury is on this degree, one is blessed with an excellent memory.

Now my Jupiter is supposed to me make me wealthy. I’m not I’m poor.​

Jupiter in House II​

Jupiter is in the 2nd House. Why does the Tradition credit Jupiter with such a fortunate influence? According to some treaties, no financial disaster can affect the lucky beneficiary of a 2nd House Jupiter. And even better, he is supposed to live in a natural affluence far from any kind of poverty. It is necessary to put these assertions into perspective. Indeed, some people are destitute although they feel rich in their head and can live in an environment full of cheap luxury! You are interested in acquisitions and possessions, and you have tremendous aptitudes for seizing any opportunity to make a capital yield profit, regardless of the source it comes from, and in spite of the reversal of fortune you might have undergone.

This degree scares me because it says I’ll end up poor? So I’ll end up broke and alone? I mean the poor part is there already but will it get worse? I won’t be homeless right? These are different degrees of poor 😂. I have been sufficiently traumatized because between sharp blades and weapons and poverty and no friends, I am shooketh. Please someone help put my tiny mind and heart at ease? What is the meaning of all this? Some of it is too accurate and I’m to be honest dreading my old age, should I grow old at least. Here I was thinking the reason for my recent problems were transits. One look at these and I was blown away.​

Thanks in advance to everyone and sorry for the loooong rant 💋😂❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️

Interpretation of the 16° Sagittarius symbolic degree​

"« In the middle of the sea, an old man on a raft leans on a stick." (Janduz version)​

Introverted, daring, and independent character. For some reason, one is estranged from parents during childhood. Loneliness has contributed to slowly develop willpower, resilience, and audacity. One achieves several remarkable feats of bravery, but success brings about foolhardiness, and after repeated risky undertakings resulting in failures and losses, the last part of life is marked by poverty.
Hi Angich. You were born on Valentine's day! The day of love that must mean something hahaha

I will say that the interpretation of specific degrees is kinda subjective depending on the method you use to interpret them. For example when I learned that the 18° and 22° degree are both considered malefic/evil degrees and it had me nervous at first because I have Venus and Saturn at these degrees! But this was only one Astrologers opinion and he said his method only works in Placidus House system which I do not use. So there is much room for interpreting this and it's not all doom and gloom because we have many aspects at play in the chart that will have stronger message than specific degrees we have.

For example you have Ascendant conjunct the Moon and Moon is trining Mars and Venus in Aries in the 4th house so this to me tells me of something who is very in touch with their emotional yin and yang expression. Specifically home is where you feel safe, confident, and lively. You need to feel free and authentic without restriction of expression. It's a special place for you regardless of the housing situation. That Lunar energy is with you always because it touches your ASC. Especially it's good when Moon conjuncts woman's ASC 😃
Hi Angich. You were born on Valentine's day! The day of love that must mean something hahaha

I will say that the interpretation of specific degrees is kinda subjective depending on the method you use to interpret them. For example when I learned that the 18° and 22° degree are both considered malefic/evil degrees and it had me nervous at first because I have Venus and Saturn at these degrees! But this was only one Astrologers opinion and he said his method only works in Placidus House system which I do not use. So there is much room for interpreting this and it's not all doom and gloom because we have many aspects at play in the chart that will have stronger message than specific degrees we have.

For example you have Ascendant conjunct the Moon and Moon is trining Mars and Venus in Aries in the 4th house so this to me tells me of something who is very in touch with their emotional yin and yang expression. Specifically home is where you feel safe, confident, and lively. You need to feel free and authentic without restriction of expression. It's a special place for you regardless of the housing situation. That Lunar energy is with you always because it touches your ASC. Especially it's good when Moon conjuncts woman's ASC 😃
Wow that was accurate, I love spending time at home. Even though I’m an air sign with a lot of fire in my chart, I do spend a lot of time indoors. Ahaha and yes being born on Valentine’s Day is special isn’t it? I can say though all people born on this day that I know are single. A little funny isn’t it 😂😂😂❤️1738070560754.png
Wow that was accurate, I love spending time at home. Even though I’m an air sign with a lot of fire in my chart, I do spend a lot of time indoors. Ahaha and yes being born on Valentine’s Day is special isn’t it? I can say though all people born on this day that I know are single. A little funny isn’t it 😂😂😂❤️View attachment 117204
I'm fire dominant also but I like spending time at home too so I get it 😅

I think it is special day for sure! And that's funny but maybe you love everyone and just have trouble choosing someone 🤣
I'm fire dominant also but I like spending time at home too so I get it 😅

I think it is special day for sure! And that's funny but maybe you love everyone and just have trouble choosing someone 🤣
Ahahhaa, I do love everyone. But no the ones I choose don’t choose me that is the real issue 😂😂😂❤️
Ahahhaa, I do love everyone. But no the ones I choose don’t choose me that is the real issue 😂😂😂❤️
With your Moon in the 12th house I wonder maybe you come across as emotionally guarded to others because this house is often associated with mystery and privacy so maybe emotionally you guard yourself despite being in touch with the emotions of others and yourself with Moon conjunct ASC

Your 12th house Lord is Pluto which may play a factor into you coming across as intense and mysterious. You carry yourself in a strong way and this can make others uncomfortable despite being warm and generous with that Venus and Mars in fiery Aries

Valentine's day is almost here maybe this will be special year 😁
With your Moon in the 12th house I wonder maybe you come across as emotionally guarded to others because this house is often associated with mystery and privacy so maybe emotionally you guard yourself despite being in touch with the emotions of others and yourself with Moon conjunct ASC

Your 12th house Lord is Pluto which may play a factor into you coming across as intense and mysterious. You carry yourself in a strong way and this can make others uncomfortable despite being warm and generous with that Venus and Mars in fiery Aries

Valentine's day is almost here maybe this will be special year 😁
Ahahaha, oh my gosh yes it’s almost our birthday. I will come back and wish you happy birthday. I would bake you a cake and get twoooo gifts not one in case you’re single. And then we can look out charts and see if we can get lucky monetarily or romantically. And also yes I am intense, also people get scared of me because I can easily pick their minds. When you read people really well, especially the parts they don’t want any spotlights on, let me tell you, they run for the hills 🏃‍♀️ 🏃‍♂️ 🏃. I am not for the weak, but hey I try my best to make people comfortable by letting them know I don’t judge them, I accept them as they are and that is what true love is about. Pure love isn’t that gooey feeling we get when we see someone, it’s acceptance of all of that person. If people got more of that, I think we would have many of us shine a light on our negative attributes and we can fix them. I don’t know if I can add you as a friend, but I will now. ❤️❤️❤️
Ahahaha, oh my gosh yes it’s almost our birthday. I will come back and wish you happy birthday. I would bake you a cake and get twoooo gifts not one in case you’re single. And then we can look out charts and see if we can get lucky monetarily or romantically. And also yes I am intense, also people get scared of me because I can easily pick their minds. When you read people really well, especially the parts they don’t want any spotlights on, let me tell you, they run for the hills 🏃‍♀️ 🏃‍♂️ 🏃. I am not for the weak, but hey I try my best to make people comfortable by letting them know I don’t judge them, I accept them as they are and that is what true love is about. Pure love isn’t that gooey feeling we get when we see someone, it’s acceptance of all of that person. If people got more of that, I think we would have many of us shine a light on our negative attributes and we can fix them. I don’t know if I can add you as a friend, but I will now. ❤️❤️❤️
Ohhhh my birthday isn't until November actually but I appreciate the thought!

I'm glad you are authentic person and accept others fully as they are the good and the bad. That to me is a sign of a mature person who can see the light and shadow side of each person and accept it anyway. Love isn't just a feeling. It's an action too. Your Venus (the symbol of love) is in Aries so you love in a passionate and authentic way that is in unapologetically themselves! 🔥 ♀️

I added you as well and I can show you my chart if youd like
Ohhhh my birthday isn't until November actually but I appreciate the thought!

I'm glad you are authentic person and accept others fully as they are the good and the bad. That to me is a sign of a mature person who can see the light and shadow side of each person and accept it anyway. Love isn't just a feeling. It's an action too. Your Venus (the symbol of love) is in Aries so you love in a passionate and authentic way that is in unapologetically themselves! 🔥 ♀️

I added you as well and I can show you my chart if youd like
Yes Venus in Aries is a hothead lol, sure it’s in detriment but I swear I think Venus in Aquarius is a lot worse 🤣🤣🤣. Those guys are ice cold, and everyone I know from family to friends has this position. And yes I’d love to see your chart. What’s your venus sign? 🤔If you’re a Scorpio you most definitely don’t have Venus in Aquarius, but if you’re a Sag you could ❤️❤️❤️
Yes Venus in Aries is a hothead lol, sure it’s in detriment but I swear I think Venus in Aquarius is a lot worse 🤣🤣🤣. Those guys are ice cold, and everyone I know from family to friends has this position. And yes I’d love to see your chart. What’s your venus sign? 🤔If you’re a Scorpio you most definitely don’t have Venus in Aquarius, but if you’re a Sag you could ❤️❤️❤️
Hahaha yeah they are! 😆 Venus in Aquarius can come with some coldness due to the Saturnian influence I agree. The positive of this Venus is they are humanistic in their love and accepting of diverse people

I have Venus in Sagittarius 🏹 🔥 and I am Scorpio Sun 🦂


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Hahaha yeah they are! 😆 Venus in Aquarius can come with some coldness due to the Saturnian influence I agree. The positive of this Venus is they are humanistic in their love and accepting of diverse people

I have Venus in Sagittarius 🏹 🔥 and I am Scorpio Sun 🦂
Ahhh I see you have both Venus and Mars in Sag. Very nice, and I’m not surprised I get along with you. I suppose, you having a Scorpio Sun squares mine but I never had one issue with a Scorpio ironically. I find Taurus as a sign to be a loooot harder to deal with. But with an abundance of fire in your chart, I suppose we resonate on some level. I’ll look at your chart some more. I was excited to see it. Thank you for sending it ❤️❤️❤️❤️
Ahhh I see you have both Venus and Mars in Sag. Very nice, and I’m not surprised I get along with you. I suppose, you having a Scorpio Sun squares mine but I never had one issue with a Scorpio ironically. I find Taurus as a sign to be a loooot harder to deal with. But with an abundance of fire in your chart, I suppose we resonate on some level. I’ll look at your chart some more. I was excited to see it. Thank you for sending it ❤️❤️❤️❤️
Yeah don't forgot to include Jupiter in that Sag stellium of mine 🤣

Yeah I have a lot of fire 🔥 I'm glad for it because it gives me energy, enthusiasm, and optimism. I really like your chart as well! So I'm not surprised we get along either 🤝 Any Sag placements I like so your Moon and ASC is nice to see 🏹 I think us Fixed signs are hard to deal with because we are stubborn and rigid on a lot of ways but it's only because we don't settle for less than what we want hahaha