help with interpreting my moon

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Oct 17, 2021
Hey, trying to figure out the aspects i have to my natal moon and what they mean and how they impact me, im just trying to see how my moon is functioning in my chart. If anyone that has more knowledge on this could help i would be really grateful. I will post my chart and the aspects
As to your Moon in Leo this hints that you may be given to seeking the centre of attention especially in social situations. You can use your emotions to your own advantage by playing roles and using humour to impress others. At the same time, you can also demonstrate honour, dignity and respect in dealing with others. Emotional displays are usually fairly dramatic, however when your pride is challenged,your reactions tend to include tantrums or sulking in the attempts to gain attention.

The nodes in the chart represent ‘basic habits and unconscious reactions related to our past karma and upbringing.’ It is associated with the mother and with feminine energy in general, representing both the inner child and mother. The nodes allow for being responsive, receptive, reflective and instinctual. In our personal chart it shows how we respond to our environment emotionally.

Moon Sextile North Node suggests a positive imprint relating to your internalised motivations relevant to the present and future in terms of the karma you carry. In later life this suggests that by your own efforts you can have a mesmerising effect on people, allowing for positive responses and the gaining of an abundance of emotional support from others.

The North Node boosts the ability to gain the support of the public. You can have a mesmerising effect on people, as a definite asset in public and political life. Other people respond to your enthusiasm, and with an abundance of emotional strength you are comfortable dealing with large crowds. Having the support of a mother figure is important, and there is usually assistance from them.

Moon square ASC: in childhood you may have put your mother on a pedestal, however over time that may have interfered with the development of your own sense of self, perhaps causing resentment and discontent that made it difficult to express your emotions more authentically. Since the Moon rules the 8th H this can be indicative of internalised psychological problems needing to be addressed in adulthood.

Moon trine Pluto: [psychological power] you have likely inherited emotional tenacity and enhanced intuition which offers the tendency to experience deep emotional understanding combined with psychological awareness. You can dig deep within for personal healing as well as
assisting others with their own psychological difficulties. Emotional tenacity allows you to make it through the worst of circumstances
but you also have a well of feeling from which to draw intuitive knowledge of the unseen. Your need for drama and thrills is so great that you frequently seek them out by venturing into the unknown, or even situations that could put you in harm’s way or make you feel uneasy.
While you have the power to improve your own inner life, you also have the ability to do the same for those around you because of your intuitive ability to recognise underlying motivations, and your interest in the root causes and potential remedies to emotional difficulties. Your natural psychological abilities provide you with insight into other people’s motivations and feelings. Pluto embedded in your 1st house plays an important role in how you express your own persona and provides the power to revitalise and make improvements on yourself.

Moon Opp Uranus: there is a strong urge towards erratic emotions and restlessness here contributing to experiences of confrontation and facing differences. Initially such confrontations may have involved the mother but now are apt to be carried over within yourself. As such there can be difficulties in intimate connections by your own inner rebelliousness and need for uniqueness.There is also a strong need for independence and freedom.
I am happy to offer you some input and glad you found it helpful.
So with all that aquarius energy dominating your chart, the suggestion is that ‘change’ is one of your personal keywords, with most of the energy surging through your 3rd H of the mind. As ruler of that house, Uranus is about to make a square to its birthplace, causing a likelihood of tension
or stress emanating through the 6th H. Here is where you will make your stand in relation to your Identity and Individuality, and perhaps in terms of your work expectations / ethics.

Jupiter has recently made a pass through your 5th H, possibly resulting in opportunities for new romance and growth. Moving into the 6th it will contact your ‘part of fortune’ especially between the 14th June and the 16th, so financial rewards or benefits may surprise you. Jupiter makes a full
circle every 12 years so consider what may have happened for you during its last cycle in this area of the chart. It may also add some optimism
and greater enthusiasm in your life.

I would also mention another aspect of pertinence in your chart, with Lilith in the 4th H making a square to Pluto in the first H. The underlying tension stemming from your 4th H is something that needs to be addressed; by keeping it secret / hidden [Pluto in the first/with ASC Scorpio ] the ramifications may continue to rise up in your relationships. Typically Lilith represents the way you project your power and sexuality;
the purpose here is to find and develop your ‘authentic self’ despite your inner fears or feelings of powerlessness,frustration or vulnerability.

I suggest you pay attention to the upcoming New Moon on the 18th of the month: this will occur at 26 Gemini, making a conjunct with your NN which also activates your natal Moon opp Uranus. Blessed Be.