Help with my chart for a beginner

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Jan 14, 2025
alzano lombardo
Hi there
I’ve always been extremely fascinated by astrology and I tried to do some independent research on my chart but I’d like to have some professional insight.
I have a triple T square, involving Pluto in the 1st house, the moon in the 7th and a stellium in Leo. Pretty intense to say the least. All of my 4 mid points are in fixed signs and 3 receive a conjunction. Saturn at 1 degree and Mars at 29. Uranus conjuct Neptune and north node… I mean, is there any good to this chart? I feel like life is been so hard for years, I’ve done therapy and discovered so much about myself but I just wonder what else I could do to balance all those bad aspects. Thanks everyone for taking the time time read this.


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I'm no professional but I'm studying Hellenistic/traditional and will jump on opportunities to practice my craft. In exchange it's nice for me to get some feedback and hear from you how this stuff has actually manifested in your life.
I will give my interpretations from a traditional view - with the "modern planets" included -, also to perhaps help you understand that the language of astrology can be interpreted through many different lenses. Remember that the symbols in your chart will speak differently/mean different things throughout your life. The archetypal karmic pattern of your chart stays the same but the way in which the karma manifests can vary a lot throughout a lifetime.

First things first, that Pluto on the Ascendant definitely stands out immediately. You've probably read all the cookbook interpretations at this point about "intensity" and "power struggles" and I would be surprised if you're not quite a "magnetic" person, able to magnetize the attention of others, both when you want it and when you don't.

The Sun in the 11th house speaks to your purpose and calling in life to gravitate towards finding "your tribe" and finding your place within it. Both Venus and Mercury are appearing as morning stars around the time of your birth and Mercury is only a few hours from his direct station. This makes the Venus/Mercury combination a highly potent aspect in your chart. Venus and Mercury in Leo make me think you're very artistically inclined, perhaps having good oratory skills; maybe you're good with languages, writing skills, singing, telling stories etc. Your voice is easily heard and you want to share what you know.

The ascendant ruler and the Sun both being in Virgo in the 11th house, with ruler Mercury in mutual reception with the Sun in the 10th house makes me think it's important for you to feel like you're walking your proper path, in the proper way, doing "what you're meant to be doing". Mars and Sun co-present in Virgo could make you overly critical at times and maybe you will experience fallouts and separations with certain friends or groups of friends throughout your life. Mars in Virgo could make you overly critical of your friends at times, but it could as well manifest as the opposite; that you get pushback and criticism from people who were supposed to be "on your side".

Mars also rules your 6th house, so it could import some strife into your social life through that avenue as well. Maybe you sometimes question the very nature of your friendships, what are friends for and who benefits and helps who? Maybe you fancy yourself the "alfa dog" with certain friends and see them as your "helpers"?

Mars can speak to our passions, what we care so much about we would "go to war for it". With Mars and Sun in 11th, I see this theme of "standing for something" to be an important part in your life. With all that Leo 10th house emphasis with both benefics and a strong Mercury (the ruler of the 11th) there, I think big chunks of your life will have to do with "joint efforts" with others, for better or worse. Also the exalted Moon in the 7th house speaks to there being some key characters - friends or partners - who will end up having a major impact on your life direction.

The T-Square you mention could definitely speak to some abrasive and less-than-smooth scenarios. Maybe sometimes you think you're being more helpful than you actually are, assuming that you know better, assuming that you see the truth of a given situation. You like to engage with others and be very "hands-on" socially (not necessarily physically, but in a Plutonian sense, wanting the full range of "social sensation"), but perhaps this sometimes leads you to being seen as "the odd one out", regardless of your sincere efforts to put the groups needs ahead of your own.

Maybe you sometimes overextend and overcompensate for some perceived lack in yourself. your ease of connecting maybe leaves you feeling drained when you don't notice how much of "yourself" gets wrapped up in something outside yourself.

I find it interesting that your Lot of Spirit is in Pisces in the 5th and the ruler is in aversion in the 10th, Jupiter in Leo. I think you're probably way more extroverted than some other Scorpio risings, but with Sun/Moon/Asc ruler all in Earth signs, I'm wondering if this is not a big source of your perceived problems. Not sure what the circumstances of you seeking therapy were, but I imagine - and do correct me if I'm wrong here - you end up placing unrealistic expectations on yourself and don't see all the good that you're already doing, always thinking you need to do even more. There's a big emphasis on 11th house themes in your chart, also the ruler of Lot of Fortune is 11th from the house of the Lot. I will circle back to where I started and again emphasize that "finding your tribe" and working together with them in a meaningful way seems to be a major karmic promise in your chart.

I would be interested to hear how your living situation and home life is going at the moment with Pluto passing over your natal Saturn. That Saturn will also station direct in your secondary progressed chart, speaking to some big shifts when it comes to your home environment, family ties, possibly even father-related shifts, or even some ancestral karma being worked out.

Let me know if some of this resonated or if you'd like clarification on something.
Thank you so much for your exhaustive interpretation.
I have never used a whole house system chart so it’s interesting to see a different point of view.
I have always interpreted my chart as if my stellium was in 9th house and my sun and mars in the 10th.

Not sure if people perceive me as magnetic but I definitely have a love/hate relationship with others and viceversa… I don’t go unnoticed and I have a lot of opinions myself about others and everything in general.
I feel I can read the room quite well and see things coming miles away, so I don’t waste time with people I dislike or simply don’t vibe with. This has caused me lots of comments from my partner about the fact I don’t even try to make friends, but to me it’s a matter of not being able to fake an interest. Superficial conversations and people drain meeeeee, so I stay true to myself and give my energy and time only if I think it’s worth it.

I’d say that I’m not artistic unfortunately but I didn’t have the chance to explore that side of me. I’d say I’m more pragmatic and down to earth, and I always have been a good writer in school.

I used to be more extroverted, but moving country at 25 for love (I’m 33 now) surely had an impact on my confidence when talking to others (my English was really poor back then) and made me more reserved and quiet while in a group of people. I struggle to make and keep friends like you said - been going on for all my life - but at this stage I’m not too interested in all honesty. It would be nice to have that tribe but I have given up probably.

I did therapy as living with a pathological narcissist father and a depressed, anxious and uninterested mother for 25 yrs left some deep scars: anger and control issues, low self esteem, depression, spiralling thoughts. Add an older sister that doesn’t give 2 s*its about me and the recipe for mental instability is served. I’m much better now and feel like I know who I am and what I need to work on, but I definitely still have the tendency to iper analyse, overthink every bad situation to the point I struggle to turn the thoughts off and function.
Sometimes I wonder if I lived all my life in fight or flight and I’m just so used to it that it feels normal.
Anyway I deffo have a lot of BPD tendencies but I think the Virgo in me keeps me anchored to the ground and tells me to do the right thing.

At the moment things are quite rocky with my partner, been like this for at least a couple of years, on and off. I think I struggle to let go as I have a fear of abandonment…
Last January I discovered I had a massive but benign tumour in my womb and I’ve now just fully recovered from surgery.
2024 was intense to say the least.

I think I already know the answer, but do you see a family life for me at some point with the moon, venus, and 7th house receiving so many bad aspects?
Also how does mars as a ruler of the 6th house will impact my health?

Thank you soooo much
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First of all, writing is a form of creativity and considering that English isn't even your first language I think the creative touch to your self-expression is easily noticeable.

The stereotypical "Pluto-Intensity" seems to fit your description of yourself quite well, and in the spirit of validating my expression "magnetic", you could think of it more broadly as "intense attraction and repulsion", as a magnet has two poles; sounds to me like your description of love-hate relationships and strong opinions fit the polarizing property of magnets quite well.

As for giving up on finding your tribe, you still have Uranus hitting that Venus-Mercury conjunction by square these coming months. Uranus will station direct on January 30th very close to an exact square to Mercury (rules your 11th - "your tribe") and hit an exact square to Venus (social relating, love) on March 20th. Then hitting Jupiter (optimism, alliances, friends) mid-May. It is a square aspect so maybe it will be more disruptive, but Uranus is about shaking things up and changing structures, and since you have a negative tone about this right now, best case scenario is that the disruptions and surprises change things for the better ultimately.

This Uranus transit possibly can speak to coming to some kind of resolution one way or another with your partner. Neptune will still be opposing Mars, who is you in the chart, until early April when Neptune moves into Aries. It will still come back and oppose your Mars a last time next winter and will finally be out of your 5th house in February 2026. Mars rules 1st (body, health) and 6th (sickness, disease, struggles) so your tumor encounter is tied to that Neptune transit. There could be some continued confusion and lack of clarity in this coming year still; there could be a tendency for escapism through 5th house topics (pleasure, entertainment etc.) so go easy on that stuff. Romance and sex are also 5th house topics and there could be some Neptunian allure in that department of life coming up. Saturn is also in the mix there, opposing your Mars, putting some limits on those same topics so it's a bit of a weird combination.. That stuff is happening in my 7th house and the combination of "ultimate dream-scenarios" and "cold hard facts" are a stark contrast in my 7th house topics right now.

I don't think we should look at astrology as an ultimate, objective and defining thing. It's a language that speaks to our karma using archetypal symbols and it can predict archetypally what kind of events will play out, but ultimately we still have free will to make our own decisions. There's no escaping anything but a "bad aspect" can manifest in constructive ways also.

Starting right now eclipses (the nodes of the moon) will move into your 11th-5th house axis, so for the coming 1½ years or so, "your tribe" as well as your creative essence and inner resources will be highlighted. The tension between what supports your life that is external to you vs. how you "create your own support".

In October this year Pluto will station direct on top of your Saturn in the 4th, indicating maybe a peak intensity moment as to themes related to home, family, father and living situation.

In February of 2026 Uranus will be in your 7th again, for the last time, stationing to turn direct exactly square your Jupiter (rules 5th house of romance) so this could be another time that there's a shift in direction in that regard, just to lay out some possibilities.

Summer of 2026 is starting your Jupiter return, where he will hit all of those 10th house planets, attempting to bring his stabilizing influence upon all of those 10th house placements.

There's an ancient timing technique called Zodiacal Releasing (search on YouTube if you want to understand more, Chris Brennan's Astrology Podcast is a gold mine for everything) that divides the life up into chapters. One aspect and variation of the technique ("releasing" from the Lot of Spirit and looking when the period comes to the sign where the ruler is) supposedly shows when we are in contact with "our life's work" or at least "a life's work". You were in one of these periods from Aug 18 2022 to Mar 10 2024. So what were you doing then? Especially as it relates to 5th house (your Lot of Spirit) and 10th house (where the ruler - Jupiter - is) topics.

5th house Pisces = creativity, intuition, compassion, a sense of adventure, beauty and enjoyment of life's twists and turns, "living in the moment"/"going with the flow"
10th house Jupiter in Leo = giving of yourself so others may enjoy, "preaching your truth", bringing joy to people, letting others see you

Of course the totality of your "calling" in life is more complicated and nuanced, and you should tie in that 11th house Sun in Virgo for a more comprehensive picture, and Venus-Mercury surely has something to say about the complete picture as well. Like I said though, even as the symbols remain the same, the chart will speak differently depending on what we ask it. It's a living oracle.