Help with Saturn Return

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Dec 27, 2014
Attached is my chart with current transits. I also just made an introductory post in the Introduce Yourself forum, explaining that this is the reason I've sought this forum out.

Basically, my Saturn return is hitting and it is doing a number on me psychologically. I always feel Saturn cycles rather strongly but I usually ride them out smoothly thanks to a number of positive natal contacts...I can't understand why this one is taking such a toll. Normally, I would take it that a Saturn Return hitting you with such force means you've not been "doing your Saturn"...but I don't know what else I could be doing!

I'm in school for a PhD (3rd house) in Philosophy (Sag) and I'm also about to have my first child (Saturn is close enough to 4th house that I interpret it as having some impact on 4). Seems to me like I'm working pretty hard on that Saturn stuff, but it's just been relentless. Specifically, for the past few weeks, I've suddenly been feeling completely empty, meaningless, and insecure, as if I were the most boring person in the world...I find all of my old goals and ambitions stale, as if I'd grown out of them. (Which sounds like classic Saturn woe to me!) I can't remember the last time something inspired me. My entire life, I've been a writer and a poet, and it seems like that has faded out over the last year, and there's been no creativity from me whatsoever, and the worst part is that I've hardly even been distressed by that. I can't tell if that's because Saturn is pruning away an artistic side that wasn't going anywhere, or if it's because I wasn't working hard enough at it. I'm completely lost.

ANY input is appreciated. I've always been a little nervous about having Saturn conjunct nadir, and don't know what to make of the fact that it opposes Chiron. I've read in places that I'm always going to be fundamentally insecure because of Saturn conjunct nadir, but that seems a little doom-and-gloom to me.

Also, please feel free to make other observations if you can't help with the Saturn stuff. I'm always happy to learn from others.


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If you really want to understand your Saturn return and specifically how/why it's affecting you differently than you expected, cast a solar return chart for this year that you are in. Find out who the Lord of the Year (ASC ruler of the SR) is, and then look to see where that planet is in the SR chart.

Profections would also help. Look to see what Saturn is doing to those planets first.

Saturn has been transiting Scorpio for the last few years, and that is just sucky since Saturn in Scorpio is nasty to begin with. The conjunction with natal Mars, cadent and in domicile is probably what got you moving away from your "comfort zone." It's not because you are not working hard enough on Saturn that you feel this way, but because you are.

There is more to explore for you than just transits.
I just had my first saturn return and am still going through it at age 34. At the same time my saturn was transiting over my natal uranus. And my Uranus transit has been conjunct my natal mercury for I don't even know how long now. I have not read many positive things about a saturn return until people are out of it and over it. Since this is my first one. I want to be over it. The fear of the bad I think is not having me sit back and see all the good that I have done.


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Emily, I feel like I know you. Our charts are so similar, as '86 Aquarians. I am also a Philosophy graduate, aspiring writer and amateur astrologer. I am actually disappointed that you didn't get any constructive feedback, I would have been interested to find out what others had to comment about this. Unfortunately, I don't have much for you either, except to say that a year ago when you wrote the Saturn return was too far off to have been of much import. So I do believe as well that this wasn't necessarily the sole source of your problems. I have been struggling with general malaise and lack of direction for a much longer time, through many other challenging aspects of Saturn, Pluto or Chiron. If anything, I expect the Saturn return to give me a clearer direction. But with me, it did start off as a rethinking and reshaping of my whole life.

Now that you are in the throes of it all, I would love to know where you are with your life. How did things progress and what new insights do you have now? Tell me, so I know what to expect. It's an ideal situation, considering we both have Saturn in the 3rd in Saggitarius, the mutual reception with Jupiter, the same nodal positions and many other shared aspects, but your transits would apply a wee bit earlier than mine.

I hope to hear from you, although it's been a while since this was first posted.

Take care,