Hi, can someone read my chart because I'm curious about other people' interpretation?

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May 31, 2023
I already have had some basic understanding of astrology, but I've wondered how my chart would be analyzed by someone who is not me. Moreover, I hope to receive some career suggestions that are suitable for me and some explaination about my mental health (because I'm struggling with it). Feel free to talk about any (other) point that you see notable. I would be very grateful if someone can answer me. Here is my chart, have fun! 🥰
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Hello luvvwevna,

you always want to focus on not being ignored in the pursuit of your goals or risk abandoning them. There is the need to be certain to find your interest through your reflection leading you to hope for the objectives that you set for yourself by wanting to be persuaded that you like it. You are naturally open to being attentive to what is rather out of reach for the greatest number by having the will to want to convince. You can be spotted for your absolute determination to get to the bottom of the problems that arise. Etc.

This year, the transits of Saturn and Jupiter are markant in your birth chart.

From early June 2023 to early February 2024, you will want to have a result between your ideas and what you like. Know how to keep the attention that you will be shown...

Ecliptique. :)
I already have had some basic understanding of astrology, but I've wondered how my chart would be analyzed by someone who is not me. Moreover, I hope to receive some career suggestions that are suitable for me

You are still young so you can still explore any career that you decide to check out. I assume you already have some ideas in that area and know the kinds of things you are good at or are interested in.

You have an Earth Grand Trine that involves Sun, Moon, Mercury and Mars---the main personal planets ---and you also have your Ascendant and Chiron in Earth too. Lots of earth with the earth Grand Trine in Fire houses. [1/5/9]

Sun and Mercury in the 9th, part of the Grand Trine=
Your attention for detail helps you catch things that others may overlook and you may be rewarded for it. However you may need to hold your tongue sometimes or others might feel you are too critical in the way you point out the details. But your eye for detail and for quality and craftsmanship might be better than most.

You might notice your life feeling more methodical or routine as you try to create more structured routines in your everyday life to avoid feeling all over the place or pulled in different directions. It takes awhile to grow into your Grand Trine because it can be kind of overwhelming. You have so many potential skills and talents with a potent Grand Trine like yours. You could be an artist or a craftsman or a builder , gardener, antiques dealer, wood worker, or a collector---anything involving 'keeping things, caring for and storing and restoring things.'

Mars in Taurus in the 5th could indicate a very creative inner spark. You could be an innate artist. Someone who can just paint or draw or create melodies or dance or sing, intuitively and naturally. The 5th is also children and you could be very good working with kids and teaching in a very fun, creative way.

The 5th is also games, entertainment and fun. So you could also be an inventor of that kind of genre or perhaps a good video game player, etc. The 5th is also Love and dating, so that could take up some of your attention in these younger years, which is fine and good.

and some explaination about my mental health (because I'm struggling with it).

I am not going to pretend to diagnose anyone from a quick look at a chart and no conversation. I am going to hope that you are getting proper help with your struggles. Please take that seriously because you are the perfect age to get counselling and treatment to help you on your path.

You have your Moon in the 1st house. That can be emotionally difficult because we feel so exposed with that placement. It is hard to hide one's feelings and reactions in the 1st house. Moon in Cap--- [Mine's there too]--- can be difficult as it is in its fall. It is not a comfortable place for the emotional Moon and we tend towards gloominess and negativity sometimes as a result. Your Moon, being part of that Earth Grand Trine may feel stuck sometimes, in an endless loop---feeling trapped in difficult circumstances and not knowing how to get out.

Again, you are still very young, so you will learn how to jump off this roller coaster and how to change those circumstances as you mature.

You have skills, talents, creativity, luck and determination----so you will learn how to use that first house Capricorn Moon to your advantage. You are a natural boss, natural leader, very competent supervisor and consultant but it may take awhile to grow into those roles.

Get your mental health issues under control first by seeking professional help and then you will be on your way to material, financial, business success as you mature.

You also have a very tight square from the Sun to Pluto in the 12th. Sun/Pluto can create a very competitive persona---someone who feels a very strong need to win and to succeed---but also a deep fear that they may not be able to? As you grow and mature, this deep desire to win will transform into a deep desire to learn and to grow and to transform into a much stronger and wiser person. Keep going....

Feel free to talk about any (other) point that you see notable. I would be very grateful if someone can answer me. Here is my chart, have fun! 🥰
View attachment 103877

Also, you have a sexy Venus in Scorpio in the 10th of career and public scrutiny. It does square Saturn so you may not yet accept or understand how strong your Venusian qualities are. Do not squander them or exploit them. Your beautiful qualities will blossom as you do.
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While others often comment, when one starts talking about mental health this one needs more information than is provided in the pretty photo from astro.com. Of course, no one is required to give it up publicly. PM, maybe?

As to having fun, I don’t think that the few professionals(or retired professionals, as my case may be) among us, is quite the characterization. When one has looked at maybe 40,000 charts, one tends to have seen everything.
Hello luvvwevna,

you always want to focus on not being ignored in the pursuit of your goals or risk abandoning them. There is the need to be certain to find your interest through your reflection leading you to hope for the objectives that you set for yourself by wanting to be persuaded that you like it. You are naturally open to being attentive to what is rather out of reach for the greatest number by having the will to want to convince. You can be spotted for your absolute determination to get to the bottom of the problems that arise. Etc.

This year, the transits of Saturn and Jupiter are markant in your birth chart.

From early June 2023 to early February 2024, you will want to have a result between your ideas and what you like. Know how to keep the attention that you will be shown...

Ecliptique. :)
You are still young so you can still explore any career that you decide to check out. I assume you already have some ideas in that area and know the kinds of things you are good at or are interested in.

You have an Earth Grand Trine that involves Sun, Moon, Mercury and Mars---the main personal planets ---and you also have your Ascendant and Chiron in Earth too. Lots of earth with the earth Grand Trine in Fire houses. [1/5/9]

Sun and Mercury in the 9th, part of the Grand Trine=
Your attention for detail helps you catch things that others may overlook and you may be rewarded for it. However you may need to hold your tongue sometimes or others might feel you are too critical in the way you point out the details. But your eye for detail and for quality and craftsmanship might be better than most.

You might notice your life feeling more methodical or routine as you try to create more structured routines in your everyday life to avoid feeling all over the place or pulled in different directions. It takes awhile to grow into your Grand Trine because it can be kind of overwhelming. You have so many potential skills and talents with a potent Grand Trine like yours. You could be an artist or a craftsman or a builder , gardener, antiques dealer, wood worker, or a collector---anything involving 'keeping things, caring for and storing and restoring things.'

Mars in Taurus in the 5th could indicate a very creative inner spark. You could be an innate artist. Someone who can just paint or draw or create melodies or dance or sing, intuitively and naturally. The 5th is also children and you could be very good working with kids and teaching in a very fun, creative way.

The 5th is also games, entertainment and fun. So you could also be an inventor of that kind of genre or perhaps a good video game player, etc. The 5th is also Love and dating, so that could take up some of your attention in these younger years, which is fine and good.

I am not going to pretend to diagnose anyone from a quick look at a chart and no conversation. I am going to hope that you are getting proper help with your struggles. Please take that seriously because you are the perfect age to get counselling and treatment to help you on your path.

You have your Moon in the 1st house. That can be emotionally difficult because we feel so exposed with that placement. It is hard to hide one's feelings and reactions in the 1st house. Moon in Cap--- [Mine's there too]--- can be difficult as it is in its fall. It is not a comfortable place for the emotional Moon and we tend towards gloominess and negativity sometimes as a result. Your Moon, being part of that Earth Grand Trine may feel stuck sometimes, in an endless loop---feeling trapped in difficult circumstances and not knowing how to get out.

Again, you are still very young, so you will learn how to jump off this roller coaster and how to change those circumstances as you mature.

You have skills, talents, creativity, luck and determination----so you will learn how to use that first house Capricorn Moon to your advantage. You are a natural boss, natural leader, very competent supervisor and consultant but it may take awhile to grow into those roles.

Get your mental health issues under control first by seeking professional help and then you will be on your way to material, financial, business success as you mature.

You also have a very tight square from the Sun to Pluto in the 12th. Sun/Pluto can create a very competitive persona---someone who feels a very strong need to win and to succeed---but also a deep fear that they may not be able to? As you grow and mature, this deep desire to win will transform into a deep desire to learn and to grow and to transform into a much stronger and wiser person. Keep going....

Also, you have a sexy Venus in Scorpio in the 10th of career and public scrutiny. It does square Saturn so you may not yet accept or understand how strong your Venusian qualities are. Do not squander them or exploit them. Your beautiful qualities will blossom as you do.
Thank you so much for replying! 😊
Thank you so much for replying! 😊

Re; post #2 from Samantha, your short reply to HOURS of work given by the professionals who took the time to give you their perspectives of your chart FREELY, is a reason that many do not answer queries in the Read My Chart Section. Serious astrologers learn from yes or no agreement feedback regarding the accuracy of their analyses. They get nothing from a simple thank you.

With Capricorn rising, yet with its planetary ruler in Leo in 8th house, 'Self' respect may be something you have yet to achieve. The saying 'Give and ye shall receive' can be a good beginning.

See your Earth trine as the wall of self protection you build up to protect your feelings from outer circumstances that you experience as not feeling accepted for whom you are. As you age become aware of what compulsion drive you live with that can (negatively) control your life's path, and what can guide you towards better things without getting your wings clipped.
There are aspects in the chart that can be suggestive of a direction towards a specific mental health nature, yet which is not necessarily detrimental. Your mental intelligence cannot be contradicted; it deals with the tangible facts of life, whereby the precision between e.g. bolts and screws, a needle and thread, words and books, dotting i's and crossing t's, etc. creates the perfection you seek in your inner and outer world. It may not be or agree with what others seek in theirs.
Virgo's mental ability is being able to separate the chaff from the corn and without discrimination discard that which is not personally useful . Unfortunately, the saying, 'Seeing the splinter in another's eye, yet missing the plank in one's own' is a version of its critical side already mentioned.

Use that 9th house potential to its best advantage and you could experience a very meaningful life.

Re; post #2 from Samantha, your short reply to HOURS of work given by the professionals who took the time to give you their perspectives of your chart FREELY, is a reason that many do not answer queries in the Read My Chart Section. Serious astrologers learn from yes or no agreement feedback regarding the accuracy of their analyses. They get nothing from a simple thank you.

With Capricorn rising, yet with its planetary ruler in Leo in 8th house, 'Self' respect may be something you have yet to achieve. The saying 'Give and ye shall receive' can be a good beginning.

See your Earth trine as the wall of self protection you build up to protect your feelings from outer circumstances that you experience as not feeling accepted for whom you are. As you age become aware of what compulsion drive you live with that can (negatively) control your life's path, and what can guide you towards better things without getting your wings clipped.
There are aspects in the chart that can be suggestive of a direction towards a specific mental health nature, yet which is not necessarily detrimental. Your mental intelligence cannot be contradicted; it deals with the tangible facts of life, whereby the precision between e.g. bolts and screws, a needle and thread, words and books, dotting i's and crossing t's, etc. creates the perfection you seek in your inner and outer world. It may not be or agree with what others seek in theirs.
Virgo's mental ability is being able to separate the chaff from the corn and without discrimination discard that which is not personally useful . Unfortunately, the saying, 'Seeing the splinter in another's eye, yet missing the plank in one's own' is a version of its critical side already mentioned.

Use that 9th house potential to its best advantage and you could experience a very meaningful life.

I'm so sorry, I didn't say anything more than a "thank you" because I thought I would acknowledge every opinion that I receive, as it can be true in the future or it is/was true but I don't realize. I've experienced my subjective point of view so I'm learning how to accept other people's comments more openly. I'm sorry if there is anyone feels not respected because of my behavior.