Hi guys! + some questions to introduce ourselves

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Hello. I am glad I have joined this forum. I have some Astrology knowledge (although not too vast) and my favourite branch is Horary.

1. What is the meaning/story behind your name (real name or forum username)?
2. In your opinion,what is the most surprising thing about astrology?
3. Which suits you better:your zodiac sign or your ascendant?

Hello, welcome

1. I live in the U.K. My mum call me poohbear as joke because I love honey
2. The most surprising thing about astrology is learning we are all stupid
3. I like my ascendant in Leo better than my sun signCancer
uuuh yeah am a rare Dumbo octupus :3
or a rare common rock hahaha~ XD
anyway Hi blaze how are you?
am doing fine thanks for asking :)

i love blaze kinda firey...like flame! :D

so you have gemini in both western and vedic astrology? ^^

A dumbo octopus, eh? Can you fly and swim?

And yea, though the amount of Gemini differs. When Vedic astrologers look they see a Gemini sun, Jupiter and Mercury. Western astrology sees an ascendant ruled by Venus in Gemini, and she relies on Mercury in Gemini, but the Sun has Cancer, uh, is Cancer.

What's your chart like?

they're the cutest :3 https://i.ytimg.com/vi/YcoMEaBjJLk/maxresdefault.jpg
their is something called vampier squid too but their more scary

ahhh my mom has a venus in gemini and is a cancer sun (western astrology)
she careing like a cancer...but talks...as much as gemini do..too muched talking at times o-o

Ohh my chart can you on my profile, sponser by FlameDayWeather (just joking) XD
Western Astrology am scorpio with ascendant in libra, Vedic libra with ascendant in vigo.
Am mostly realted to western much more then vedic. just scorpio feel more right then libra, of course having it in both astrology but nah..scropio :3
Hello! I'm new here, too!

1. What is the meaning/story behind your name (real name or forum username)?
My real name is Sawyer, but they were expecting a girl, so they were going to name me Georgia. Later on, they ended up naming the dog Georgia instead.

As for my username, Percifrax is the name of one of the deities in a fantasy world that I made a few years ago.

2. In your opinion,what is the most surprising thing about astrology?
The depth to it. Every single topic in it seems to have anthologies of subtopics, and there's always more to learn. At first, I found this quite stressful, since it made it somewhat difficult for me to get started with astrology, but over time I realized the positive side to this: Every astrologer has their own unique skill-set in astrology, and thus they all have something unique to bring to the table in a discussion.

3. Which suits you better:your zodiac sign or your ascendant?
Well, sun signs and ascendants apply to different parts of the personality. For me, I find them both quite fitting in the areas that they correspond to.

they're the cutest :3 https://i.ytimg.com/vi/YcoMEaBjJLk/maxresdefault.jpg
their is something called vampier squid too but their more scary

ahhh my mom has a venus in gemini and is a cancer sun (western astrology)
she careing like a cancer...but talks...as much as gemini do..too muched talking at times o-o

Ohh my chart can you on my profile, sponser by FlameDayWeather (just joking) XD
Western Astrology am scorpio with ascendant in libra, Vedic libra with ascendant in vigo.
Am mostly realted to western much more then vedic. just scorpio feel more right then libra, of course having it in both astrology but nah..scropio :3

That is actually adorable. Nice selfie, flames. This Blaze approves of your octopus ways. Heh. What's a vampire squid look like?

Venus in Gemini and talking...huh. I'm a failure of a Gemini in that regard - due to aloofness. Where is her Mercury? That might explain the non-stop talking.

FlameDayWeather would make a good user name, heh. But a Scorpio sun? We're water Sun family, flames.

P.S. Leo Moon is a bad cat.
My wife and boys gave the name I have because I love metal detecting

Because it works

Sun sign and Asc all working well together in the first
Hello! I am surprised this question got so much attention. Last time I checked there was only 1 answer.

For those who asked "What about You?", here are my answer:
1. Viridi is a very random name. There is a game on Steam called Viridi. I also love its meaning (young) and it sounds nice (I find it very fun to pronounce).

2. I like that it's very complex and it can definitely unite people. I predicted that my Religion teacher would be in a relationship and I was right. Since then, she is amazed how accurate astrology can be.

3. My sun sign depicts my character and tendencies. My ASC is very misleading. It makes everyone assume I am girly and too innocent. I probably don't relate to my water ASC because I have no planets in water signs.
1- I took it from a TV show called Twin Peaks - must see ^^
2- It has helped me so much to understand myself and others better
3- Probably my rising sign (Scorpio), also it conjuncts my Jupiter and NN.

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