Higher Education?

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Mar 18, 2007
Planet Earth
Based on this SR would you predict starting higher education this year? I applied for a part-time Master's program, so I can still work full-time. Im still waiting for the university's response. Currently, I'm working overseas, yet the university is in North America so I plan on doing courses online while I'm working or during my summer vacations when I can attend classes at the university.

  • I have 9th house Saturn rx opposite 3rd house Uranus-Moon-Venus involved in a t-square with Asc in Sagittarrius
  • Saturn is also trine 1st-2nd house Mercury rx-Mars?
  • Sag Asc, and Jupiter conj NN-Sun.
  • Have alot going on in the 2nd house.

[Moderator edit - Thread moved here, as threads posted outside the Greenhorns' Lounge need for the posters to give their own astro reading in their opening post.]
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Well this is annoying...

Re:[Moderator edit - Thread moved here, as threads posted outside the Greenhorns' Lounge need for the posters to give their own astro reading in their opening post.]

My logic is that if i add my own interpretations at the beginning then the poster may possibly be short sighted by my interpretation and perhaps miss out on things I didnt see.

I also wanted to see if other's predictions were right. I know what my interpretation is...it's not that I'm being lazy or need to learn the ABC's of astrology.
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quoting StarNur: Based on this SR would you predict starting higher education this year? I applied for a part-time Master's program, so I can still work full-time. Im still waiting for the university's response. Currently, I'm working overseas, yet the university is in North America so I plan on doing courses online while I'm working or during my summer vacations when I can attend classes at the university.
  • I have 9th house Saturn rx opposite 3rd house Uranus-Moon-Venus involved in a t-square with Asc in Sagittarrius
  • Saturn is also trine 1st-2nd house Mercury rx-Mars?
  • Sag Asc, and Jupiter conj NN-Sun.
  • Have alot going on in the 2nd house.
I'm no expert at Solar Returns, but I'll give you my thoughts:

At first glance, I would have said that you have alot of focus in personal finance/resources - but 2nd house also rules talents and things you value.

Ruler of 3rd house of learning - Saturn, is retrograde in Virgo in the 9th house of higher learning - also foreign countries.

Ruler of intercepted 9th is Mercury, which is also retrograde on 2nd house cusp. It is moving away from Mars in Capricorn- ruler of 4th,11th, and 12th.

Mercury is about to station direct, though, at 22*Cap. It will then proceed forward to conjunct Mars in Cap.

11th house rules internet communication. 4th - the home/homeland - 12th privacy and rest. Mars is in 2nd house. Capricorn does rule mastery of something.

Aquarius/Uranus rules internet. 2nd house is full of Aquarius. Co-ruler of 3rd is Uranus - also in the 3rd.

Moon rules 8th house, and is in Pisces in the 3rd, conjunct Uranus, and Venus- ruler of the 5th. It is opposing Saturn (r) in Virgo in the 9th.

Jupiter rules Ascendant and intercepted 3rd, and is in Aquarius in 2nd house.

My take on putting all of this together:

The chart still shows a focus on finances, esp. other people's finances, with Moon ruling the 8th. The significators for your plans are mostly retrograde.
I would say there is a good chance - but there may be some delays - possibly due to finances or work schedules.

Since I'm still learning, I'm not sure if there are other interpretations to retrograde planets, other than delays - like maybe it represents partial accomplishment ( like part-time). Venus ruling your 5th house of vacations and fun, show you may be doing it on summer break.

Also, Sag on the Ascendant, also ruling 3rd house - does look good for higher education. Being in Aquarius - it may also signify the on-line education program.

Hope that helps a little,


We have rules here that apply to *everyone*. If we were to make exceptions going by your "logic", we are sure that many of those, whose posts are moved to the Greenhorns Lounge, will want the moderators to accept that "logic". Perhaps the existence of GH Lounge would be illogical then.

It's really quite simple actually: provide your own interpretation (esp, if you know its right, as you say you do) along with your query, and you may post outside the GH Lounge. If this is not the case, your posts get moved to this board. Same holds good for posts/threads that are made to 'test others' and "see if their predictions are right". If this the criterium and "logic" you go by when posting your thread, without sharing your own "prediction" with others, you may do so only at this board. Btw, the little box at the top when starting a new thread educates the thread-starter before s/he posts a thread, which I am sure you noticed and obviously also agreed to its content while posting this "Higher Education" thread. Anyways, I am happy to leave the contents of that box again here for you.
Important: Please agree to this statement before creating the new thread.

"I am familiar with the forum rules. I have applied my own astrological knowledge and insights to my question. I have given my own basic astrological interpretation before asking others to comment.
I also understand that if I choose not to give a basic astrological opinion in my post, the moderators reserve the right to move the post to the Greenhorns Lounge forum."

Hope this clarifies matters, or else feel free to PM me.

Well this is annoying...

Re:[Moderator edit - Thread moved here, as threads posted outside the Greenhorns' Lounge need for the posters to give their own astro reading in their opening post.]

My logic is that if i add my own interpretations at the beginning then the poster may possibly be short sighted by my interpretation and perhaps miss out on things I didnt see.

I also wanted to see if other's predictions were right. I know what my interpretation is...it's not that I'm being lazy or need to learn the ABC's of astrology.
Thanks for your interpretation freedom lover. Great! Lots I didnt notice before. My application is still under review...

Aq7000, I never noticed the Greenhorne's Lounge until about a month or so ago...never bothered reading the terms.

Astrologer50, i feel im still new to sr charts...i only started looking into them around a year ago. im not too familiar with secondary progressions so thanks for the links.
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StarNur said:
Thanks for your interpretation freedom lover. Great! Lots I didnt notice before. My application is still under review...

Aq7000, I never noticed the Greenhorne's Lounge until about a month or so ago...never bothered reading the terms.

Astrologer50, i feel im still new to sr charts...i only started looking into them around a year ago. im not too familiar with secondary progressions so thanks for the links.

It's rather important to see the natal chart and SR cos it's the natal chart 'house' that gets to operate just for the 12months SR. So although Saggi Asc may suggest higher learning, travel, broadening horizons etc, which natal house is coming forward?

Also in our Recommendations forum there are great astrology books recommended for research/study, plus our Education forum for further learning.

Plus I notice you posted using astro's default placidus, and I use Equal house and your venus, moon, uranus would be in 4th house not third and Saturn would be in 10th not 9th. Plus we also need to see if any SR planets conj natal planets. So really a 'stand alone' SR is not a complete picture....Uranus in 3rd is thinking about relocation and in 4th its actually doing it, so it will be interested to see what happens

Venus conj IC suggests you may enjoy entertaining in the home or beautifying it or simply getting pleasure being in it. But moon there suggests restlessness. With all those planets in 2nd house of 'how you earn your money' and spend, it seems this will be the major theme.

Also look to where your natal Asc ruler is placed and SR Asc ruler is placed for extra info
Hope this helps
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Hi Astrologer50, good points...

Natal 7th house Venus/Neptune is on my SR Asc. possible marriage? they're involved in a t-square with SR Saturn/MC and Uranus/Moon/Venus though? im not too sure what that could entail or maybe i dont want to know?

the following SR-natal connections suggest possible higher education:

SR Jupiter/NN is conjunct natal Sun/Mars/Mercury.

SR Mercury Rx/Mars is in natal 9th house conjunct natal MC.

I got the acceptance letter after the new moon in late april.

I havent felt the effects of all the 2nd hs SR planets...not in terms of material want or gains.
StarNur said:
Hi Astrologer50, good points...

Natal 7th house Venus/Neptune is on my SR Asc. possible marriage? they're involved in a t-square with SR Saturn/MC and Uranus/Moon/Venus though? im not too sure what that could entail or maybe i dont want to know?

the following SR-natal connections suggest possible higher education:

SR Jupiter/NN is conjunct natal Sun/Mars/Mercury.

SR Mercury Rx/Mars is in natal 9th house conjunct natal MC.

I got the acceptance letter after the new moon in late april.

I havent felt the effects of all the 2nd hs SR planets...not in terms of material want or gains.

Should the Natal Descendant become the SR Ascendant, then a difficult year could be awaiting you. You might be at the mercy of others this year.

Still need to see natal to properly evaluate or study some links given to you perhaps
I got acceptance into all the Master's programs i applied to at a top university. When it came to signing the acceptance letter I couldn't decide which program to take. I changed my mind twice and ended up deferring the start date to next year because I am stil working overseas.

I also postponed getting married which i planned on doing in June. My relatives (my father's brothers) were against the marriage because I'm more educated and better off socio-economically then my finace. My family created a rift between us. At the moment im at a stand still. I want to get married in dec but im scared i`ll bail out again. if not me, then i wouldnt be surprised if he does.