Hillary clinton - next USA president ?

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Hi !

My sixth sense tells me it is going to be Trump !
Moon ketu conjunction in Scorpio 8th house with Ascendant Magha .. strong support from the ancestors.
30th September is Mahalaya Amavasya (the new moon of the ancestors falling under Magha nakshatra). It is very auspicious for Trump.My sixth sense also tells me that the Native Americans are his ancestors, even though that doesn't seem even remotely possible. He has Native American soul. (Or more likely, i am going bonkers😃).With their help,it is likely that he will win.
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Dubya, are you familiar with methods of chart rectification? If not, it has to do with getting astrological "hits" on dates when something significant happened in the person's life. While I wouldn't call it scientific, it is very empirical. Oftentimes an astrologer will look at dozens of life events to make the call.

I know that if the birth time is unknown, the house signs are unknown and thus the ascendent sign is unknown. I saw an 8 am and then an evening birth time.

That's a large spread. This woman as a powerful scorpio probably is very aware of astrology, studies it, and knows not to release the birth time - or to have more than one. Like The Reagans, the Clintons seem like astrology people and I bet anything she has hired one. Something that their pragmatic reputation would surely hide as well.

Hillary is very secrative and we always knew wouldn't get that birth time. She enjoys her privacy for such a powerful woman, another clue.

If it is not too much to ask, can you write out a sentence or two with her two suspected times and Ascendents pls Waybread?

I believe something significant will take place much like 2000. Weird, odd, go-figure kind of strange stuff, based on the U.S. charts. To me, not having her birth time makes me feel like it's a huge unpredictable surprise, as if it isn't already. We have trump's to go off of and his is not too shabby. I will accept the morning chart, but do people believe that is the "real" one or is it just the better one for her..?
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I know that if the birth time is unknown, the house signs are unknown and thus the ascendent sign is unknown. I saw an 8 am and then an evening birth time.

That's a large spread. This woman as a powerful scorpio probably is very aware of astrology, studies it, and knows not to release the birth time - or to have more than one. Like The Reagans, the Clintons seem like astrology people and I bet anything she has hired one. Something that their pragmatic reputation would surely hide as well.

Hillary is very secrative and we always knew wouldn't get that birth time. She enjoys her privacy for such a powerful woman, another clue.

If it is not too much to ask, can you write out a sentence or two with her two suspected times and Ascendents pls Waybread?

I believe something significant will take place much like 2000. Weird, odd, go-figure kind of strange stuff, based on the U.S. charts. To me, not having her birth time makes me feel like it's a huge unpredictable surprise, as if it isn't already. We have trump's to go off of and his is not too shabby. I will accept the morning chart, but do people believe that is the "real" one or is it just the better one for her..?

unique_astrology uses a 2:18 birth time. I think the 8:00 pm time is used as well. Apparently this stems from a comment like, she was born around 8 o'clock, and it wasn't clear if it was am or pm. If you go to Astrodienst, her chart is posted there. You can save it to "my astro" and then play around with times and ascendants.

There is absolutely no evidence that Clinton knows or studies astrology. You would think that, if Clinton had hired an astrologer, her campaign would be running much more smoothly than it has done of late.

Some jurisdictions just do not include the birth time on their birth certificates. I doubt that Illinois printed birth times, or somebody would have come up with Clinton's before now. Birth certificates are often matters of public record. You don't have to be the named individual to request them.

The birth time is important for houses, cusps, the moon position, and points based on them. The rest of the planets take a day or more to change degree.You can still do a lot with planets-in-signs alone.

Wolfgang Schäuble is a German politician of the Christian Democratic Union who has served as Germany's Federal Minister of Finance. He is in a wheelchair. However, in America, this kind of a thing, given the 'conservative' thinking of the people in the so-called most modern country, can do damage.
Trump's mental faculty is also 'damaged', you see. He has severe foot-in-mouth and think-after-you-speak problems (i.e. if he thinks at all). These can be quite dangerous on that position, where sanity, diplomacy and a certain level of intellect are most required. After all, one is not going to be heading a casino here.

I think Hillary has enough determination and grit given her Mars-Pluto-Saturn conjunction and that in Leo to get back on her two feet soon.
With secondary progressed Moon conjunct his natal Saturn on election day I don't think he will be very happy with his Victory. :)

The meaning of a conjunction on Saturn may be taking a serious responsability.
In a natal chart I know well (my own one), the secondary progressed Moon was conjunct to my natal Saturn on the birth of my first son.
In 8.00 a.m. Hillary's natal chart, the cusp of the eighth house is in Gemini, which governs lungs. Uranus is in that house, at 25º Gemini, square to Moon. It seems she suffers a lung disease and could die suddenly.
In 8.00 a.m. Hillary's natal chart, the cusp of the eighth house is in Gemini, which governs lungs. Uranus is in that house, at 25º Gemini, square to Moon. It seems she suffers a lung disease and could die suddenly.

I hope she doesnt. She seems like a nice lady overall. But if she does that would make Bernie Sanders the candidate for the democrats. Does he stand a chance against Trump? (Astrologically speaking)

Bernie Sanders' chart:
Please get serious. Uranus transiting the 8th house is not an indicator of sudden death. Many people are born with Uranus in the 8th, or survive the transit handily.

Bernie Sanders would not be the automatic Democratic nominee. The selection would go to the Democratic National Committee. They could appoint him or somebody else of their choosing.
Those thinking that HRC might suddenly die between now and election day need only to look in the charts of Bill and Chelsea for confirmation probably noted by very prominent and direct aspects from transiting Saturn to the Moon or Venus most likely.
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Re Bernie Sanders' chances of replacing Hillary, I see that transiting Jupiter is approaching his Mercury, which rules his MC. Also Pluto will soon turn direct and make an excellent trine to his Sun in his 10th house. Hopeful signs for him, I'd say.
Those thinking that HRC might suddenly die between now and election day need only to look in the charts of Bill and Chelsea for confirmation probably noted by very prominent and direct aspects from transiting Saturn to the Moon or Venus most likely.

Aspects from Saturn to people's moon and Venus occur with regularity. BC is past his second Saturn return, and a major hard aspect from Saturn would occur roughly every 7 years. Then BC's and Chelsea's charts may not be synchronized, yet the death of a close family member would affect them both deeply.

I don't think this would work.
I was quite intrigued when I read in the Magi book 'Astrology Really Works' about Hillary Clinton's birth chart. It was in the chapter on Super Charts which focused on famous people who had what they call Super Aspects. Now keep in mind this book was published in 1995. At this time she was only a first lady, all the other people mentioned in this chapter had much greater fame and success. People such as the prime minsters, presidents, the queen and pope. They mentioned her right after her husband Bill's chart and outline that she has in fact more Super Aspects than he.

Now, the Magis don't specifically predict Hillary will become president in 1995 but they do make a suggestion that points to a real potential. This is what it says

"Hillary Clinton has five Super Aspects. As much as conservatives would love to see her disappear from the political scene, individuals with so many Super Aspects rarely get pushed aside for long; and Hillary certainly will not voluntarily step aside for long, either. We notice that she has been having a super-negative progression that will be leaving in the not-all-too-distant future. Also, she has the super progression of Jupiter contra-parallel natal Pluto when she turns 66 (in the year 2014). This is the progression that helped Jack Kennedy become President. American politics will be fascinating to watch in the up-coming decades."

Have whatever opinions you like about the Magi's but this is really interesting. I especially was impressed with their prediction for her progression in 2014 which of course turned out to be correct.
by the way Dude
fact is
that for example
Scorpio ascendants are not all identical as regards appearance
is a testament to the influence of the ascendant ruler :smile:

so in the case of Gemini ascendant MERCURY is the planet to assess
for Scorpio ascendant then MARS is the planet to assess

Physical appearance indicators 40 year research by Ron Bippus http://reocities.com/athens/delphi/1601/physical.html
Interesting that both Mars AND Pluto are in Leo considering the 8a.m. Chart's Scorpio Asc., and Sun rules Leo in both Trad and Mod. Water and Fire , and Fixed-mode, make sense to me. Also Sun and Merc in the Asc. Sign (my own situation).
I only meant to have people find out that there are no indications of sorrow or grief to be found in their charts between now and election day.

On election day transit Saturn is exactly square Chelsea's New York MC but she also has transit Mercury conjunct natal Uranus and transit Uranus conjunct natal Venus on that day.

Those thinking that HRC might suddenly die between now and election day need only to look in the charts of Bill and Chelsea for confirmation probably noted by very prominent and direct aspects from transiting Saturn to the Moon or Venus most likely.

Aspects from Saturn to people's moon and Venus occur with regularity. BC is past his second Saturn return, and a major hard aspect from Saturn would occur roughly every 7 years. Then BC's and Chelsea's charts may not be synchronized, yet the death of a close family member would affect them both deeply.

I don't think this would work.
"Hillary Clinton has five Super Aspects.

The Super Aspects may be seen as having aided her in some way(?) but there is no guarantee.

A post of mine to a group years ago:

"In my files I have the chart of a person born December 6, 1941. The Magi Society listed 12 Super Aspects in their works. This person has 7 out of the 12!

They are:

Jupiter parallel Pluto
Venus contra-parallel Pluto
Sun contra-parallel Pluto
Sun contra-parallel Jupiter
Venus contra-parallel Jupiter
Venus trine Uranus
Venus trine Neptune

And though not listed by the Magi Society as a Super Aspect the chart also has Venus parallel Sun."

A response informed me that this person's chart also had a 'Star of David' ("the most powerful of all symmetrical planetary geometry") in their chart.

From the Magi Society teachings - "Star of David: A symmetrical planetary geometric pattern of 6 or more planets creating 2 interlocking Grand Trines and 6 Sextiles. Very rare and powerful."

The chart belongs to Richard Speck.
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Wow. I've never studied Magi astrology, but I suppose a super-aspect could be used for good or evil. I do look at parallels/counter-parallels on occasion.

I've noticed that Clinton's aspect lines form a trapezoid pattern (8:02 am birth time,) but don't know if there's any significance to it. I haven't found it written up like the well-known yod, Thor's Hammer, &c.
As I read more about her I'm leaning more towards Scorpio Rising chart with Jupiter in the Sag and in the first house.

She was raised as her father's princess, was the most populer child in the house, and she is the most shining/attractive looking person of all family members(at least for me) etc.

Also I think if she had Gemini rising she would have divorced her husband till now.People with mutable signs on their 7th house cusp tend to marry more than once.HRC's Moon is in Pisces , again a mutable sign, can make her emotions change with time.Plus this Moon is squared by Uranus which make a person prone to easily change her/his partners. Water signs are also very jeaous as we all know,it'd hard for them to forgive cheating.But She preferred to keep her family;most likely Taurus on 7th house cusp and Moon in the 4th house.Family is important to her.

She's probably having a Saturn transit in her first house right now.Which could be the source of her current health problems

In addition, I'm looking at B. Clinton's chart now he has Moon (İndicator of his wife) squared by Sun,İn Chelsea's chart her Leo Moon (indicator of mother) is making its only aspect with Sun.Judging by these maybe we should expect HRC's Sun to be stonger in the chart.

I was trying to find Hillary in Bill Clinton's chart and I've noticed that astro.com doesn't show quincunx between Moon and Jupiter(using 3 degrees orb).

İf HRC really has Parkinson's desease I'll consider Gemini+Uranus rising chart
Also I think if she had Gemini rising she would have divorced her husband till now.

Whether she's divorced or married isn't a good basis to judge her rising off of. She's in a high profile, high power position and it's probably more beneficial for them to stay together for multiple reasons, than to get a divorce like the average person would.

I don't think she has Gemini rising because she's too stiff during her speeches. Compare the way she speaks to how Trump does where he literally word vomits everywhere, constantly.
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She's probably having a Saturn transit in her first house right now.Which could be the source of her current health problems
If we go with the 8am version, then Saturn is in her 7th, i.e. opposite 1st and square 10th. But I don't think astrology is to blame here.

I rather think her health problems are mostly the result of consistent contradictory energy (short-circuiting). When what we say and what we do is not in alignment, our body will tell the real story. And every time we don't let the body tell the real story, because we've mastered or trying to master the art of lying, the body gets a beating. If we do that over decades, then rather serious health issues may be the result.

Also, Scorpios tend to be hands-on managers, sometimes even control-freaks. Which means additional tension. Hands-on managers are not good leaders. Leaders need to delegate or else they will overwork themselves and then suffer from burnout, chronic exhaustion.

HRC has long been described as a stiff personality or robotic and so I don't find it surprising that this is now manifesting on a physical body level as well. It's just the next logical step for someone who 'works like a demon' and whose first impulse is to just 'power through' things like pneumonia instead of recognizing it as an indicator that is suggesting a change of direction.
I don't think she has Gemini rising because she's too stiff during her speeches. Compare the way she speaks to how Trump does where he literally word vomits everywhere, constantly.
That's the way I see it too. She prefers highly controlled environments. That's where she seems to function very well. And that's typical Scorpio. A typical Gemini would hate that. The Gemini needs room for improvisation and loves going off the script. I think we've seen that clearly in the last debate where HRC seemed to feel more at home. DJT seems to feel more at home in town hall meetings which are less scripted.