Hillary R. Clinton.

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Aug 3, 2017
Hillary R. Clinton rectified birthtime 8h,1m, 53s. [typo corrected by Moderator]

Progressive aspects.

3-Jan-2018 001°,40'28 Capricorn Sat 60 C-12 transit

5-Jan-2018 007°,27'57 Virgo Mars 135 mutual Asc
5-Jan-2018 016°,13'54 Libra Moon 135 AR04
6-Jan-2018 016°,14'29 Libra Moon 30 Ven
12-Jan-2018 -03°,42'19 Moon // mutual Nep
15-Jan-2018 022°,29'46 Cancer Desc * POLLUX (MARS - )
23-Jan-2018 029°,51'05 Sagittarius C-12 135 Plu
25-Jan-2018 016°,55'55 Libra Moon * SEGINUS (MERC - SAT )
28-Jan-2018 012°,34'01 Capricorn Merc 90 Pars

15-Feb-2018 017°,40'47 Libra Moon 30 mutual MC
22-Feb-2018 008°,31'56 Pisces C--2 0 AR10
22-Feb-2018 029°,55'39 Sagittarius C-12 * SPICULUM (MARS - MOON )

4-March-2018 012°,34'01 Aquarius Ven 60 Pars
23-March-2018 000°,00'00 Capricorn C-12 Nw
24-March-2018 019°,02'40 Libra Moon 180 mutual C--3

2-Apr-2018 -04°,57'59 Moon # Pars
4-Apr-2018 012°,34'01 Capricorn Sun 90 Pars
7-Apr-2018 019°,31'43 Libra Moon 90 Black Moon
16-Apr-2018 012°,54'34 Capricorn Merc * ASCELLA (JUP - MERC )
22-Apr-2018 020°,04'03 Libra Moon 45 MC
26-Apr-2018 020°,13'49 Libra Moon 60 AR08
27-Apr-2018 012°,57'33 Capricorn Merc 90 mutual Nep

3-May-2018 020°,29'01 Libra Moon 180 AR09
5-May-2018 020°,34'02 Libra Moon 90 AR06
8-May-2018 020°,39'14 Libra Moon 150 mutual Drac
11-May-2018 022°,51'20 Capricorn Asc 60 Moon
26-May-2018 021°,18'48 Libra Moon 60 Sat
28-May-2018 021°,23'49 Libra Moon 30 Merc
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ER doctor who was one of the doctors on duty in the hospital ICU when Seth Rich was there
posted the following:

In the meantime he [Seth Rich] was transferred to the ICU
and transfused with 2 units of blood when his post-surgery crit came back ~20.
He was stable and not on any pressors, and it seemed pretty routine.

About 8 hours after he arrived we were swarmed by LEOs [Law Enforcement Officers]
and pretty much everyone except the attending physician
and a few nurses were kicked out of the ICU
- disallowing visiting hours - not something we do routinely. It was weird as hell.

At turnover - change of shift- that morning,
we were instructed not to round - check up - on the VIP that came in last night
that's exactly what the attending physician said

and no one except for me and another resident had any idea who he was talking about

No one here was allowed to see Seth except for my attending physician when he died.
No code was called.
I rounded - checked-up - on patients literally next door
but was physically blocked from checking in on him.
I've never seen anything like it before
and while I can't say 100% that he was
allowed to die
I don't understand why he was treated like that.
Take it how you may - I'm just one low level doc.
Something's fishy though, that's for sure..


A judge has ruled in favor of a plaintiff suing the FBI to release the data stored
on murdered Democratic staffer Seth Rich’s laptop computer.
The FBI has asked the judge to reconsider
claiming that the Rich family would be harmed by the release
and instead has asked to be allowed to delay the release for

– get this
– 66 years.
Because the FBI has always made its number one priority
concern for the family members of crime victims. :)
Jimmy and his panel of Convo Couch host Craig Pasta
and Americans’ Comedian Kurt Metzger wonder why the FBI would be so eager to keep hidden
the contents of a laptop they initially claimed they didn’t even have :)

75 years for vaccine data
66 for Laptop Data.
so all that are involved will have passed away
And with great arrogance they call anyone questioning these timelines a "...conspiracy theorist..."
That really tells you how much accountability they think they have to anyone
and they laugh in your face about it.
Out of touch indeed, but not out of reach.
Smells an awful lot like a ruling class and a secret police force, doesn't it?
So much easier to cover up things when you're the law
When you murder a whistleblower, you better make sure all evidence is supressed
Nothing says "...transparency..." like "...we'll tell you once you're dead...." :)

“...When exposing a crime is treated as committing a crime, you are being ruled by criminals.” - Edward Snowden



Seth was conscious and talking after he was shot.
A surgical resident said his wounds were not considered fatal.
He said no one but the attending physician was allowed in Seth's room post-op.
Seth was fully conscious and talking lucidly when he entered the hospital :)
But shortly Donna Brasile and the DC police chief came into the hospital

another unknown doctor/surgeon was called in
Seth was taken to another floor
and "...died..." before morning.
And BTW, no code was called when Seth died.
That NEVER happens for a 27 yr old!

Whole Seth Rich thing incredibly sketchy!




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Saturn :saturn:opposing a Gemini :gemini:ascendant validation of losing the election.
Saturn :saturn:opposing asc in late October and early Nov of 2016. IF she’s a:gemini: Gemini rising
Obama is a Gemini :gemini:moon


10:45PM makes her a Leo :leo:rising with an :aries:Aries moon
- something haughty about her look and presentation

Hillary Clinton's Birth Certificate IS Released :)

Chris Brennan, Patrick Watson, Nick Dagan Best
discuss recent release of Hillary Clinton's birth certificate :)
& whether it finally lays to rest
a longstanding controversy in the astrological community
over her true birth time.

Hillary Clinton's birth time has been the subject of interest among astrologers
since at least the 1990s when she became First Lady of the United States
after her husband Bill Clinton was elected President in 1992.

The topic has long had an air of mystery surrounding it
because there have been multiple conflicting birth times floating around :)
and much debate among astrologers over what the correct birth chart is for Hillary.

The mystery and debates surrounding this issue culminated in 2016
when Hillary ran for President against Donald Trump
and many astrologers based their predictions about the outcome of the election
on different proposed times for Clinton
despite the uncertainties surrounding them.

Much of this was documented previously in episodes 90, 91, and 93 of The Astrology Podcast,
titled 2016 US Presidential Election Birth Data Issues

Hillary Clinton's Birth Time Revisited
and Post-2016 Election Analysis and Reflections:

Hillary Clinton's birth time was kept confidential for a long time, according to Illinois state law about who may access birth certificates. However, when Illinois natives reach the age of 75, their birth certificates become public records.

The Astrodienst Astro-DataBank now lists Clinton's birth data as Rodden AA- meaning it has now been verified by birth certificate.

https://www.astro.com/astro-databank/Clinton,_Hillary Her birth time is 18:45 (6:45 pm CST.)

So the rectifications are now of historic interest only-- if that.
Looking at the Astrodienst chart, I'm not convinced that Placidus houses work best for her. They make her Scorpio planets intercepted in the 6th house, which doesn't seem consistent with her very public personality. The 6th house I get, as Clinton devoted her life to public service. The whole signs house system removes the interception, and also puts her moon in the 10th house of career and public image. Whole signs also moves Clinton's domiciled Jupiter to the 7th house of marriage. We know it's been rocky, but overall beneficial to her own career aspirations.
Where's Bill Clinton in her chart ? And what's the reason behind her long lasting marriage ?
Asteroid Hillary conjuncts Bill Clinton's moon. Have you looked at their synastry? Long-married couples sometimes have to decide if they're better off together than apart, despite serious issues like infidelity. They may decide that the good outweighs the bad.
I personally find the Hilary chart captivating when using placidus / whole signs overlay, this way her chart becomes much clearer.

Pluto is parallel her Ascendant/2nd cusp & Venus is parallel the MC

Mercury L1 parallel the 9th cusp from the 6th sign.

Fortune is parallel the Descendant

Jupiter would be angular in the 7th sign, signifying her marriage to Bill.
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I personally find the Hilary chart captivating when using placidus / whole signs overlay,
this way her chart becomes much clearer.





Pluto is parallel her Ascendant/2nd cusp & Venus is parallel the MC
Mercury L1 parallel the 9th cusp from the 6th sign.
Fortune is parallel the Descendant
Jupiter would be angular in the 7th sign, signifying her marriage to Bill.
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So we are still doing this, huh?
It's 2023....can we move on?
There are a lot of NEW people whose reputations we can bash....
interesting :)

Thank you! Hillary looks like a Yang rising sign, especially either Gemini, or Leo, rising! Nobody knows her real rising sign!
I also should check her chart if she has any strong Leo in there! She was very good looking when she was young!
Thank you! Hillary looks like a Yang rising sign, especially either Gemini, or Leo, rising! Nobody knows her real rising sign!
I also should check her chart if she has any strong Leo in there! She was very good looking when she was young!


Hillary Clinton's Birth Certificate IS Released

interesting :)

The more recent pictures of her are so wrinkly but the childhood pictures do depict more of a Gemini rising I think.

She has Hyadum II/Ain & Tabit configured with the ASC (in the lunar mansion of Aldebaran) if we look at the official birth certificate time, as well as Pluto by declination.

I am not surprised that some murder conspiracy theories were brought up in this thread as I’ve heard of the same type of rumors surrounding the Clintons as far back as the mid to late 90s..
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Based on my research, Gemini rising has long fingers, narrow shoulders, a long thin neck, a hexagonal head and small sparkly eyes. Taurus rising would have short fingers, broad shoulders, a short neck, a square shaped face and very big calm eyes. Scorpio rising would have also short fingers, broad shoulders and additionally broad hips, a normal length neck, an oval shaped face and lively eyes. So I think we can rule out Gemini. Which leaves Taurus or Scorpio.

The problem with Taurus though is that the Taurus rising chart is not the chart of a high profile person. The Scorpio rising chart, however, is.

This is what I get for Taurus rising (sidereal, whole sign), time of birth 18:45:

ASC Taurus, Virgo decan, L1 in Libra, H6
Sun in Libra, H6
Moon in Pisces, H11

What is interesting here is that there is only one planet in its own domicile (Venus), but two planets in fall (Sun, Mars). Also there are only two planets angular (Mars, Saturn) but four planets cadent (Sun, Mercury, Venus, Jupiter).

This is what I get for Scorpio rising (sidereal, whole sign), time of birth 08:45:

ASC Scorpio, Pisces decan, L1 in Cancer, H9
Sun in Libra, H12
Moon in Pisces, H5

In terms of essential dignity, we get the same, of course, only one planet in its own domicile (Venus), but two planets in fall (Sun, Mars). However, in terms of accidental dignity, we get only two cadent planets (Mercury, Venus) instead of four and one of the lights (Moon) angular instead of none of the lights angular plus Sun succedent instead of cadent.

So for now, I'd say Scorpio the most likely option. But I have to look at some more pictures when she was still younger to be sure.

Also, some general advice when it comes to charts from internet collectors like astro.com, based on my experience, anything that is not AA rating you can consider as speculative birth time. And even charts with AA rating sometimes are the result of typos like 18:00 instead of 08:00 or 8 am instead of 8 pm. So be careful. Always see if the chart makes sense in terms of physiognomy and general life path (L1 and Sun placement) before you go into making predictions based on the chart you've got.
Also, some general advice when it comes to charts from internet collectors like astro.com, based on my experience, anything that is not AA rating you can consider as speculative birth time. And even charts with AA rating sometimes are the result of typos like 18:00 instead of 08:00 or 8 am instead of 8 pm. So be careful.
It appears the certificate is public now with a rating AA for her Gemini rising birth time