HIV/AIDS in a natal chart

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Yes, OK, this is one aspect but could apply to all sorts of severe illnesses. The question however was about HIV/AIDS. Should we not look for some aspect which could show weakening of the immune system or body in general?
Sun (life force)-Saturn or Mars (physical energy)-Saturn aspects maybe?

Saturn in chart 1 is conjunct Mars
in chart 2 widely? conjunct Sun, cant see the degrees
in chart 3 opposes the Ascendant, trines Sun however
in chart 4 opposes Mars
The propensity for illness can be seen in a chart by those with sufficient knowledge.

For AIDS Neptune for the immune system, connected to Mars and Pluto the signs for sex.......If acquired by injection or blood transfusion then I guess Jupiter for the blood as well as Mars......The 8th house of crises and of sexual nature as well as the 6th for general health and hygiene. It would be a different set of aspects for any AIDs sufferer. For gay sex encounters Uranus can be in the mix as well as Neptune......Chiron may also be in the mix.... The ascendant and its ruler.........many factors to consider.
5th for affairs. If a partner is involved then the 7th. Transits will trigger off the possibilities....Neptune, Uranus, Mars and Pluto and combinations of those...... However the natal chart always always has to indicate the probability and possibility. Decumbiture charts may help but the 6th house and its ruler etc is the main indication for disease as well as the 12th for hospitalisation, rehab.....
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yeah, the only thing I care about in this WHOLE thread is the post that said the brother is abusing his two year old son!!!! Hello!!!! REPORT HIM! This is disgusting. How can this just be passed over? Poor little boy! Help him!
I wonder if anyone has found the exact date of origin of Month, Day, Year of AIDS/HIV... I know there are known cases that go back to the 1930's and 1950's. By knowing the exact date, we could figure out who conjuncts, trines, oppositions the virus in their natal chart with their aspects. This could play a role in knowing how one may have proof of a weaken immune system before they contracted the disease.
Serious and chronic diseases almost always have a hard
aspect to the Sun.

I believe any hard aspect that could cause a person to decide to play the victim when feeling restricted in his family or culture, can cause HIV/AIDS and other immune related disorders. There is a very interesting chapter in Caroline Myss' book Anatomy of the Spirit about this dynamic in the first chakra.

I can see how my Sun oppose Saturn have caused me to feel like a victim and how the decision to play the victim have influenced my health in the past. It's also interesting that many people who have lived long lives with HIV and lived to write autobiographies etc have empowered themselves, taken responsibility and healed themselves away from feeling like a victim.
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There are many people involved themselves in sexual activities with multiple partners same or opposite sex or both at the same time and had multiple exposures but yet not being infected by HIV virus.

However it is still not well known even by people working in health professional industry that not all people contacted HIV will be infected.

Some academic researches of genetic resistance to HIV virus may give you some insights in the matter of natal and medical astrology.

In medical astrology, Pluto is the planet that rules Creation, Intensity, Abnormal Growth such as Cancer cells and viruses. Pluto is the planet of death and rebirth. Cancer cells are the cells that are alien cell/s no longer serve the needs of the body system but the body failed it normal cleaning up function to kill these non useful cell/s, instead it mutated and multiplied itself into tumor and becomes metastatic. These cancer cells take control over healthy cells and spread their own power across the body. These characteristics can be applied to the nature of HIV virus.

Neptune is slow moving planet; in predictive astrology is generational disease that affects in larger scale and over a long period of time and often due to unknown cause, the nature of Neptune. Uranus is flu kind of diseases that are sudden in nature but not very long lasting, let says as seasonal.
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Don't get me wrong: astrology is my passion. But another passion of mine is the application of logic and evidence.

Very good waybread the fact is too many lose their head when it comes to occult 'sciences'...I think a big problem with astrology is that it is probably more right than not, but it isn't statistically correct (with predictions) to any very high degree. And then people decide to 'make themselves' correct by any means necessary by making up ways to explain things. People would rather feel correct than be correct :smile: Fact is there is nothing you can find in someone's chart that points to the possibility of having hiv/aids, though you can find something where they may be deceived (how is mediated by sign) or have some sort of health concern or life span may be less, but you cannot find universal aspects pointing to hiv/aids...astrology is best for general things.
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I suggest to have more detail investigations on the individual progression (individual life story and pattern), transits (external and universal planetary transits), midpoints (hidden natal promises), divisional charts in Vedic astrology.

If one wants to know more specific and individual life events; one must learn to read time and events together and how it manifests when combining all these messages. I don't think natal chart itself is enough to give you all the answers.

I have studied some charts in connection with this disease. From what I have noted, and these are just the results of my own study as to the recurring placements/aspects:

Mars (blood/sexual drive&habits) is one of the prime indicators. It could either be placed in one of the fire signs or Sco (in both places, it is very active).

It could often have a connection with the 8th house either by being the house ruler, or be placed in the 8th, or in an aspect to a planet placed therein, or aspecting the 8th house ruler.

Sometimes, Mars or the 8th house ruler can be in an aspect to either Ura or Plu.


I have studied some charts in connection with this disease. From what I have noted, and these are just the results of my own study as to the recurring placements/aspects:

Mars (blood/sexual drive&habits) is one of the prime indicators. It could either be placed in one of the fire signs or Sco (in both places, it is very active).

It could often have a connection with the 8th house either by being the house ruler, or be placed in the 8th, or in an aspect to a planet placed therein, or aspecting the 8th house ruler.

Sometimes, Mars or the 8th house ruler can be in an aspect to either Ura or Plu.


i have mars in libra in the 5th and have a horribly high sex drive
lol People have Jupiter in 5th or 8th or Mars as chart ruler, ascendant ruler or conjunction to ascendant could be worse :biggrin:

yeah but saturn is very strong in the 8th which impedes me from really 'hooking up' I am left with feeling very sexually frustrated between the two so mine feels worse.
yeah but saturn is very strong in the 8th which impedes me from really 'hooking up' I am left with feeling very sexually frustrated between the two so mine feels worse.
The house of "hooking up" for the sake of romance (or at least at first) is the 5th, so look at that house. The more serious house of "hooking up" for something long-term is then the 7th. The relationship itself and its development or maturity is then the 8th where you 'share' everything with the partner.

Though Saturn actually has joy in the 12th house that supports its characteristic of limiting, or to put it in the 12th-house terms of retreat and confinement; you are right insofar as traditionally Saturn is linked to the 8th house (of total retreat through death). Saturn there can increase fear of disease and death.

So much love in the air with this dusted post! :)

I've come across this thread because it hits close to home. I had unprotected sex a month ago and I am due to take the test later today.

The answer to this thread (and to many other threads) boils down to how one views astrology: as deterministic or as a 1 month weather forecast.
Personally, I believe that a thing as HIV/AIDS could be picked up from a chart more often than chance by targeting either behavioral factors (impulsivity, recklessness) or planetary footprints.
It is true that there are various ways of contracting the disease and I wouldn't be surprised if there were different astrological patterns behind each of them. However, there are clear instances when individuals engage in unprotected sex and get infected, and I think it is these individuals' birth charts that can paint the clearest picture of the probability of contracting the infection.

Many ideas have been flaunted on this thread. Smilingsteph was perplexed why other STDs don't get the same amount of love and attention when talking about astrological footprints. HIV is still the only incurable infection out of the bunch and, if there is such thing as seeing an infectious disease in a birth chart, HIV/AIDS would surely fit that bill.

Shining Ray mentioned we should look at the history of HIV/AIDS in order to better understand its astrological footprints. As you all know, AIDS - the epidemic - took the world by surprise when Pluto was transiting Virgo. I believe it has been this "correlation" that HIV/AIDS gets its association with Pluto from! Furthermore, unprotected sexual contact remains the number one method of transmission. We should not exclude Pluto from our analysis because of ideological presumptions (i.e. Pluto equals rebirth, purification). The fact that Pluto pops out so often in the charts of people contracting the disease is no coincidence, perhaps even pointing out to the cause of transmission. It should also hold true that people contracting HIV via other ways will not present the same patterns of Pluto, just as not all people with poorly aspected Pluto will get infected.

Kaoiusei, it seems to me you've got no love for Neptune, putting it there with Saturn in the malefics gang :)
We all want to put faces to the good and bad in our lives but we also know not one planet is good or bad, be it Jupiter or Saturn or Neptune. Jupiter brings no more prosperity and abundance than it brings indulgence and negligence. Likewise, Saturn is not just the ugly bat that rains on our parade, bringing delays and sorrow; it's also our source of endurance and perseverance. Going straight to the topic, I agree with waybread's take on Neptune as the ruler of our immune systems. A basic biology book would say that when pathogens such as viruses as bacteria cross our physical barriers, it is up to the innate immune system to fight them in an immediate but non-specific manner. This blind, non-discriminative way of dealing with outsiders, meaning it does so in a generic way, is specific to Neptune's qualities. TV commercials may want to picture our immune system as little Mars soldiers going to war in a very organized fashion but that is just not the case.

The summary of my post would look as this:
In principle, HIV/AIDS could be picked up from a birth chart especially if there are behavioral patterns to spoil it. To this end, badly aspected Mars pointing to recklessness and/or badly aspected Pluto would be the most consistent markers. Other planets can participate and they would each paint a fuller scenario behind the infection as to the "how" and "why". I don't see how Neptune alone would be indicative of the infection as there are so many other immune system disorders out there (not to mention addiction-related problems) but it stands to reason it would be involved.
This is interesting here / I have a friend who is wondering about Hiv contact as well here is his chart. :sad::whistling::whistling::whistling:


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