One of the oldtime Islamic era horary methods, used the Moon to indicate the quesited and the rising sign to represent the querent: therefore, even if the question is not asked out loud (ie, it is kept unspoken by the querent) a horary answer can be determined (somewhat similar to the Vedic prasna technique elaborated by Anoop, above)
In this method:
1st sign lord = querent
-dispositor of the sign in which the Moon is posited = quesited (subject of the question)
So, in the reference chart:
-querent = 1st house = Mercury
-lord of the Moon sign (Moon in Capricorn) = Saturn
-so, Mercury flows toward Saturn and Saturn retrogrades toward Mercury = + testimony
So, in this chart, using this "unspoken" question horary method from the oldtimes, the answer to the question would be "yes" (same answer as Anoop, but using a very different method)
Note: the querent later posted that the unspoken question was about marriage this year; however, for me the answer would cover the next "year", ie, the next full 12 months following the date when the querent asked this "silent question"...