Horary chart

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hello ...

Ok i will for sure share the question in my mind was will i get married this year ... :love:..it was only in my mind ... i didnt share wth anyone

Hi anachiel ,

i will wait fr your comments

Thanks and regards .
My response was based on simple method Vedic method-
Moon is placed at 7th house from 11th house of vedic chart.
Means 7th house distance from Asc. is the house, from which this question is related.
Now Asc. Lord is Sun (Leo Asc.) and 7th house Lord is Saturn, both are in 1/7 axis and forming a strong relationship.
That's why i said 'Yes'.
you're mercury & moon. Your partner's represented by Jupiter.
Mercury won't get to Jupiter.
Too much of interference.
It's next aspect is to Mars while Sun combusts Jupiter.
Mercury in the 8H of loss & disappoinment.
Moon's it's detriment in Capricorn.
Last aspect is a square to Saturn.

No, you won't marry this year.
Hi ,
I am upset now :crying:

you're mercury & moon. Your partner's represented by Jupiter.
Mercury won't get to Jupiter.
Too much of interference.
It's next aspect is to Mars while Sun combusts Jupiter.
Mercury in the 8H of loss & disappoinment.
Moon's it's detriment in Capricorn.
Last aspect is a square to Saturn.

No, you won't marry this year.
One of the oldtime Islamic era horary methods, used the Moon to indicate the quesited and the rising sign to represent the querent: therefore, even if the question is not asked out loud (ie, it is kept unspoken by the querent) a horary answer can be determined (somewhat similar to the Vedic prasna technique elaborated by Anoop, above)

In this method:
1st sign lord = querent
-dispositor of the sign in which the Moon is posited = quesited (subject of the question)

So, in the reference chart:
-querent = 1st house = Mercury
-lord of the Moon sign (Moon in Capricorn) = Saturn
-so, Mercury flows toward Saturn and Saturn retrogrades toward Mercury = + testimony
So, in this chart, using this "unspoken" question horary method from the oldtimes, the answer to the question would be "yes" (same answer as Anoop, but using a very different method)

Note: the querent later posted that the unspoken question was about marriage this year; however, for me the answer would cover the next "year", ie, the next full 12 months following the date when the querent asked this "silent question"...