Whatever system is used, a transit or progression to the IC-MX axis will occur at the same time, BUT a transit /progression to the 4th-10th house cusps of Equal House could be years off.
Using Equal House, one can't think of the meaning of the IC-MC axis in the same terms as is applied with other systems.The I.C. may not denote 'home roots', for example, whereas the 4th house cusp will.
For this exact reason I prefer un-equal house systems. Also you cannot rectify a chart with Equal Houses. You need all four angles to find major changes in someones life and where are they more noticable than in the 10th/4th house axis. If the 4th house does not denote "Home" and early parenting, then where can we find info on this in an Equal Houses chart?
The un-equal systems provide much more information on everything and that's why I prefer it over the Equal House system. But if you are happy with that, just use it. Like I said before, I see a natal chart as a vehicle to unleash our intuition, just like a person looking into a glass bowl does and the lady who reads the tealeaves.