Saturn in the 8th house, traditional ruler of Aquarius cusp 8th and ruler of 7th house
Saturn rules Venus,
-----8th house is partner's possessions, partner's money rule over native's Venus
If we use modern rulership, Uranus rules over Venus and Saturn from 2nd house
Venus rules 4th and 11th houses
If we use Saturn's rulership over Venus, partner's possessions has power over native 4th and 11th houses' matters? Moon rules ascendant, power from 8th house will eventually affect the native?
Moon is confused! Ha she opposites to Neptune...and is restricted by Saturn from 8th...8th is the 2nd house of 7th...I reckon his/her partner is not bad financially. Neptune in 5th which is his partner's 11th house...
Saturn opposites to modern ruler Uranus Rx
Uranus Rx opposites to Venus
Sigh...these rulership things always make me feel dizzy!!
Anyhow, I think there are links between 2nd, 4th, 8th, 11th and ascendant. Something to do with his/her partner's possession. That is my Guess!!
Also this person has difficult or unusual expression/value regarding to love/money due to the hard aspect between Uranus and Venus. Some say, that suggests homosexuality or unconventional sexual preferences. And both Venus and Saturn in Aquarius anyway, Pluto is also Rx. Anyhow, my fun guesses here!! LOL