I was unlucky the first(& last!!!) time I gambled. I won a few times that day but mostly lost. The ratio was around 7:30....pretty addictive

you see. So no more gambling for me.
I met with my first accident at age 3, bike related. My foot was operated on & now it works fine. One side feels hollow & If I run for long, I lose balance & fall. Jupiter was transiting my 12th. They say this placement protects you from physical harm.
The following year I met with another accident,

, bicycle related. Resulted in stitches on the same foot. The same month : I was supposed to go somewhere with my family. We cancelled the plan because my dad wasn't interested. A terrorist attack took place the very day (& time). Jupiter was transiting my 1st.
I was diagnosed with anorexia when I was in the 9th grade. The doctor said I could have died in another one week. What had begun as a crash diet(2 slices of bread with one portion of vegetable for dinner) reduced to no food,for 21 days. Jupiter was transiting Sagittarius. That's where my Sun, Merc, Venus, Mars & Nnode are.
I was ALMOST expelled from school about four times on the following grounds : libel, mass bunking(1 whole month), misbehavior & the last time was because I had bashed up an ex(same school so his parents turned up) & later, his friend on the streets

. However, the teachers liked me so the management couldn't go beyond suspension, warning letter, parent-principal meetings....
11H in Sagittarius.
Sun/Mars in the 11th.
Sun conjunct POL in the 11th.
Jupiter is in Scorpio in the 9th ,unaspected.
Jupiter conj POF & sun-moon midpoint.
8H in Virgo.
Moon sits in the 8th.
trines Neptune(lord of 2H)
Merc conj Venus/nnode.
Merc conj Pluto(out of sign)
Merc squ Saturn(out of sign)
Inspite of a middle class background, I've always been a part of the rich & influential circles. I've met people all my life who did/do things for me & my parents on their own accord. It seems one of my mom's employers, who was also a friend, wanted to leave me a part of her property because she didn't have kids. Unfortunately, she died several months before I was born. A large part of our expenditure is taken care of by mom's company. Then, I've a friend who I've known for 9 years. At home, he's the one who takes me for shopping. We both love trying out new restaurants so eating out is what we do almost every weekend. I moved to a different country last year & soon started hanging out with the same type of people. However, we parted ways because I wasn't comfortable with their activities. A few days before Christmas, I joined another group. The guys pay for everything from food to trips.
I had not known that there was an astrological house that represented 'friends' money'.

Now, I think that POL & POF work.