Houses of Wealth

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What if you have north node Leo in your 11th house along with moon?
That would depend on the individual natal chart :smile:
keep in mind that:
The houses that Venus rule and is located are the most telling houses. After you find that, you look to Venus aspects. Then you look for any debilitation of those planets involved to other planets.

Wealth always shows with Venus somehow - spiritual or material or knowledge.

Abundance - too much for the person to handle - is Jupiter - more than they know what to do with.

Taurus always knows, Venus ruled, how to handle its wealth.

2nd house - what is valued (conservation) in meaningful terms (holding on to) and how it is used ('what's in it for me?')

That's all Venus.

As well, Venus attracts, smoothes over, makes things happen by letting others make it happen for them.

Look at all of Venus' relationships in chart to figure out where the go buttons are and where the stop-gaps are.