How Are Essential Dignities Calculated?

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I have no problem. I'm interested in this.

So, as an example, is my Pluto doing double-duty for my Moon considering Pluto is about as happily placed as it gets and the Moon couldn't get much worse?

What are the orbs for audentia and videntia? I know videntia is more like an aspect and audentia isn't.

Edit: The commanding and obeying sign relationships brings some entertaining imagery to mind to me for some (obvious) reason.

Cancer: Cappy dear! Get back over here! And stop those ruthless business tactics! Now here's a cup of tea made with extra love and tears...
Capricorn: OK Cancer... But can I please still do business ruthlessly?
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They would be the "orbs of signs", some considering this to be 5 degrees before the beginning of the sign (some even more!) However, I don't go along with this, and somewhat follow old Ibn Ezra who said that a planet's power flows into the next sign when the planet is posited in the final degree (our 29th degree) of its current sign. So I guess I would say that the orb would be 1 degree...
Theoretically it would; however, in actual practice I still count a 29 degree planet as being in its original sign and under the dispositorship of that sign; unless I run into something like a 29degree50 minute (or more) situation and then I delineate the planet as in the next sign and under the dispositorship of the lord of that next sign (but not in horary! In horary I'll count the planet as in its present sign even at 29degrees59 minutes of that sign)
Yes that is the list of audentia sign relationships.
Yes you are quite correct in saying that signs which hear each other can affect the matters of the houses to which they pertain; and the example you give is a very good illustration of the principle involved!

I found a listing of signs with the same ascensional time (how long it takes to "rise?") that is identical to the listing of signs that can "hear" each other. Just wanted to point out that I thought it interesting, with all the threads about signs and houses, and how they were calculated, that the signs that hear have equal risings...
Right, and thanks for bringing that up; maybe they "hear" ("understand") each other is somehow connected to their resonance in time!
Suggest,"Intro' to Traditional Astrology."Abu Ma'ashar & al-Qabisi,translated by B.N.Dykes.
Agreeing in the circle and ascensions.
First degree of Aries= Last degree of Pisces,etc.

The RA thing is interesting...

If a planet is at the very end of a sign, should it be counted in the first term and face of the next sign too?

How were terms and faces decided on?
The RA thing is interesting...

If a planet is at the very end of a sign, should it be counted in the first term and face of the next sign too?

How were terms and faces decided on?
Bob Zemco succinctly posted recently that the Egyptian Bound system changes, and Ptolemy not being able to understand that, created his very own 'Ptolemy's Pterms' :smile:


To calculate Egyptian Bounds, you must

1] find the Vernal Equinox Point for your Latitude
2] divide the chart into 10 sections of 36°
3] assign the Planets.