How did you get into astrology?

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In the astrological world travel map, the 2 lines where the AC-Moon and MC-Uranus meets is near Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam and I have a strong feeling my last past life was in that place when it was Saigon, South Vietnam in the 1970s. When I pressed the two lines, Pluto in MC in zenith in the same latitude, the probability of death occurred in the very place I once lived. The AC-Moon is a symbol of being female in a past life (I'm a male born Feb 15, 1980 in the US - Fontana, CA) and MC-Uranus (my sign ruler planet) is an unconventional life when the country was at war, I was between age 20-25 when my life ended.
CapAquaPis, your AC-Moon and MC-Uranus crossing in HCMC is interesting! I'm a post-war Vietnamese who is living in HCMC, Vietnam right now. I have my MC-Pluto cross Israel, 6H local space cross Bethlehem, MC-North Node cross Mauritius and zenith at Mauritius. I have my 1st life on Earth on Israel at the time of David's reign. I was a person who recieved messages from the Lord in Israel and I was being persecuted A LOT in these old times (Age of Aries). I don't have any incarnation in Mauritius but I'll definitely go there for become more like my authentic self (North Node in Capricorn).
well after i murderd someone.. i was sentenced to 15 years in prison.. i was bored out of my mind and so had my mom ship me astrology books cause i wanted to fnd out why i murdered a person..

LOL j/k

i went to an astrologer, who seriously screwed up my chart. Since no one knows what time it is, she predicted "fabulous" future for me including either a murder or being murdered i forgot whch one.. basically, i said to myself "this woman is out of her mind!" and i decided to figure out on my own what the HECK is going on.. 1st thing i learned was creating a chart by hand since we had no computers no astrology relliable books.. so there you have it

Tikana, your story is a very interesting one... How old are you now? I don't think that you have ever murdered someone because you joined in here on a time when this forum was very new to people
Notes: This is my 2222nd post...
I must have been ten. I was reading the detailed weekly astrological forecasts for Sun signs on an expired local newspaper one day and got to realise it fitted very well with what I actually had the previous week, Like the health was marked to be poor for Thursday and I was ill that day!! :rotflmao:
I knew about Sun Signs when I was 9, and back then it was very interesting for me until 31 July 2021, when I surfed a nunerology subreddit and found a comment that mentions natal charts, and I did mine. It was really astonishing as all of my questions about my life finally has an answer!
My Scorpio soul mate.

She truly made me seek other explanations for our... unbelievable connection we had.

And here is the answers which i only found 3 weeks back.

206 CancerEvolve Trine Julie Moon - Moon

Positive aspect: They instinctively feel comfortable with one another, and instinctively know how to comfort one another. They feel safe together. They know exactly how to interpret the other person, to see how they feel, to understand them.

144 CancerEvolve Conjunction Julie Sun - Pluto

Positive aspect: It's love-at-first-sight, the great passion: they will be drawn to each other like two magnets, they will always have to see and touch each other. Very good sexual understanding, typically very passionate. It must be said that this type of relationship may not last forever, it may not develop into a quiet and tender love. If they part, it is close to impossible to stay friends because of the constant reminder of the passion that once existed. It's all or nothing with them. If they part, one will suffer when the passion of the other dies, it will be a very difficult time to live through. However, if they stay together, there is strength to gain from each other.

137 CancerEvolve Conjunction Julie Moon - Neptune

Positive aspect: An almost magical bond will unite them. Perfect harmony. There is something MORE to this relationship. It inspires the imagination, and there is a magical feeling of acceptance. There is much devotion here, especially on the part of the Moon person. Spiritual tenderness and romantic warmth between them. Their relationship encourages imagination in both people. This stems from an underlying acceptance of each other, which translates into the feeling that they are free to express their spiritual, imaginative sides without fear in each other's presence. Unconditional love, which is very rare in romantic partnerships.

91 CancerEvolve Sextile Julie Mars - Mars

Positive aspect: A life together in which each will desire the other and satisfy each other's sexual needs. Frustration levels tend to be minimal, and this helps the couple develop a pleasant atmosphere between them. They may do great things together or simply inspire one another.

64 CancerEvolve Trine Julie Mercury - Neptune

Positive aspect: Good spiritual understanding. This is the kind of relationship in which they finish one another's sentences. The connection encourages imagination.

53 CancerEvolve Sextile Julie Mercury - Pluto

Positive aspect: Favorable union of the minds. They speak to each other about things they never talk about to others.

This story never changed, omission of the fact this woman passed away in 2013.

Julie will always be remembered, a tough life, from one soul to another, some of her lives on through me, that Scorpio taught me a thing or two.

I feel nothing now about her, yet she lives on as a happy memory, bless her.

Her Sun was in my 8th house conjunct Pluto in Scorpio and Lilith, to this day even through all the weirdness of communication issues as time went by, ups and downs, I still remember the reason why I can't back down from this path.

Thank you all for the education over time and I guess you all got a first hand display of Cancerian "Lunacy".

I used to think I was some messenger of death or something, it turns out I just did not know how to process the fact she was here one moment and gone the next.
I also tried to find aspects of her in others, whilst pretending I had let go.

Cathartic experience.

The essence of astrology it's self to me is the fact it talks to the things I cannot place words on at times, that alone is enough.

It's odd and quirky too as you sometimes cannot place words on the experiences you get or the knowledge you gain until time has passed the point it happened.

It's quite a profound study.
I have always had some interest in astrology, I would read about it and such, but it wasn't until I moved to the West that I really got into it.

It really went into high gear when I found out about houses and the ascendant.
This story never changed, omission of the fact this woman passed away in 2013.

Julie will always be remembered, a tough life, from one soul to another, some of her lives on through me, that Scorpio taught me a thing or two.

I feel nothing now about her, yet she lives on as a happy memory, bless her.

Her Sun was in my 8th house conjunct Pluto in Scorpio and Lilith, to this day even through all the weirdness of communication issues as time went by, ups and downs, I still remember the reason why I can't back down from this path.

Thank you all for the education over time and I guess you all got a first hand display of Cancerian "Lunacy".

I used to think I was some messenger of death or something, it turns out I just did not know how to process the fact she was here one moment and gone the next.
I also tried to find aspects of her in others, whilst pretending I had let go.

Cathartic experience.

The essence of astrology it's self to me is the fact it talks to the things I cannot place words on at times, that alone is enough.

It's odd and quirky too as you sometimes cannot place words on the experiences you get or the knowledge you gain until time has passed the point it happened.

It's quite a profound study.

M8 when you come back chill out on the attacking so you can stay longer
RE the OP: in a forum like this, wouldn't the correct answer be something like, "It was fated to be" or "The stars in their motions made me do it" or (maybe more of an edge case) "I signed up for the wrong correspondence course" ? ;)
How did I get into Astrology? Since I was a kid I was generally interested in Sun signs after my parents told me what sign I was, but it was completely by accident that I stumbled upon the study of it!

When I was around 16, I did my usual visit to the library and was mindlessly browsing through Astrology books.

I saw "Rising Signs" by Sasha Fenton, and thought that was a fun title for an astrology book, not knowing what it meant 😂 so I borrowed it on a whim

Getting home and reading it blew my mind!

It soon led to getting the DK Astrology book (remember that one 😃) by Derek and Julia Parker, where you had to draw your own chart by hand. I miscalculated and thought I was a Capricorn Ascendant though (very late Sagittarius).

And who can forget Linda Goodman's Sun Signs! Read it cover to cover. I might dig that one out again lol (albeit, it's held together by sticky tape!)

By the time I got to college, I met others who were on similar astrology journeys 🙂 which was handy for learning from each other. One friend knew all about progressions and taught me the techniques and interpretations.

And then, two years later, and with the introduction of the internet, another accidental stumble..... Astrodienst! 😍

I didn't know about transits until I joined the ADF forum in 2007 though.
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By the late 1980s [around the time of my Saturn return, for those who like to fit the data to the model] I was living in a university town that had several bookstores, including a used bookstore near my dwelling that had a good selection of new-age/metaphysical books (to use a catch-all term), and for a couple of years we also had a branch of The Lighthouse Bookstore (which was completely new-age/metaphysical, but they only sold new books).

I'm not sure of the order of events re: which books I studied first and in which order, but I think Twelve Doors to the Soul: Astrology of the Inner Self by Jane A. Evans ( Quest/Theosophical Publishing House, 1979) was probably my first text for learning the fundamentals. I should mention that it has some emphasis on past lives, reincarnation, and karma -- but even if one does not subscribe to that set of beliefs, I think most of the material would still be found worthwhile.

Luckily my (now late) Mom remembered the time of my birth, and I did my natal chart with a pocket calculator and the help of Martin Seymour-Smith's The New Astrologer (Collier, 1981). I did pretty well, compared to later computer calculations!

(Back then we had protractors for drawing circles on paper, or at least I did -- but now I imagine a saucer or bowl could also be used for that purpose.)
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It's always interesting to hear other peoples' experiences with astrology, so how did you get into it?

I began studying it about a year ago when Uranus was in trine with my natal Jupiter and Neptune was tightly conjunct my north node.
Firsr part pure Autistic Nerd Rage on how no chart systems account for 0° Pisces till 2100 AD.

Then pure Autistic Nerd Rage on how Chinese Astrology is based off the position of Jupiter for Year Energy. But then utterly ignores Jupiter, and uses incorrect placements on Rat Year in Aquarius, when until 2044 Rat for the last century has been in Sagittarius (currently in 24 Mountain W2 on Rat Years. Not N1.).

Then Autistic Nerd Rage on 28 day - 13 month Neo-Mayan and Neo-Celtic Calendars not respecting source materials.

Then eventually saying.

I'm gathering, folding, and weighting everything. And when I gather all the words Astrology data and update computations.

Put it in the hands of AI, and run statistical analysis. Get a system, made of pure math and science. That'll be right, exact, and orderly.

No more having Scorpio stars in Sagittarius signs. No more saying "X is Y, but we're ignoring X and Y because it's no longer tradition." No more confusion on Charts being all over the place depending on calculation style. Putting the wrong things in the wrong areas because of a math error.

Just pure, and utter beautiful truth from the Heavens and Earth.
Sun Sign Astrology was my beginning like most first it seemed stars and celestial bodies had any impact on our lives? but then my spiritual journey made me realize the true nature of the Earth and our physical plane and I realized... everything is meaningful in this world. From the gentle whispers of birds chirping on a Spring day to the radiance of the Moon in the winter snow. We live in a truly special world. Astrology to me is the instrument of life itself.

So then I learned my Moon Rising sign...and Venus..Mars and so on. Started delving deeper in my early twenties now I'm late twenties and I love it more than ever ⭐
Sun Sign Astrology was my beginning like most first it seemed stars and celestial bodies had any impact on our lives? but then my spiritual journey made me realize the true nature of the Earth and our physical plane and I realized... everything is meaningful in this world. From the gentle whispers of birds chirping on a Spring day to the radiance of the Moon in the winter snow. We live in a truly special world. Astrology to me is the instrument of life itself.

So then I learned my Moon Rising sign...and Venus..Mars and so on. Started delving deeper in my early twenties now I'm late twenties and I love it more than ever ⭐
well said. I began to re-believe in God after learning Astrology, many moons ago. Now I am nearly 90 yrs!