How did you get on with father/saturn?

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Ok:) with equal house- sun rules the 8th. Gotta be open minded. I was thinking about the mutual reception between my sun and venus , so I was thinking thats like a way out of the intercept, but in the equal house system I don't really have to be concerned about that do I. I am a different person with a 8/9th stellium when I look at equal house, nice too. :) Marie
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Saturn in Aries 2nd house if equal or any other house system puts him in my first...I am struggling with forgiving this man always ...hatred is always the first word that comes to mind.. the Most selfish person in the world the second ,the most self absorbed biggest ego I have ever met also....Ugly...My North Node is conjuct Saturn/and Chiron so is My prenatal Solar eclipse I have a Yod to Saturn inconjunct Sun/Pluto( exact Conj) and inconjunct Nep with a boomerang opposition of SAT/MER, SAT/VEN... His Marriage to my mom an Arian marriage..He has always put his talents my mom's talent's always ahead of sister the competitive one was able to rise above this challenge and she is the hero of the family...Any and all abusers in my life have been Arians and there have been a few...Perhaps if I can come to actually forgive this alcoholic ugly person that is my father...I might HEAL...Thanks for the subject..Since i was allowed to express(which I have such difficulty doing) I may be on the way to Healing I was born just after Sunset so I believe both SAT an SUN indicate him;) P.S. You can also see my father in my SUN/Pluto exact conjunct he is a is 22 Virgo exact square to my Moon 22 Gem. My moon is also involved in a Tsquare to my Midheaven and another Yod to Neptune...My chart ruler is Neptune...
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I was really interested in seeing your chart Carrie, I feel for ya--about uploading the chart too. I haven't been able to do that either, so don't feel bad. I tried photobucket too & read those several different posts on instructionals yet I still couldn't do it. Maybee one day I will get it. If you do give me a hint.

Ok, weird,but Leo is intercepted in my 7th house-so then I don't think my sun is lord of any house.

Leo rules the 7th then if it is between the 7th and 8th House (intercepted). He is the co-ruler along with the Lord of the 7th House cusp.
Saturn in Sagittarius or in the Ninth House
This person`s father probably was an intelligent person whose education was blocked in some way. He may have been idealistic as a young man, but later became disillusioned. For this reason, he may have tried to put a damper on the child`s ideals and illusions, wanting him or her to be more "realistic". Thus, the child either may have rejected the concept of higher thought or rebelled to the point of making it the focal point of his or her life. (This will depend on other factors in the chart). Though intelligent, this individual might balk at using his or her intelligence, and probably either rejects or postpones higher education until adulthood. At times, this person can appear scatterbrained. If you are involved with this type of partner, do not expect him or her to be intellectually grounded or ordered. You may have an animated and enlightening discussion with your partner on a particular subject, then find he or she embraces a completely opposite viewpoint the next day.

This is what I have: Saturn in Leo in the 9th, and it does not really describe my father. My father was extremely creative and intelligent, especially musically as he wrote music at the age of 6 and was a great piano player. He was a mining engineer and had a successful career, spoke several languages of which Arabic was one (he was Dutch) which he taught himself when hiding from the Germans somewhere underground (to pass the time). He always helped us and especialy me with homework, very much wanted us to do good in school (expected too much from my brothers though), he was Virgoanly precise, picking up pieces of paper in the street when he saw them laying about and used to be very sporty (skiing and tennis). He was a chessmaster beating the computer.

So what are the 9th house/Sagittarian traits to be found here? languages, higher education and being interested in nature (minerals and stones although that is more Venus/Taurus I would say).The sports of course.

but for the rest he was very quiet,(he was a Leo, dont know his birthtime but suspect Aries because of his facial structures) never got angry and I was fond of him. (we both have Moon in Scorpio).
He did think I believe that the women should get married and do homework instead of going out and have a job, but that might have been his generation of course. He was idealisitic I think and a great romantic.
I have Saturn in Cancer in the 7th house. I was born before sunset, so probably Saturn does not even represent my Father in the chart.

Saturn in Cancer or in the Fourth House
At some time in this individual`s life the father was absent from the home. There may have been a divorce, or the father may have died or gone away to war. In some cases, the father might not have been physically absent,but he was so ineffectual that he may as well have been.

No, absolutely not. Maybe I am not as close with my Dad as I am with my Mom, and I was never a "Daddy's girl", but I know I can always count on him.

The father probably embraced traditional viewpoints and expected his children to do the same. Perhaps he combined the roles of nurturer and disciplinarian in a strange and confusing way;
If traditional means conservative or patriarchal, then no. He is quite liberal in his views. And no, I was not confused about his parenting style.
though he had strong feelings toward his children, he never let them know it, and discouraged them from showing their feelings as well.
He is not a very affectionate person, but he is not cold or stern. I never had problem with that because I am not a whole lot affectionate either.

As a result, such individuals have blocks against any kind of emotional expression, and though they may experience intense emotion, expressing it can be so difficult that doing so makes them physically ill.
If you have this planetary placement in your chart, you need to acknowledge and accept your feeling and know that it is okay for you to express them. If you are involved with such a person, encourage him or her to express feelings, but don`t be too disappointed in your partner never does. The inhibitions imposed by the father may be too strong.
Well, I am somewhat reserved, but not to the point described here. And I attribute it to other factors, not to my Dad being calm and balanced. But yes, I had to come to realize that being less reserved is ok.

Saturn in Libra or in the Seventh House
This individual`s parents might have been divorced, or they may have been estranged even though they remained married. The father may have expressed a negative attitude towards marriage and/or relationships and therefore, this person is distrustful of them.
Can't be further from the truth!
The individual could have difficulty forming relationships or being happy in the relationships he or she does have ‑ even though marriage and relationships with other people are important to him or her. However, such people are willing to work at their relationships and therefore might make a "career" out of their relationships. They have a tendency though, to stay in bad relationships long after they should have ended them. If you are involved with such a person, you are relatively secure in the relationship, but if you decide at some time that you would be better off apart, you may have to be the one who breaks it off ‑ the Saturn/Libra person will hang on until the bitter end.

Yes, there is truth to this statement.

So all in all, I see that as far as the description concerns me, it is quite accurate. But it has nothing to do with my Dad. Except, maybe that his Sun is in Libra.
I have Saturn in the first in Sagittarius, and Saturn co-rules my third house with Uranus.

The stuff on Saturn in the first house, with regard to self expression and confidence is true. But this does not come from my father. My father is also very shy in some circles (English is not his native language- maybe this relates to the third house.)

Saturn in Sagittarius- my father is very idealistic and few things ever lived up to his expectations. He has been disappointed and let down by alot of people. But this has made him bring us up to be even more idealistic to overcome people who might let us down. His education was impeded but this made him work very hard to get his children educated. My father also has Saturn in Sagittarius.

Finally, like I said in the other post, exactly the same is true for my mother. She also has Saturn in Saggitarius.

So alot of Saturn is attributable to just me, some is attributable to my parents (and not just my father). I think the Saturn issues relating to the third house are instilled into me by my parents. The sign issue is something we all have in common. The first house effect is something I naturally, and doesn't have anything to do with my parents I think.
Relatively accurate. Mayby not as extreme, but I can definitely see these energies in my relationship with my father. Saturn in Scorpio in the Tenth...
astrologer50 said:
Saturn in Sagittarius or in the Ninth House
This person`s father probably was an intelligent person whose education was blocked in some way.

Yup. My dad got kicked out of high school, lol.

He may have been idealistic as a young man, but later became disillusioned.

He was very idealistic, indeed.

For this reason, he may have tried to put a damper on the child`s ideals and illusions, wanting him or her to be more "realistic".

True. Whenever I would get lost in my world of illusions/dreams he'd get annoyed with me. He always wanted me to be more practical.

Thus, the child either may have rejected the concept of higher thought or rebelled to the point of making it the focal point of his or her life. (This will depend on other factors in the chart).

Not sure about this one.

Though intelligent, this individual might balk at using his or her intelligence, and probably either rejects or postpones higher education until adulthood.

Oh yes. I've had a lot of difficulty with education in general. Although I can be a good student if I WANT to, I absolutely hate studying.

At times, this person can appear scatterbrained.

I am VERY scatterbrained. *sigh*

If you are involved with this type of partner, do not expect him or her to be intellectually grounded or ordered. You may have an animated and enlightening discussion with your partner on a particular subject, then find he or she embraces a completely opposite viewpoint the next day.

Haha.. sounds like me.
astrologer50 said:
again, just for this thread without looking at how saturn is aspected, can you identify with the traits of father?

I don't know your source but these descriptions don't fit my father at all...
Saturn in the forth house in Scorpio.

My dad was very independant, very creative (both suns in Leo) but he worked long hours and was very aloof. He kicked me out of home twice and we had very bad arguments, I have mars in forth too. He lives abroad now and we hardly speak, we aren't close at all. But I do try too be like him in that I want to work very hard and do something creative.
Mmmm.............. the diurnal/nocturnal birth thing is interesting.

Mine was a diurnal birth, and yes, I can relate to my father through Sun in Leo (conj Pluto) in 7th. My father was a Scorpio (an insecure, controlling, game-playing Scorpio) and controlled me through creating rifts with my mother - essentially, he maintained control over me through controlling her. My parents stayed together until his death, but essentially they had a deep emotional separation throughout their marriage.

I can also relate to him through my natal Saturn - in Leo - in the 8th, but perhaps that is only because it sets of similar dynamics as my sun placement. My father was very distant emotionally, and set up his whole life so that he could not be questioned or even disagreed with - talk about a control-freak.
I get along with my father, however the relationship with him was distant and I don't visit him often. His personal history is described (coincidentally) on my own Saturn in Virgo (the third house), so let's take a glimpse in the first paragraph.

Saturn in Virgo or in the Sixth House
The individual may have trouble working for a living. Either the father didn`t work, was not always able to work in his own profession, or was forced to perform work that was not of his own choosing.
Though not lazy or unwilling to work, this type of individual feels that certain jobs are beneath him or her and resents it when forced to do such work in order to survive. The person may feel that he or she like father, is compelled to do unfulfilling work, and needs to find a way to escape the treadmill. If you are involved with such a person, you may have to help him or her to find a way to accomplish this. Your own life with that person will be happier if your partner feels more complete.

I'm in total agreement in my father could done alot better in life, keep away from drinking and hold onto his job, and avoided the last 3 marriages with troublesome women whom either done drugs, had a criminal record as well had her sons, or came from another nation to have her and her daughters use him for her advantage.

Saturn in Gemini or in the Third House
In some way, the father inhibited the child`s development of communication skills. The father may have been so talkative that the child couldn`t get a word in, or conversely, he may have been so taciturn that the child found it pointless to try to talk to him. The father`s viewpoints may have been limited in scope, and the child grew up to be closed‑minded, too.
Unless other factors in the chart (such as Sun, Ascendant or Mercury also in Gemini or Sagittarius) offset this influence, individuals with this placement in their charts often don`t even try to expand their minds until they reach maturity ‑ if they do it at all. Even if they do have other chart factors which offset the Saturn/Gemini reticence, they might not be as comfortable with communications or mental pursuits as people who don`t have this Saturnian influence.
If you are a great believer in intellectual expansion and ­communication, you probably will find a relationship with this sort of person frustrating. However, you might be able to find the intellectual rapport you need in other friends, and thus enjoy other things about your Saturn/Gemini partner.

Yep, sounds like Dad alright...he fits in this category of fathers whom may been good parents, but they failed to proven themselves the ideal partner in marriage and aren't good role models to his children. My birth sign Aquarius-8th house has the Moon ruled by a rising Cancer sends fractures in our family and my natal Mercury in Pisces-9th house should impose a distant barrier between me and Dad.
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Saturn in Aquarius in tenth house in Capricorn

Barely know my father. Met him a few times. Our relationship is like an employee/boss. We never speak about personal things, just career. He refuses to help or send me money (no birthday or Xmas presents etc)

He is a famous and wealthy scientist. My chart is very descriptive of him!
Saturn intercepted in the 1H(of expression)
in Aquarius.

In 1H :
We wouldn't talk much because he would come home in the mornings when I was in school. If I didn't study once a week or do well in exams, he would beat me. My house would sometimes turn into a war zone and I could do nothing but cry. I loved drawing when I was young & filled my room with portraits of Disney characters & scenes from fairy tales. One day, he came in & asked me why I was dirtying the place. I gave up drawing then & there. Aquarius rules freedom & Saturn is the planet of restrictions. My freedom was suppressed by Satan disguised as protectiveness. I would stand in my balcony watching other kids play.

Aquarius :
Things changed drastically when I turned 13 & vented out all my feelings. He believed he was a good father! :annoyed:
I now see him as a 'cool' dad who's extremely interested in technology, politics & intellectual conversation! He also has a lot of friends & acquaintances. Aquarius isn't a sign that displays feelings overtly. He comes up with his own expressions of love & care. yet I know he's a softie inside & hurting him kills me. He's the only person who I actually listen to. :joyful:
Sun's in Gemini in the 1st.
Moon's conjunct asc in Taurus
In my own chart Saturn occupies the fifth house in Pisces. It is one component of a stellium. In my father's chart it resides in the second house in Taurus.

Saturn in Leo or in the Fifth House:
Although artistic himself, the father may have inhibited the child`s self‑expression or creativity. He may have belittled the child`s efforts so that he or she became unsure and intimidated about expressing talents. The child probably held the father in high esteem and believed him to be an extraordinary person, and was quite proud of him. However, male children especially can find themselves caught up in the "famous father" syndrome, believing that they cannot possibly match father`s achievements so why bother to try? Such people need to be made more cognizant of their own abilities and not worry about equalling their fathers. It is quite possible that these individuals will not realise their talents ‑ or make a success of them ‑ until they reach maturity.

I can affirm outright how applicable this is. It is strongly on the nail in most respects. First of all, Saturn induced in me from an early age a devoutly, perhaps austerely, disciplined approach to creative pursuits. From drawing to music to writing, and what I may regard as the trifles in between. That my fifth house is strongly accentuated by the presence of the Moon, Mercury, Mars & Saturn means that the stage has almost always been there. I have not struggled to receive attention, wholesome or unwholesome, sought or unsought, for my efforts in this field. I have been too diffident or defiant of it though. My father was disposed at each point of departure to offer something constructive in the way of fatherly praise or feigned interest, but these seldom came to be. He and my mother parted ways while I was in infancy. I revered him as a human being, perhaps something more than that, as a god. And as the delineation above states, I believed him to be an extraordinary individual of singular attributes whom I was proud to call my father, and to speak highly of him at every turn.

But somehow I never had sufficient reason to feel that that was wholly reciprocal. He is given to be domineering, and has an expressed lack of faith in me to succeed in life (ostensibly what it amounts to). I have no memory of him being affectionate. When I began learning the guitar, his precise words were "No one makes money playing the guitar". When I expressed my interest in Philosophy, he was again reproving on the issue of the money to be made. I have forborne my instincts in this situation to avoid potential conflict, but it is so maddening that I imagine one utterance of mine might lead to war.
More maddening still is his seeming indifference. We have spoken three times since September; my grandfather's mass, Christmas, and my Birthday in March when I turned 18. These occasions are so few and far between as to make the possibility of an affectionate correspondence impossible. Of course it is further compounded by his words of disapproval when they do happen.

There is also an imperiousness about him, a tendency to adopt a bullying manner, which I find bothersome. In family congregations I usually retire to a quiet room alone, as I am not close to my paternal family and - since my grandfather's death - I do not feel welcome among them. Instead I tend to isolate myself (how can I not, being that he has a whole new family, wife, two children, affluence). It is not uncommon for him at these gatherings to pass some rude mockery my way. Sometimes it is within reason - such as jesting on the fact that I am the tallest of the family, taller than him - but other times it can be something about another aspect of my appearance, or my quiet disposition among them.

I have come far from the idolatry of my childhood. I will always have a special, inviolate reserve of affection for my father, despite his folly, but he has let himself become estranged. We are unknown to each other, but I realise that it must be so, as I have outgrown the time of tolerating his impositions and his carelessness. He may disapprove of my decisions, but I disapprove of his no less. Perhaps that is the one point of intersection.

I would like to hear the experiences of others with his placement. I would be interested to know whether or not it is a common phenomenon.

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