How do I make my moon happy?

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Sep 16, 2023
I was reading a book that said that my virgo moon can inhibit success by making me feel hopeless and depressed and that it is essential to get 5th house matters in order. But I'm having trouble understanding what I need to meet my emotional needs. Can someone tell me by looking at my chart?


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What makes Virgo happy is developing a skill. Is there any skill that gives you great pleasure to develop and use? What are you doing when you feel your happiest?

Fifth house is about the things that give us pleasure.

You could find yourself depressed if you're not doing whatever feeds your moon. If you are, you're not at any particular risk for depression.
What makes Virgo happy is developing a skill. Is there any skill that gives you great pleasure to develop and use? What are you doing when you feel your happiest?

Fifth house is about the things that give us pleasure.

You could find yourself depressed if you're not doing whatever feeds your moon. If you are, you're not at any particular risk for depression.

Writing is the skill that I have been working on for years. It started with stories that I wrote in junior high school and then became academic writing once I got to university. I really struggled with putting my thoughts in order and writing cohesive arguments. Anything with any sort of structure or routine is difficult for me, but looking at my chart, I'm getting the sense that this is important to overcome if I want to succeed. I see potential there because my mercury is conjunct my midheaven and trine my moon. I get pleasure from writing when I create a good piece of writing (like a paper) and get a good grade or recognition from my peers.

The happiest I felt was when I travelled abroad to Egypt. I was fascinated by everything and was interesting to others. (Many more opportunities for friends than at home.) I had the ability to explore different locations and get places on my own (rather than getting rides from family in my regular life.) I am intrigued by different cultures and Egypt had many potential places for work, but I could not figure out how to get a job when there were no job postings for the international organizations. In all, I was happy because I had a purpose. I could live out my values and make people who felt invisible and unimportant feel seen and valued.

Aside from that, I don't really have any things in my life that give me pleasure. I lack friendships and hobbies. The only thing I really do is spend time online.

I'm looking for anything about how to meet my emotional needs and how to find things and people that I enjoy.
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I'm also getting confused about the structured, routine virgo energy and how that works with the fifth house. Could it be like the emotional need for routine and structure but integrating pleasurable activities.

I'd appreciate any insights in my chart about how to meet the need for structure and routine and what kinds of pleasurable activities I could add to my life.
Is the problem really your moon? I would think your big life challenge is dealing with your big Capricorn stellium, notably sun conjunct Saturn.

The 5th house has two major meanings: your children (if any) and your leisure/recreational activities. Note that "recreation" can be parsed as re-creation. It's what you do for enjoyment, to recharge your batteries. If something stresses you, is it really 5th house?

In general Virgo is a perfectionist who likes to be helpful to people.

Virgo rules gardening. With so much earth in your horoscope, I wonder if you enjoy gardening, and getting your hands in the earth. An athletic activity that focuses on your health and well-being would also seem appropriate. This could be anything from walking to mountaineering.

If you love to write, write! Journaling for yourself perhaps.
Hi Blissful,
Your moon looks reasonably happy to me.
She's part of a grand Trine in Earth, so IMO that makes you emotionally self-sufficient and stable.
However, that square to Uranus will give you that 'quirky' streak, when suddenly you decide to pack your bags and run off to Outer Mongolia to live in a tent with a yak for a month.
Embrace your uniqueness and surround yourself with people who value your individuality.
Hello blissfulmoon,

your thinking focuses on what you like, and by being open to everything that is difficult to achieve, by striking out on your own, by showing that you take things to heart and ultimately by having the personal conviction that you are interested others... then you will be happy (you had a glimpse of it Egypt)...

2024-25 should be an interesting year for yourself with the landmark transit from Uranus to Jupiter... If you're interested, I can give you my interpretation.

Can you indicate the period of this trip to Egypt (year and month)?

Ecliptique. :)
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The 5th house also represents the parent-child relationships.
The Moon is associated with the biological mother, yet forms a link to an astrological point that finds a strong association with 'non-physical existence'. Together it can relate to a 'pseudo' mother and/or a non-bonding relationship. In the 5th house as part of the Earth grand trine, 'mother' may have been inwardly experienced as the rational , cool, disciplined, and sensible ' obligational provider' of one's outer needs. Yet the harsh aspects from both Venus and Mars ( and possibly Uranus) would suggest that there are/were inner needs that were not ever fulfilled, creating an 'emotional distance' that could cause rifts within the relationship.

A Virgo Moon can be very ( self?) discriminative and analytical of nature in a negative sense in its need for perfection in all things. It may well separate the chaff from the corn, yet pay more attention towards the effect of the unnecessary chaff that should be disposed of, and discarded, than the well-being of the ripened corn.

There is a saying 'Man cannot live by bread alone.' Very apt for any Vigo influence.
Moon is a sub-conscious REactive force to outer situations ... and people It is unable to consciously actively work for its own benefit, as can a natal Sun. It has need of the functions found and given within the other planets. In adulthood, the tables could turn and the child ... or mother ... becomes 'the provider' in the same fashion and conditions as were experienced in youth. Moon could feel impeded by a freedom (Moon square Uranus; Saturn conjunct Uranus)) it cannot outwardly express except, possibly, in/through an irrrational behaviour pattern ( example as expressed by PussinBoots). The rebel and/or independent streak within one's self desiring to break the chains of its felt imprisonment.

Who can ever feel happy under such self-imposed conditions? Maybe the inner rebel needs to find the cause, in more sense than one, that enables the Moon's feelings to change and express themselves differently?

Is the problem really your moon? I would think your big life challenge is dealing with your big Capricorn stellium, notably sun conjunct Saturn.

The 5th house has two major meanings: your children (if any) and your leisure/recreational activities. Note that "recreation" can be parsed as re-creation. It's what you do for enjoyment, to recharge your batteries. If something stresses you, is it really 5th house?

In general Virgo is a perfectionist who likes to be helpful to people.

Virgo rules gardening. With so much earth in your horoscope, I wonder if you enjoy gardening, and getting your hands in the earth. An athletic activity that focuses on your health and well-being would also seem appropriate. This could be anything from walking to mountaineering.

If you love to write, write! Journaling for yourself perhaps.

I've been trying to reflect on my Moon and how I have or haven't been meeting my emotional needs. This is the bit that I am focusing on right now as I am making an effort to tap into the structured and organized nature of Capricorn and Virgo. Everyone focuses on their Sun and I was wondering if my moon was being neglected. Over the course of my life, I have felt my Capricorn stellium, especially the conjunctions with Neptune and Saturn. Let me know if you have any insights into the stellium since you think it should be the bigger focus in my chart.

I don't have any children. I'm just concerned whether my Moon is at home in Virgo in the 5th house. I definitely have perfectionist tendencies but I don't really have a way that I can make myself useful to others or be of service. I'm trying to get started in a new career in government administration. I have the sense that I could be helpful to others in my career.

I actually don't enjoy the outdoors very much, despite having a lot of earth in my chart. I could try gardening and yard work next year to be helpful around the home. Perhaps I would enjoy it. Walking is an option but I live in an area of the city where there are few walking groups.

I found a good video on youtube that appealed to me about journaling as a way of reflecting and shaping your life and creating a life narrative. Hopefully I can start a habit of doing that every night.

I appreciate the time that you've taken to suggest activities that could make my moon happy.
Hi Blissful,
Your moon looks reasonably happy to me.
She's part of a grand Trine in Earth, so IMO that makes you emotionally self-sufficient and stable.
However, that square to Uranus will give you that 'quirky' streak, when suddenly you decide to pack your bags and run off to Outer Mongolia to live in a tent with a yak for a month.
Embrace your uniqueness and surround yourself with people who value your individuality.

That's what intrigued me to ask about my moon in the first place. I see a lot of indicators in my chart that I have the potential to be self-sufficient and stable, but that hasn't been true for my life. I really struggle with structure and routines and I was looking to my moon as a possible clue for how to make it happen. I feel like my moon is conflicted, so I may have to look at the squares for some insight.
Hello blissfulmoon,

your thinking focuses on what you like, and by being open to everything that is difficult to achieve, by striking out on your own, by showing that you take things to heart and ultimately by having the personal conviction that you are interested others... then you will be happy (you had a glimpse of it Egypt)...

2024-25 should be an interesting year for yourself with the landmark transit from Uranus to Jupiter... If you're interested, I can give you my interpretation.

Can you indicate the period of this trip to Egypt (year and month)?

Ecliptique. :)

My life has been preparing me for striking out on my own but there have been several factors that have prevented me from doing that. The book that I was reading says that I will succeed once I move out from home and my family influence.

Yes, I'm interested into any insights you can provide, whether about the upcoming transit or about what was going on during my trip. I have included charts for when I arrived in Egypt and when I returned home.


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The 5th house also represents the parent-child relationships.
The Moon is associated with the biological mother, yet forms a link to an astrological point that finds a strong association with 'non-physical existence'. Together it can relate to a 'pseudo' mother and/or a non-bonding relationship. In the 5th house as part of the Earth grand trine, 'mother' may have been inwardly experienced as the rational , cool, disciplined, and sensible ' obligational provider' of one's outer needs. Yet the harsh aspects from both Venus and Mars ( and possibly Uranus) would suggest that there are/were inner needs that were not ever fulfilled, creating an 'emotional distance' that could cause rifts within the relationship.

A Virgo Moon can be very ( self?) discriminative and analytical of nature in a negative sense in its need for perfection in all things. It may well separate the chaff from the corn, yet pay more attention towards the effect of the unnecessary chaff that should be disposed of, and discarded, than the well-being of the ripened corn.

There is a saying 'Man cannot live by bread alone.' Very apt for any Vigo influence.
Moon is a sub-conscious REactive force to outer situations ... and people It is unable to consciously actively work for its own benefit, as can a natal Sun. It has need of the functions found and given within the other planets. In adulthood, the tables could turn and the child ... or mother ... becomes 'the provider' in the same fashion and conditions as were experienced in youth. Moon could feel impeded by a freedom (Moon square Uranus; Saturn conjunct Uranus)) it cannot outwardly express except, possibly, in/through an irrrational behaviour pattern ( example as expressed by PussinBoots). The rebel and/or independent streak within one's self desiring to break the chains of its felt imprisonment.

Who can ever feel happy under such self-imposed conditions? Maybe the inner rebel needs to find the cause, in more sense than one, that enables the Moon's feelings to change and express themselves differently?


My mother was none of those things but she had to juggle many roles when my father didn't know his role in the family and didn't take responsibility. I think the relationship with my father is pretty clear with my conflicted Sun. If I remember correctly, Moon in Virgo can mean a critical mother. This is more true of my relationship with her. You're right that there were a lot of inner needs that were unfulfilled and emotional distance.

I relate to your description of separating the corn from the chaff.
blissfulmoon-- thanks for the feedback. It's how I learn astrology. It's good that you chose a forum name with a positive meaning.

Astrology is my passionate hobby. But I wonder if you're trying too hard to live your life through astrology, vs. just how life shows up for you. Astrology should be an asset to your living your best life, but it shouldn't be a set of rules for life. For one thing, astrologers don't all agree on the "rules," and for another; unhappy interpretations are often based on insufficient astrological knowledge. I've seen far too many unhappy forum members who blame this-or-that misery on some astrological feature of their horoscopes. The worst problems are when a Doom and Gloom style of astrologer gave them a personal reading that was critical and fatalistic-- and the person believed it.

Here's the real deal. Every planet, sign, and house has multiple interpretations that are consistent with the core meanings. To cite one example, Mars in a chart could be the man in a woman's life, her natural aggression, or her career as a surgeon. The moon symbolizes your experience of your mother, your own emotional nature, your home, food, and subconscious. Some interpretations are empowering. Some are disempowering. Empowering interpretations work better. You choose.

To me, your posts sound a lot more like sun conjunct Saturn. The sun rules your identity or sense of self. Saturn definitely rules structure/s but it can also show where and how we feel inadequate, or not good-enough. This doesn't mean that there is anything objectively wrong with you, just that sun-conjunct-Saturn people would have a tendency to go through life with self-esteem issues.

In your horoscope, your self-confidence gets a further hit from Neptune, which makes it hard to know who you really are. Neptune can be the visionary, or it can be the sense of low energy and disillusionment. Neptune doesn't deal with reality.

I view Saturn as my wisest teacher. His lessons are patience, frugality, deferred gratification, and hard work.

One problem for hyper-Capricorns, however; is that in learning Saturn's lessons to perfection, they forget how to simply relax and enjoy life as it happens. They're prepared to wait and plan for the future, living lives of self-denial; but miss the present-day in the process. Jupiter is the planet of ordinary happiness, but where your Jupiter is retrograde, it can be hard for you to summon natural exuberance.

The 5th house asks you just to do what you enjoy to recharge your batteries. And to let go of self-imposed limitations. I mean, if you cannot walk safely in your neighborhood, can you drive or take public transit to a nicer area for a restorative walk? Or better yet, move to one? Can you work out in a recreation center? Why not just take time for your favorite hobby or leisure activity-- even if it's simply reading or watching TV? If that's your moon in the 5th house, so be it.

If you want to work towards some kind of self-improvement, the north node shows where your growth lies. Yours is in the 11th house of friends and associates-- and of your hopes and wishes for the future. Do you reach out to people? As a sign, Pisces tends to be accepting of humanity in its various guises. The NN is often way out of our comfort zone, but is where we grow the most as human beings.

With all good wishes for your journey, W.
My life has been preparing me for striking out on my own but there have been several factors that have prevented me from doing that. The book that I was reading says that I will succeed once I move out from home and my family influence.

Yes, I'm interested into any insights you can provide, whether about the upcoming transit or about what was going on during my trip. I have included charts for when I arrived in Egypt and when I returned home.

blissfullmoon, here's what I'm reading with the Jupiter and Pluto transits: In 2020, it seems like it started with engaging in what was rather inaccessible for you, while wanting to master the attention you wanted from it. we carry you. This led you to be willing and motivated to do what you liked. You sought to understand deeply what was difficult to achieve, what interested you and what you loved. At the same time, you wanted to realize what was difficult to achieve and realize the interest you wanted to be shown. You were absolutely determined to want to be appreciated and loved. This led you to take to heart what you liked and what you loved as well as to realize yourself through consideration of others. As of mid-March 2021, you wanted to make a goal a reality while improving and communing with the attention you were receiving. You continued to take to heart what you liked. It was in favor of getting by over what was difficult. You wanted at all costs to realize an image of yourself and you tended to want to advance the consideration that you wanted others to have for you.

To accomplish yourself, you must improve the attention you want to be shown by doing the best you can to control it, by having certainty, conviction and being as best as possible with what is difficult to access...

If you are interested in all this, I can give you my interpretation of future significant transits.

Ecliptique. :)
Having a prominent 1st house Jupiter in Taurus trine your Moon in Virgo, I think of the culinary arts; maybe something like learning intricate meals/recipes, baking or cake decorating (with a focus on details) for fun (5th house).

i think of realist painting, needlepoint, knitting, photoshopping photos, or anything that requires great attention to detail and use of your hands (Mercury/hands part of the grand trine) while being creative.

Taurus people I know tend to do ceramics, paint, garden, decorate their homes well, and cook/bake. Your instinctive attention to detail guarantees you’ll be great at anything you dedicate yourself to.

Moon in the 5th you’ll find comfort/happiness in doing something creative as long as it produces results, something that is tangible and useful (earth trine).
Having a prominent 1st house Jupiter in Taurus trine your Moon in Virgo, I think of the culinary arts; maybe something like learning intricate meals/recipes, baking or cake decorating (with a focus on details) for fun (5th house).

i think of realist painting, needlepoint, knitting, photoshopping photos, or anything that requires great attention to detail and use of your hands (Mercury/hands part of the grand trine) while being creative.

Taurus people I know tend to do ceramics, paint, garden, decorate their homes well, and cook/bake. Your instinctive attention to detail guarantees you’ll be great at anything you dedicate yourself to.

Moon in the 5th you’ll find comfort/happiness in doing something creative as long as it produces results, something that is tangible and useful (earth trine).
Thanks for the suggesti
Hi again,
Is there a reason that you chose to include a chart in the Whole Sign system above any other?

It is interesting that other house systems would place the Ascendant, calculated from the actual birth place, as the beginning of the 1st house.
According to house system applied, this places planets in other house realms of experience. Pluto in Scorpio then becomes an experience of the 6th house realm, associated with work, employment through service, usefulness as a person, and physical complaints, including that in/of one's self. A well-respected astrologer, Dane Rudhyar, said of the 6th house that it is the 'crisis in consciousnness' realm because it is between the 5th house of Self expression and the 7th house of putting another first. An individual is on a see-saw of which to choose. The Astro. com system allows wide orbs between planets, yet most astrologers would assume the aspects to Pluto as being wide of orb, classing it as an unaspected planet. It's only aspect would be a wide opposition from the 6th house to Taurus rising.

An unaspected planet is said to either hide or extra compensate its qualities. Pluto is in its own sign, the most emotional of the zodiac, and could well represent a repressed nature that wallows in the mire of its own (un)expressed emtional content. This makes me wonder if 'how to make my Moon happy' that has inherent qualities needing physical security and safety, may be hampered by a deep inner psychological effect that does not make being happy possible. There is no link to any planet that can help bring this deep, dark effect to the surface.

In advanced astrology, planetary positions each day after bith equate to one year of life. Can it be coincidence that a natal Sun, advanced through Capricorn and into 'freedom-loving' Aquarius is now in a challenging position of conflict towards this deep part within one's Self. Other house systems would place LEO, ruler Sun, on the 5th house cusp of self expression, love, and parental relationships. Aquarius is noteable for 'alternate methods' of thought that can unlock, unchain, and free one of any long-held notions that are of no use in the future. Would hynosis, regressive therapy, or psychological help be of advantage to you? As Ecliptique mentioned in post #14, 'the inaccessible part of you' was mentally brought to light during your trip to Egypt by tr. Pluto 's link to natal Mercury (thought and communication) in the 9th house of mind-raising consciousness through foreign travel. Once out, the Jack-in-the-box cannot be stuffed easily back into its box .

Advanced Moon (a.k.a secondary progressed Moon) has been working its way through Sagittarius, allowing an opening and expansion of memories and feelings to occur. It is now forming the conflicting square with natal Moon- MEAN Black Moon Lilith in Virgo. Perhaps the time has arrived to bring unhappy memories to the surface, analyse and sort them out (the chaff and corn method;)), thus allowing them 'to die a natural death' that can no longer influence the future.

All in all, maybe 'a happy Moon' could be an eventual result?:unsure::)
blissfulmoon, congratulations on receiving such a wealth of feedback, suggestions, comments from members!
Could this have something to do with your grand trine?
Not everyone who posts a thread receives this much detailed and positive feedback!
In fact, so much so that I am not sure if I can add very much to what has already been written above, so just my impressions, if that can be helpful.
A first reaction is, your name, chosen by yourself, seems to put it in a nutshell.
You have a blessed moon. Why would you have to work at "making it happy?" It's born happy.
How many would give anything to have a moon/mercury/jupiter grand trine, that is in developmental phase, not diminishing but increasing in strength over your lifetime! Blissful!
The energy of virgo channels itself automatically into work, love of detail, service to others, with a somewhat pessimistic critical nature.
It expresses itself through mercury of communication, in serious Capricorn dedicated to work and service and ambition.
All expressing itself finally through a positive expansive personality, Jupiter on ascendent. Your kind, thoughtful replies to one and all are proof of all this.
Both moon and mercury sit on the cusp of their houses, 6th and MH, giving them strength. And Jupiter, generous and positive, acts as the "funnel" through which this energy passes into the world via the ascendent.
Sun on Neptune, planet of service, sacrifice and fantasy, both in the 9th of foreign countries, and publishing. Also a developing energy as sun approaches the conjunction.
Intuitive moon rules the 3rd of communication, expressive mercury rules the 2nd of income and the 6th of health matters/daily work.
Jupiter rules 8th of other people's money, and the 12th of institutions, hospitals, prisons. Earth signs in general are not only concrete, but deal with material matters, including finance.
Venus trine mars, also developing, represents you the ascendent and in general your partners as the descendent.
The only stressful aspect that is being formed in the chart is the sun/mars square.
The stressful aspects are those that create discomfort within us, that push us towards action to achieve relief and resolution.
Because of the ease of the other aspects in your chart, you may find working with a partner helpful, something to get you going and moving towards achievement. Stimulating. They can get you off your butt, so to speak, out of that dreamy comfy zone of bliss, towards realisation of concrete goals. Which is what the earth signs want.
So, to paraphrase a famous man's words, Ask not what you can do for your moon, but rather what your moon can do for you!

Posted below is the chart in Placidus, rather than whole sign format.

A lot, is the answer!Screen Shot 2023-09-20 at 15.27.24.png
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Your Moon is very blissful, like your username in this forum, since your Moon is in a tight grand trine between your Jupiter-ASC midpoint, your Moon and your Mercury-MC conjunction, and my intuition senses that you're good at keeping your emotions from being negatively affected by traumatic events, because your Grand Trine is an earthy one. BM, I want you to utilize this Grand Trine in a better way, especially in terms of your practical abilties and being grounded spiritually!