Oooh, I like this angle today don't know why. Hope everyone here is driving carefully with mars and mercury retrograde, and watch out for angry reckless drivers! (I bike a lot and I've noticed an upswing in rage these days, I have avoided the large streets but even so, clusterf*** all around)
I've feared many many times that I would die of cancer, either skin or something terrible like brain cancer...
whadda you know, I have 12th house cancer
aquarius is my 8th house cusp, uranus in scorpio my 4th, so perhaps I will have some internal organ problem that will suddenly cause my demise, or I will fall to the exact things that my parents will die of
or I will die in a house fire?!
pisces however, covers most of my 8th house, and I have always had a knack for avoiding accidents my whole life, and I am **** active, climbing things, risking things a lot for fun and considering how many years I have been biking in a major city and I have never been hit or crashed once (but have a sixth sense for traffic, same thing when I ran races, I never fell or was tripped, also I am very loud, lawful and focused about my presence) not only that, but my own stupid tomboy behavior when I was a kid, and I've nearly died or been seriously injured but always something has saved me.
How I WANT to go, is knowingly dying while saving someone else dramatically. True fact. Either that, or nobly and slowly with cancer, but I choose when I die (yay euthanasia) with my loved ones all around me. ( I was recently part of a friends passing this way, she had been battling for years, and it was incredibly beautiful actually)
My greatest fear is of having alzheimers or a stroke which either makes me crazy, incapacitates me or both .