How Do You Imagine "Going Out?"

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Well-known member
Mar 23, 2011
Southern California
I'm having lots of pluto & saturn transits recently.
thinking alot about the end of life.

how i want to go?
~ in sleep. causing no trouble for others. libra on 4th cusp.
~ split second car wreck, laughing before it ends. aquarius on 8th cusp.
taken by surprise, fast, sudden, drama free, in the papers. aries on 10th.
Extremely sudden (Uranus in the 8th, Scorpio). I have no idea how but I want it to happen very quickly.
And I want it to happen after I've accomplished my goals. (Which could mean ... NEVER??:lol:)
If I could choose...while I'm asleep, oh the luxury:lol: Umm with 8th house Scorpio, Pluto in Libra partner will cause my demise. And because of the Libra he'll do it with style! :joyful::andy: (kidding btw)
I'm having lots of pluto & saturn transits recently. thinking alot about the end of life.
how i want to go?
~ in sleep. causing no trouble for others. libra on 4th cusp.
~ split second car wreck, laughing before it ends. aquarius on 8th cusp.
taken by surprise, fast, sudden, drama free, in the papers. aries on 10th
IMO it is important to remember our mortality, our fragility because that focuses our minds to appreciate being alive and then to consider what to do while we are living!

After all, death is the end of activity for each particular person, for that particular lifetime.

So, while we are alive we have an opportunity to consider ways to to do that which we personally find the most important factor to achieve... and then we can make plans/take steps to act on our intentions. We can only do our best
I'm having lots of pluto & saturn transits recently.
thinking alot about the end of life.

how i want to go?
~ in sleep. causing no trouble for others. libra on 4th cusp.
~ split second car wreck, laughing before it ends. aquarius on 8th cusp.
taken by surprise, fast, sudden, drama free, in the papers. aries on 10th.

The 10th house Aries or whatever sign, not does not denote death unless we are famous and it is in the public arena and connected to the 8th or 12th house influences. It may indicate how our father or boss died but then again connected to the 12th or 8th.

The 12th shows how and where we may die and its planets and ruler and the 8th shows how we pass over, what we believe about that and what we may encounter as a result.

The 4th house is our final resting place such as where the gravesite is or where the ashes are scattered.

For me with Mars conjunct Neptune in the 8th I may die in my sleep of a stroke or it may be mysterious. My beliefs are that life continues and it will not be a trauma for me to pass to the other side. My 8th is ruled by Venus in Libra and conjunct Mars Neptune so it will be easy and a loving passing over.

My 12th house Ruler Uranus is in the 4th Gemini and my ashes will be dealt with the way my mother's were. A community setting, and to the winds (Gemini). There may be a storm that day too.
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I'm having lots of pluto & saturn transits recently.
thinking alot about the end of life.

how i want to go?
~ in sleep. causing no trouble for others. libra on 4th cusp.
~ split second car wreck, laughing before it ends. aquarius on 8th cusp.
taken by surprise, fast, sudden, drama free, in the papers. aries on 10th.

Quick, fast, and with no warning. No time to worry about it, and no time to be afraid. All four angles in cardinal signs. Saturn in 8th.
No, your partner will pre-decease you more than likely and you will inherit. He may be a victim of violence or just a stroke or head injury.

I hope will not be very traumatic for either of us.
I take them all as suppositions, of course.
Preferably by drowning. I imagine appreciating every declining moment of oxygenation all the more. If it's too quick, I can't see it coming, and I want to stare it down.

I hope you were joking!:smile:

I studied a bit about drowning (in a legal medicine course) but it didn't seem like easy to me...
Although I were about to drown and it didn't scare me because when I reached the water my consciousness became altered and I didn't understand what was going on.
My father died drowned and I truly hope for his sake and for many others that this is an easy death!
how i want to go?
~ split second car wreck, laughing before it ends. aquarius on 8th cusp.
taken by surprise, fast, sudden, drama free, in the papers. aries on 10th.

Oh, its so odd you say that; because thats exactly how a cousin of mine recently passed.

He was Cancer asc, Aquarius 8th house cusp with Mercury in 8th..... ruler of 8th, Uranus was in his 6th.

He was driving (mercury) to work (6th) when he ran into a Mail Truck (mercury=messenger)..... He was on his cell phone, talking (mercury again) to his girlfriend, he wasnt wearing a seat belt, and his body was thrown head-first through the windshield. He died suddenly in the field next to his truck...

He was very popular and his passing was all over the news for weeks... they even wrote articles warning other younger kids not to talk on their phones while driving! (his moon was in 10th/aries)

And true to Aquarius, his passing shocked everyone who knew him.... he was only 20...

It was such an eerie feeling when I analyzed his chart after his death as his 8th house described his passing perfectly!
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I want to pass peacefully in my sleep...

Pisces 8th house cusp, ruler of 8th is in my 5th (and my Neptune conjuncts Venus).. so I may get my wish afterall!

~though, hopefully not until I'm in my late 80's, at least.. :pinched:
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I hope you were joking!:smile:

I studied a bit about drowning (in a legal medicine course) but it didn't seem like easy to me...
Although I were about to drown and it didn't scare me because when I reached the water my consciousness became altered and I didn't understand what was going on.
My father died drowned and I truly hope for his sake and for many others that this is an easy death!

I nearly died by drowning on two separate occasions when I was younger. My experiences weren't bad, though it's still unpleasant to inhale water.
If it's too quick, I can't see it coming, and I want to stare it down.

I feel the same way, im not sure why though.

I can imagine myself dying from old age, soaking up every last bit of experience and intimacy of my own mortality before passing on.
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This may sound quite morbid but I want it to be interesting and I want to know that I'm dying. There is nothing I would hate more though than to drown, burn or be murdered. God forbid! I'm getting a bit on edge just talking about it. :pouty:
This may sound quite morbid but I want it to be interesting and I want to know that I'm dying. There is nothing I would hate more though than to drown, burn or be murdered. God forbid! I'm getting a bit on edge just talking about it. :pouty:
Death is the most interesting subject ever - we are all dying - "some of us are just dying slightly faster than others" (to paraphrase whoever originally said that!)

After all, everyone who was ever born has either died - or shall at some stage have died -
and we are all alike in that respect.

Different cultures have different attitudes to death.

, if any, would deliberately choose the traumatic forms of death you have mentioned Beautiful Ending - and why dwell on them if it gets you feeling edgy? IMO, while we are living, it is a good idea to focus on appreciating life and making the most of the opportunities we have:smile:
Oooh, I like this angle today don't know why. Hope everyone here is driving carefully with mars and mercury retrograde, and watch out for angry reckless drivers! (I bike a lot and I've noticed an upswing in rage these days, I have avoided the large streets but even so, clusterf*** all around)

I've feared many many times that I would die of cancer, either skin or something terrible like brain cancer...

whadda you know, I have 12th house cancer

aquarius is my 8th house cusp, uranus in scorpio my 4th, so perhaps I will have some internal organ problem that will suddenly cause my demise, or I will fall to the exact things that my parents will die of

or I will die in a house fire?!

pisces however, covers most of my 8th house, and I have always had a knack for avoiding accidents my whole life, and I am **** active, climbing things, risking things a lot for fun and considering how many years I have been biking in a major city and I have never been hit or crashed once (but have a sixth sense for traffic, same thing when I ran races, I never fell or was tripped, also I am very loud, lawful and focused about my presence) not only that, but my own stupid tomboy behavior when I was a kid, and I've nearly died or been seriously injured but always something has saved me.

How I WANT to go, is knowingly dying while saving someone else dramatically. True fact. Either that, or nobly and slowly with cancer, but I choose when I die (yay euthanasia) with my loved ones all around me. ( I was recently part of a friends passing this way, she had been battling for years, and it was incredibly beautiful actually)

My greatest fear is of having alzheimers or a stroke which either makes me crazy, incapacitates me or both.
Oooh, I like this angle today don't know why. Hope everyone here is driving carefully with mars and mercury retrograde, and watch out for angry reckless drivers! (I bike a lot and I've noticed an upswing in rage these days, I have avoided the large streets but even so, clusterf*** all around)

I've feared many many times that I would die of cancer, either skin or something terrible like brain cancer...

whadda you know, I have 12th house cancer

aquarius is my 8th house cusp, uranus in scorpio my 4th, so perhaps I will have some internal organ problem that will suddenly cause my demise, or I will fall to the exact things that my parents will die of

or I will die in a house fire?!

pisces however, covers most of my 8th house, and I have always had a knack for avoiding accidents my whole life, and I am **** active, climbing things, risking things a lot for fun and considering how many years I have been biking in a major city and I have never been hit or crashed once (but have a sixth sense for traffic, same thing when I ran races, I never fell or was tripped, also I am very loud, lawful and focused about my presence) not only that, but my own stupid tomboy behavior when I was a kid, and I've nearly died or been seriously injured but always something has saved me.

How I WANT to go, is knowingly dying while saving someone else dramatically. True fact. Either that, or nobly and slowly with cancer, but I choose when I die (yay euthanasia) with my loved ones all around me. ( I was recently part of a friends passing this way, she had been battling for years, and it was incredibly beautiful actually)

My greatest fear is of having alzheimers or a stroke which either makes me crazy, incapacitates me or both
If that bothers you Rushwing, then perhaps advance health care directive info From Wikipedia could be useful

An advance health care directive aka living will/personal directive/ advance directive or advance decision instruction specifies what actions should be taken for their health in the event that an individual is no longer able to make decisions due to illness or incapacity and appoints a person to make such decisions on their behalf.

A living will is one form of advance directive, leaving instructions for treatment.

Another form authorizes a specific type of power of attorney or health care proxy, where someone is appointed by the individual to make decisions on their behalf when they are incapacitated. People may also have a combination of both. It is often encouraged that people complete both documents to provide the most comprehensive guidance regarding their care.

One example of a combination document is the US Five Wishes advance directive.