How Do You Imagine "Going Out?"

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Death is the most interesting subject ever - we are all dying - "some of us are just dying slightly faster than others" (to paraphrase whoever originally said that!)

I don't mind talking about death during the day but just not at night for some reason! :lol:

The ruler of my 8th house is cancer and the moon is the the 2nd house, so possible stomach problems and at home. But Leo takes up just over half that house which shows why I would like it to be a bit dramatic! The ruler of Leo is Mars and is exactly on the dividing line between the 8th and 9th house so I'm not sure where to interpret that, I have a feeling it means it's in the 9th though?
I wanna die with a gun in my hand fighting for something I care about. AKA I just want an honorable death.

TBQH, I see myself dying of old age. The thing above is just what I hope.
I wanna die with a gun in my hand fighting for something I care about. AKA I just want an honorable death.

TBQH, I see myself dying of old age. The thing above is just what I hope.


What does your 8th house and ruler look like? Its not Capricorn/Saturn, is it? :wink:
I don't mind talking about death during the day but just not at night for some reason! :lol:

The ruler of my 8th house is cancer and the moon is the the 2nd house, so possible stomach problems and at home. But Leo takes up just over half that house which shows why I would like it to be a bit dramatic! The ruler of Leo is Mars and is exactly on the dividing line between the 8th and 9th house so I'm not sure where to interpret that, I have a feeling it means it's in the 9th though?
IMO whole sign house systems dispenses with dithering re: "dividing lines between houses"
I'd prefer to die of old age. Wouldn't everybody? Isn't the alternative (car wreck, drowning, gunfight) indicative of dying when you're young? Or were you thinking of that "blaze of glory" in your nineties?

Also, if your body parts are spilled all over the sidewalk, whom do you imagine cleans up your remains? Have some consideration!

If you live in a developed country, women can plan on living into their 80s; and men, into their late 70s as the average life expectancy continues to rise.

Another thing to think about, before you opt for the "sudden death" wish, is that you would probably want time to get your financial affairs in order, revisit your will (or the state will claim a lot of your assets) and have time to spend with loved ones-- and they with you. If you have small children at home (or plan to have some) you need to think about who will raise them, especially if you are single or your spouse isn't at home a lot due to work.

Just based on people I've known, it can be a lot harder on the survivors if there is a sudden death, because they've had no time to mentally prepare themselves. Then oftentimes the deceased's financial affairs aren't in order, so the family has to deal with a lot financial encumbrances.

It is a terrible thing to a parent to out-live a child.

Twenty-somethings probably don't think in these terms, but then few people expect to die in their twenties.

Thankfully, horoscopic death predictions are notoriously inaccurate, independent of the house system or method used. Few reputable astrologers deal in them. As the saying goes, "Those who know don't talk. Those who talk don't know."
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IMO whole sign house systems dispenses with dithering re: "dividing lines between houses"

The only problem I have with the whole house system though is that it gives me a completely different birth chart. All the planets apart from 2 change to a different house! I'm going off to have a little play with the different house systems on now. :tongue:

I would also like to donate my organs so I'm just hoping they'll all be healthy when I die.
Thankfully, horoscopic death predictions are notoriously inaccurate, independent of the house system or method used. Few reputable astrologers deal in them. As the saying goes, "Those who know don't talk. Those who talk don't know."
That's a good way of getting people to "keep quiet"! Best take nothing for granted though, because just as frequently, those who don't know, also talk - anyhow for those interested, while we are on the subject - here's a link to Hyleg & Alcoccodon so you can decide for yourself and Profections (Praxis)
The only problem I have with the whole house system though is that it gives me a completely different birth chart. All the planets apart from 2 change to a different house! I'm going off to have a little play with the different house systems on now. :tongue:
Have fun! btw, whole sign house system was originally intended to be used in a particular way - here is a link to a thread discussing the matter where dr. farr explains (post #2)

I would also like to donate my organs so I'm just hoping they'll all be healthy when I die.
Take good care of yourself and remain healthy, for whatever reason Beautiful Ending!:smile:
Everything in here has been of astro content, except zonark, and a moderator moved it to chat.

Whoops, well in that case I have Mercury and the Sun in my 8th house (Sun goes to 7th using Placidus, but 8th in Koch, Whole and a whole slew of other systems). Mercury is in Virgo, the Sun in Leo.

So I guess my mind will be my own undoing? Death will come when I can't outsmart whatever threatens me. Or I'll succumb to mental illness.
Whoops, well in that case I have Mercury and the Sun in my 8th house (Sun goes to 7th using Placidus, but 8th in Koch, Whole and a whole slew of other systems). Mercury is in Virgo, the Sun in Leo.

So I guess my mind will be my own undoing? Death will come when I can't outsmart whatever threatens me. Or I'll succumb to mental illness
Ah, and how certain can any of us be of an exact birthtime? Ironically, correct assessment relating to form of death depends on it!:smile:
That's a good way of getting people to "keep quiet"! Best take nothing for granted though, because just as frequently, those who don't know, also talk - anyhow for those interested, while we are on the subject - here's a link to Hyleg & Alcoccodon so you can decide for yourself and Profections (Praxis)

JA, probably you are aware of the cases in history where famous traditional astrologers (such as Morin) publically predicted the deaths of their critics. "Silencing" works both ways, it would seem. Unfortunately these predictions were often wrong, and merely gave astrology's critics more fuel.

I think we can take it as a given that modern astrology is not up to the challenge of predicting the time and manner of death. Reasons, for the unconvinced, are available upon request. If you see a serious and well-informed modern astrologer undertaking such an effort, usually they list so many different possible "death signatures" [such as prominent quincunxes] that it is helpful to realize that you can't predict which one/s might be operative in your particular case; and that these "signatures" equally apply to people who didn't die at the moment they hit.

Traditional astrologers made much of death prediction, but their calculation methods for the hyleg were different to the point where they would yield different results. (See the summary by J. Lee Lehmann in the hyleg entry in James M. Lewis, ed., The Astrology Book.)

Moreover, today in the more medically advanced developed countries, women can expect to live into their early 80s, and men into their late 70s. It doesn't make sense to think that tens of millions of seniors' prorogative points somehow got bunched up into advanced ages of life just within the past few decades. Is this astronomically plausible? It doesn't make sense to think that a mass death episode like a jumbo jet crash, the Japanese tsunami of 2011 or the atomic bombs dropped on Japan in 1945 somehow hit hundreds or even thousands of people of all age cohorts whose hyleg or alcoccodons were somehow simultaneously aligned at birth.

But this isn't a thread about the (in)accuracy of death predictions in astrology, let alone the dubious ethics of trying to play God with people's lives.

It is a thread about how people imagine themselves dying. Which is different, and I think one's 8th house would have something to say about it. Sometimes people with an 8th house focus think about death a lot.

I still vote for old age, BTW!

"Only the good die young."
Dying of really old-age (and I mean geezer!) while either in my sleep, or in a very quick manner.

8th House ruled by Gemini. Mercury conjunct. Mars in Scorpio. It might be fast since both planets denote swiftness, quickness, but also brutal (WHY MARS!).

12th House ruled by Libra, Venus in Libra. It might be pleasant. So I have a general overview of my death, either quick and brutal, or long but pleasant. I'm scared, but also mystified...I wonder if either will hold true in the end?
I have technically died and was brought back. No memory of bright lights etc unfortunately... I would quite like to go under general anaesthesia, preferably when I'm older and going through a depressive cycle or something... I have cancer on my 8th house cusp with moon in 7th. Smothered in the comfort of my own home by my partner? Maybe like assisted euthanasia I mean, rather than murder... I don't think I'm that unbearable.

What does your 8th house and ruler look like? Its not Capricorn/Saturn, is it? :wink:

My 8th house is Pisces, and Neptune receives a conjunction from Uranus and a sextile from sun. Neptune in capricorn 6th house
Are folks in some agreement that 8th house is indicator of death? i think 8th house is the circumstance where death/rebirth occurs.
i have it stuck in my head that 4th is where you are at death, where it ends, not necessarily how.
4th is a cradle to grave house. coming out of the store with bags of what we got from our shopping spree.
a connection to 2nd's value in our lives?
Are folks in some agreement that 8th house is indicator of death? i think 8th house is the circumstance where death/rebirth occurs.
i have it stuck in my head that 4th is where you are at death, where it ends, not necessarily how.
4th is a cradle to grave house. coming out of the store with bags of what we got from our shopping spree.
a connection to 2nd's value in our lives?

I had just assumed that was what everyone was doing, but don't personally agree with it either. I think all the houses could pertain elements of an 'ending' to them, with particular emphasis on the 12th, 8th, 4th and 1st.
i believe 10th important in how one's death is perceived in others.
8th house is that last look in your eyes ~ taking in or casting out ~ at the last moment.
in ideal situations, we get to choose how we want to go out.
that was my intent for this "imagine" thread, but i love the sparks that have sparkled in it.
2nd house is spiritual values, as well.
Our desires/values/expressions of, are 2nd house and our view of dying is tied into it.
saturn figures in long drawn out deaths.
pluto in wars (defined as we know them)
uranus in sudden unexpected
and neptune, well, ask them and they'll tell you it isn't that bad.
Zonark and Claire have something when they talk of first.
How we express ourselves in death.
Me? Leo asc.
Maintain dignity while making a splash.