Transiting Mars in the chart according to the table is at Cancer 25:51. Natal Pluto is at Scorpio 24:06. That's within 1 degree of a trine, which is 120 degrees or four Signs. Jupiter is Libra 24:09, so Mars is just over 1:42 of orb of a square, which is 90 degrees or three Signs, to Jupiter.
Transiting Uranus is at Taurus 23:21, which is within 1 degree of Pluto at Scorpio 24:06, in opposition, which is 180 degrees or six signs away.
For the moment we'll ignore semisquares which are 45 degrees or a Sign plus a half, and sesquiquadrates, which are 135 degrees or four Signs plus a half.
There is no magic. One just takes the time to look.