Yes, Aries is all about physical survival, but I believe that we are all born exactly when we need to be born; the particular astrological configuration at the moment of our birth only indicates decisions and contracts that we have previously made.
I am not surprised that you do not have an addictive personality as an adult; since you were involuntarily exposed to such toxic substances in utero, you may have subconsciously developed an aversion and disgust of the dependency your mother--and thus, you--had upon them. Aries is probably
the most independent sign of the zodiac, and your stellium probably cannot stand the idea of what it may perceive to be great weakness of character. I do not personally view drug addiction as occurring only to those of weak character, so please do not misinterpret my words, but I believe it is highly probably that specific archetypes interpret possible scenarios and circumstances in different ways, almost as if they were living, breathing entities.
I find the different kinds of mutual reception you have going on between the Moon and Venus in Aries and the Sun, Mars, and even Mercury (the esoteric ruler of Aries) very interesting indeed; the Moon is exalted in Taurus while the Sun is exalted in Aries, and Venus is the ruler of Taurus while Mars is the ruler of Aries. This kind of makes me curious where Vulcan, the esoteric ruler of Taurus, is located, although I've never used it in my interpretations before and probably will not use it here on the forums; I doubt the traditional astrologers will take well to the idea of using a hypothetical planet, one that doesn't physically exist. Even I'm a bit skeptical, I admit, but your mutual receptions are so intriguing--especially since they all tie in with your nodal axis--that I wish I could get my hands on a hypothetical planet ephemeris.
I just noticed that Saturn is also involved in this "super conjunction" of planets in Aries--so we've really run the gamut of planets that are traditionally uncomfortable in this sign. Don't fear, though, because I believe the series of mutual receptions with the similarly "debilitated" planets in Taurus provides you with a strong foundation upon which to build upon. I don't know why, but I'm feeling a strong aspect of
fate here--especially since these planets in Aries are all within two degrees of the North Node on either side!
I apologize for getting off-topic a bit here; I don't know exactly how this is all related with the circumstances surrounding your birth, but I'm sure that it's significant.
I'm also beginning to eye your eighth house Neptune in Scorpio, the modern ruler of your Pisces Ascendant, suspecting that this mystical planet in a water house and sign may also hold some clues. Interestingly, Jupiter, the traditional ruler of your Pisces Ascendant, also rules your Sagittarius Midheaven--the cusp of the tenth house, which is traditionally associated with the mother. These planets form a tight square to each other, within ten arcminutes; Mars is also applying towards a square aspect with Jupiter although the orb is not as tight, forming a T-square configuration with Jupiter as the apex planet. We should really look up the Sabian symbol associated with 26 Leo as well as its opposite point, 26 Aquarius, and see if this reveals any additional insight.
Here are the symbols from the main site:
Leo 26
Sabian Symbol: A perfect rainbow forms slowly in the summer rain as the sun begins to break through the rather thin cloudbanks.
Kozminsky Symbol: Two hands clasped under a floral crown.
Aquarius 26
Sabian Symbol: The battery man at the automobile service station about to inspect a customer's car has his hydrometer in hand.
Kozminsky Symbol: Three fires blazing above three triangular hills, a cross sword floating in air above.
Arian Maverick