How many planets do you use?.

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Jul 7, 2007
I prefer the traditional planets + Uranus (as an unpredictable element).

8 PLANETS in total. Each planet would be an octave, according to Pytagoras.

It would be interesting to elaborate on this idea further.

Astrology as Music of the Spheres.
Why leave out Neptune and Pluto if you are going to include Uranus?

I suspect thatin the Vedic system, the Moon's nodes over a multitude of sins that the outer planets now account for. For novelty, strangeness and unfamiliarity, for example, the North Node, or Rahu could once cover the ground that Uranus now does.

I do keep an eye on Chiron and Ceres, am interested to read about what various new bodies might mean for us, but am also aware of the old adage that 'too much information' may just mean 'information overload. I cannotbebohered with hypothetical bodies, on the other hand I have encountered reports that Uranian delineations using these points can produce some pretty accurate predictions.
I prefer the traditional planets + Uranus (as an unpredictable element).

I started out as I guess a modern astrologer, but started regressing about 8 years ago. The more I study, the farther back in time I go.

I use through Saturn. I still look at Uranus, Neptune and Pluto.

8 PLANETS in total. Each planet would be an octave, according to Pytagoras.

I agree with a couple of astrologers, that Uranus, Neptune and Pluto are the upper octaves of Mercury, Venus and Mars respectively.

I think I first heard that idea from Marion March. I think Robert Pelletier mentioned it too.
BobZemco said:
I started out as I guess a modern astrologer, but started regressing about 8 years ago. The more I study, the farther back in time I go.

I use through Saturn. I still look at Uranus, Neptune and Pluto.

Interesting, I have heard the same history before. I wonder if astrology is a discipline that advances backwards or it is that some astrologers prefer to live in the past. I wonder if this is a good thing.

Should we as astrologers respect the "past"?.

I have heard a similar idea among tarot experts, some of them claim Marseille tarot is the only valid one, because it's the oldest.

I am not sure if this makes sense at all.

BobZemco said:
I agree with a couple of astrologers, that Uranus, Neptune and Pluto are the upper octaves of Mercury, Venus and Mars respectively.

I think I first heard that idea from Marion March. I think Robert Pelletier mentioned it too.

Interesting idea.
I use all of the "modern" planets, including Pluto, even though astronomers recently demoted it; as well as the NN. For quick feedback in an astrology Forum like this one, I look at Black Moon Lilith, Chiron, the P of F, and Ceres only if the OP posted them. If I have a personal request to read someone's chart and they're not there, I would run the birth data myself to find them. I've looked a bit at Ceres: she is now on the same astronomical standing as Pluto, but I am unconvinced that I or other astrologers whom I've read on Ceres really have a grasp of her.

If the question is about a marriage or partner, I'd look at Juno. Pallas, if it closely aspects something important. I don't have a grasp of Vesta, and don't use it. I don't think enough is known about the trans-Plutonians, and I don't use them.

I use personal name asteroids if I can find them for synastry, where they can produce amazing results.

I haven't made a serious study of fixed stars, but just got Bernadette Brady's newer book about them, and hope to explore them in more depth soon.

I used to ignore Chiron, until I broke my ankle while hiking a few years ago. The only transit that made sense was transiting Chiron conjuncting my Mercury [rules walking] in Aquarius [rules the ankles.] A couple of months later, I had a semi-botched breast biopsy when transiting Chiron hit my Venus and opposed my moon. Both "wounds" took a long time to heal, and neither healed perfectly.

I used to ignore BML until I really saw how it operated in "Bad Girl" charts, and in the charts of men who seemed to have problems with uppity women.

Pluto is just so powerful and so basic. I kept a dream journal for some years, and things that Pluto rules showed up oftentimes in dreams, according to its transits. Neptune also, just seems to have so much validity in people's charts.

But the practice of astrology is a personal thing. Sort of like owning a car. Do you drive (or want) a Jeep, a mini-van, or a BMW sportscar?
As an eclectic I investigate them all (Moon through Pluto), plus stars, plus Lots and Parts, plus degree areas, and sometimes even the WittePoints; however, I pay prime attention-meaning I devote most study in analysis-to the magnificent 7.

In my personal belief (at least as of this current time) I consider the outers as modulations of the cosmic principle we call "Saturn" (and which is condensed in the physical universe as the planet of that name): elementally I regard Saturn itself as earth of earth, Uranus as air of earth (the airy modulation of the Saturn principle), Neptune as water of earth (the watery modulation of the Saturn principle) and Pluto as fire of eath (the fiery modulation of the Saturn principle) I also accept (at least as a practical working hypothesis) the "higher octave" allocated affinities of the outers, first mentioned (to my knowledge) by Charles Carter back in the 1930's: Uranus affinitive to Mercury as its higher vibratory octave; Neptune same relative to Venus and Pluto same relative to Mars.
(Note: it is obvious from the above that my ideas in this area are strongly based upon esoteric concepts a bit outside the general scope of contemporary astrological thought; I have been much influenced in my thinking along the above lines by theosophical, neo-rosicrucian and anthroposophically oriented authors.)
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Sun, Moon, Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, Pluto, Ceres, Juno, Pallas, Vesta, Chiron, Eris, Sedna, Makemake, Haumea, et cetera
(I use all of them)
Sun, Moon, Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, Pluto, Ceres, Juno, Pallas, Vesta, Chiron, Eris, Sedna, Makemake, Haumea, et cetera
(I use all of them)
Sort of just discovered the other dwarf planets myself. I feel I should learn as much about them as I can as Makemake conjuncts my MC and I found Quaoa makes an even closer conjunction with my ASC than Pluto does (ASC and Quaoa at 2° Sag and Pluto at 3° Sag). On top of that Eris conjuncts my Saturn in Aries as well (and that is one planet that makes some sort of connection with every major planet in my chart from Sun to Pluto.) Just more planets to study I guess, and I already plan on studying each planet by itself before finding out about the other dwarf planets in Astrology.
I use the seven traditional planets, plus Uranus, Neptune and Pluto; I also include the Moon's North & South Nodes. I always include Eris and am keeping an eye on it. Similarly I include the Vertex and try to observe any indications it may present.
I'm a bit skeptical of the "upper octave" attributions because, for one, there are different attributions of them, and two, it doesn't really explain the influences of those bodies. It's just a facile label so we don't have to contemplate their meanings too much.
We need to understand the planets by "taste," ie experientially, not by labels.