how to deal with neptune square sun

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Feb 9, 2012
Hello, I´m new on this forum. The reason for my joining is, I´m in an extremely confusing period of my life, undoubtedly caused by this transit I started to feel the effects of about a year ago. In my natal chart, I have the sun opposite saturn and conjunct neptune.

The things I´ve been experiencing so far:
I spent a very stressful vacation with my father and my children. I remembered the fear I felt for him (he tends to have a bad temper) as a child, and understood how this affected my self esteem. It was as if I could see this experience reflected in my own children. It made me see my father with different eyes. But I still notice there´s an unconscious part in me trying very hard to gain his approval.

A formerly good friend offered me a job with him. It seemed like a too good to be true scenario, which it was. The conditions were different from what he told me in the beginning, and he soon became almost abusive - acting like a bully with me, changing decisions at the last moment, etc. Now I´m going through the motions of doing the work (we don´t see each other in person much, mostly communicate through email), but inwardly I feel I´ve gotten him off my list of friends, so to say.

I went to a hypnotherapist in the hope of getting over my divorce (which was in 2009) and had several regressions to past lives, something that took me completely by surprise because I had never thought much about reincarnation. This was shocking, to say the least.

My son started to develop fears about my safety. He´d have trouble going to school, becoming really nervous, crying out of fear that I´d have an accident or something like that. I´m still not sure how to help him get over his fears, his dad is involved in looking for a solution, so far therapies have only calmed him down a little.

I started a confusing long distance relationship with my former best friend, who had always made me understand he was in love with me. The thing is, the connection and attraction are there (and very strong), but after about 7 months of only communicating through email, phone, chat, webcam, we have only kissed once (the only time we´ve seen each other in person). This is making me very insecure and impatient at times (when I imagine he´s with someone else), other times dreamy and hopeful that this will blossom into a real relationship (when he tells me he wants to go slow with me).

I´m very sleepy and often lethargic, forget things. Creativity is low because I can´t seem to nail things down, so to speak, they somehow elude me.
So anyway, if someone wants to share his/her experience with this transit, or has some suggestion as how to deal with it, I´d appreciate it.

For now I´m just trying not to expect things will work out as I think they should, but sometimes I´m afraid of some mayor deception and disappointments and I´m not sure how to avoid that.
Welcome to the forum! Are you willing to post your chart? It might help explain a bit more about the different issues you are facing.

What you are experiencing sounds very Neptunian: "now you see it, now you don't. Is it real? Is it unreal? How to tell?"

Neptune square sun can be pretty trying; because the sun is your identity, and the old sea god tries to dissolve or erase what it touches. It can be very difficult to tell what is solid earth and what is sand washing away under your feet. This aspect is variously associated with low self-esteem, substance abuse problems (as some people try to self-medicate), deceptive people (or perhaps yourself getting involved in a deception), or low vitality.

Apart from any practical hands-on solutions you might have regarding the issues you face, see what you can do to strengthen your sense of vitality and self-esteem. Especially if your sun is in a fire element, you probably need more sunshine in your life. If you can't get it, light candles or brighten the lights in your home. Set a fire in the fireplace, if you have one. Wear more gold jewelry. Do little things that make you feel more assertive and healthier. This could be something like a good diet and fitness program.

You can add to this list according to your sun's house and sign. For example, if it is in Gemini, add more versatility to your life. Pick up some new types of reading material, or have coffee more often with friends. Similarly, if your sun should happen to be in the 4th house, this might be a good time to make some simple budget-minded improvements to your home.

These might sound like so much sublimation, but the universe notices if you take baby steps in the direction of an empowering enactment of your transit.

A healthy Neptune would indicate developing a positive sense of spirituality, and sometimes the arts (as it lives in the world of imagination, as fullmoonlibra suggested) and letting go of any fixed ideas about yourself (or your Internet BF) you might have that no longer support you.

See if you have a positive transit going on now, like a nice trine or sextile. You should derive some enjoyment from enacting it!
If you would post your natal chart with transits from Astrodienst, then I can have a look. I would anonymise it as well.
Quote "For now I´m just trying not to expect things will work out as I think they should, but sometimes I´m afraid of some mayor deception and disappointments and I´m not sure how to avoid that." end quote

My suggestion is to continue BELIEVING that everything will work-out AND to give yourself 'the feeling' that they already have !
Many of the energies present (presently) are powerfully re-configuring us .
The key (opinion) is to 'direct the energies' by employing the 'already handled and quite well' approach . . . accompanied with the feeling of success . This is KEY !

best regards,
Just wanted to say that neptune's transit to your sun would be exact for 4 to 8 weeks. I would hang in during the time.
I'm a fellow cancer sun, sag rising. What degree is you N. sun at?
It´s been almost a year since I started this thread and I want to let you all know how the transit unfolded. It hasn´t been easy at all. In fact, it´s been one of the most stressful times I´ve been through but then, I have my natal sun opposite saturn and conjunct neptune so any hard transit to the sun will affect me deeply.

I must say that this has been a time of major disappointments and deceit. The friend I was working with schemed behind my back to fire me and replace me with another former friend of both of us. Needless to say, they aren´t my friends anymore.

My long distance relationship fell apart when I found out this guy had moved back into town and didn´t let me know, in fact he let me believe he was still too far away to engage with me. There was a lot of manipulation on his part and I fell into it during this time. Somehow, I learned to recognize his behaviors as part of some psychological problems to be in a healthy relationship. The strange thing is that during my neptune transit, I was vulnerable to his dynamics (this never happened before even though I did know him for years).

I felt so bad that I sought solace in spirituality. I´ve been singing in a church choir since last year and it has helped me tremendously. I have also opened up to new, good hearted people, who are completely different to the friends I used to have (who were mostly the cool type). I feel completely accepted by the new friends I´ve made in this choir, and it is as if there is a purpose to my life now.

My family life is much more harmonious and I am working with a therapist to help my son overcome his anxieties. So far, it seems to be working.

It is very strange how things turn out. Sometimes I wonder if I´d been really all that happy if my job with this friend and my romantic relationship had worked out. I wouldn´t have had the chance to sing with all these lovely, spiritual people - a thing that gives me complete bliss. I feel like all my values have been overturned and I am now better able to set boundaries and take care of myself. Before, I wasn´t much aware of myself and of my "moral" or "spiritual" obligation to take care of me.

Don´t get me wrong, it still hurts that I was let down by friends I trusted, and it makes me angry to think how they used me and lied to me. But I guess it is part of letting go of innocence and learning to grow up.
What an inspiring post!

A truism of modern astrology is that we either manifest (1) the positive expression of planets, signs, and houses; or else (2) we get hit by their negative expressions; or (3) we attract people to us who seemingly manifest the planets' negative expressions.

I appears that you have gone through all three experiences, finally opting for the first one. Congratulations!