How to get a Capricorn moon to open up?

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Aug 10, 2010
I think he's actually more shy around me than anything based on what I've learned and just the reactions, but as stubborn and withdrawn Capricorn (moons especially) are, how do I get someone with this moon to open up?

Thank you!
lol how though? I mean, I'm working up to conversation pretty slowly--I actually heard that he likes me he's just acting reallyyyy and very obviously shy I'm 99 percent sure, ahhhh next time no Capricorn moons lol they're so difficult XD
Good luck!!! I have Capricorn moon and it's tricky. Time and trust I think are the two key factors. Don't push for anything, just be there and let things happen when they feel right.
My exbf has a Cancer Sun, Cap Moon and Scorpio Rising... to say it was difficult to get him to open up is an understatement. I agree with everyone who says time and trust are key. He never volunteered his emotions - I always had to ask. He was very prone to depression and would often retract into his own little world and I would have to pull him out.
Thank you, these are all very helpful!
Since he's really shy around me (once again 99% sure, other stuff involved), I'm saying hi when I see him and maybe moving on to how are you sort of thing--is that slow enough? I'm really not a direct or overly bold person when it comes to this stuff--venus in Capricorn thing

I know he has a sun in Aquarius (hard to tell though!) and venus in Sagittarius, and I'm pretty sure an ascendant in Virgo
I think one thing to remember is that Capricorn doesn't like feeling vulnerable. It likes to be in control of itself, and when things get out of hand, its kind of scary for it. Getting a non-emotional person to "open up" may not be the best goal, unless he has a particular problem that needs to be released. If you probe too far into his emotions he may get frightened and uncomfortable with the relationship, especially with Venus in Sagittarius. By the given placements, he doesn't sound like the kind of person who would be easy to round up, and as everyone has already said, he probably needs time and trust, with as little anxiety as possible. :smile:

Venus in Sagittarius is usually pretty friendly, though, so he may be open to friendships so long as he doesn't feel trapped. My brother has Venus in Sagittarius, and usually he seems to make himself feel trapped in friendships so he can flee, lol.

Good luck. :happy:
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My fiance is a CaPPY moon (im a cappy sun)
he's a gemini sun with sag rising.
I completely agree that he needs to feel like he is in control of his emotions. He doesnt like other people to be out of control of theirs either. Which is hard because I am an aries moon and VERY passionate. I know one thing that comes up OVER and OVER as very important to him is trust. The thing he gets most sentimental over and shows me the most emotion about is how much he appreciates my devotion and faithfullness and commitment to him. That is a good thing about a cappy, loyal!!!!!!! steadfast. The bad thing affection. Its a BIG BIG BIG problem for me. He hardly EVER kisses or hugs or anything. Sex is a "main event" kinda thing alot of times. anyhow...thats all I can say on cappy moon.
very helpful responses from all :)

I guess I meant loosen up instead of open up since there's no issue, I just want him not to be so tense around me--but yes, I shall remember you all when I try to do something about this lol
very helpful responses from all :)

I guess I meant loosen up instead of open up since there's no issue, I just want him not to be so tense around me--but yes, I shall remember you all when I try to do something about this lol

Nice thread Urawakai....
I have moon at capricorn. You have to see someone not only from the side of his moon. There are other things that make someone feeling in a particular way....You should think why he behaves like what....It is very important to think this if you love him truely, otherwise you won't succeed anything you will do. Real feelings are the key for any successful "mission". Good luck...It worths if you are interested in him.....
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Well, I have a capricorn moon, and one of my main mottos is: "Don't ask, won't tell." I rarely offer information, and I calculate every last thing before make a move or decision. My emotions are almost always in tact. I have been told that I come off as cold and sarcastic. One thing about earth signs, especially capricorn, is that they don't outwardly display emotions until they're very comfortable around someone, and then not even so much. Don't expect a display of tears or joy from your Cappy moon. It's not personal, it's just how we are. However, for what we don't show, we feel. We do have emotions, and they can run deep once we're comfortable feeling them. In the end, we're grounded, stable, and dedicated.
Nice thread Urawakai....
I have moon at capricorn. You have to see someone not only from the side of his moon. There are other things that make someone feeling in a particular way....You should think why he behaves like what....It is very important to think this if you love him truely, otherwise you won't succeed anything you will do. Real feelings are the key for any successful "mission". Good luck...It worths if you are interested in him.....

I feel like you're scolding me T_T and yes, I realize this--I'm only asking this because I'm not too serious with him yet, I'm just trying to get an idea--oh and my name's Julia too XD would you get mad if I said I can see your Cappy moon in that quote? :innocent:

but now I have a good idea, thankies to all :)
I'm also moon/cap. I tend to be reserved emotionally, about the innermost things. I would agree that time, trust and someone making effort makes a big difference in getting me to open up on the deepest levels. I often resort to self I know I can count on myself. Being able to count on others tends to need to be proven. I do see how we could appear remote to some....but I think you will find well worth the effort!
Best wishes!
I have a theory... Sometimes I think a Capricorn moon needs to learn how to open up, through experience. And I think those with much Capricorn are good at learning. So my advice would be to start to open up yourself first, and let him now that it is okey to be emotional...
I feel like you're scolding me T_T and yes, I realize this--I'm only asking this because I'm not too serious with him yet, I'm just trying to get an idea--oh and my name's Julia too XD would you get mad if I said I can see your Cappy moon in that quote? :innocent:

but now I have a good idea, thankies to all :)

I had no intention to scold you. I just wanted to say that there are other things that you should look at....not only his place of his moon.... I think that it is not easy to see someone's moon from the posts, especially if english is not mother language. By the way, Julia is my nick name...I wish you best luck...
"especially if english is not mother language"; what is that about?

:) It does not have to do with the capricorn moon.... I mean that when english is not your native language, you can not express 100% what you mean.... :)
Im wondering the same thing. But maybe im too old to play these games with men. Its someone ive liked for 10 yrs and keep trying to get close. At first I just tried to set up a work contact between us or get advice from him since I was aspiring to work in his field he met me for coffee and I noticed we both seemed nervous and aboided eye contact, I then kept communicating over the years and he always responded in kind. Recently wanted to get together again but he never made the time. So I asked again and he said we could set it up when he gets back from work away in another state in 6 months that seemed kind of far in future to me so I said nevermind. Hes a Aries with capricorn moon gemini venus mars leo pisces mercury and im a scorpio sagittarius moon and mercury venus scorpio mars libra. I know i get obsessive and insecure when men arent straightforward about feelings and I feel like Im pursuing a wall. But then out of nowhere after leaving him alone he wrote me and sent a smiley I got too excited and overwhelmed him with all my writing I suppose. I really like him but Im also so shy. He has tried to get closer to me before at a wwedding we both attended but I ignored him when I realized he had feelings for my sister. Sorry for this long write up Im a bit confused about it. Wondering if I should just say how I feel or wait to get to know him first

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