1. learn the deep descriptions of all the signs from many sources. (learn the order of the signs from aries to pisces)
2. read about the functions of all the planets from many sources.
3. contemplate how the planetary energy and sign energy combine.
4. look at the natal chart with intepretations.
5. learn the major aspect mode.
6. read a few natal interpretation books on aspects.
7. learn the houses and what each house rules both in modern and traditional terms.
8. look at many forum charts to see how its all placed together.
9. learn the more detailed sections of the natal. rulerships, triplicity, essential dignities, reception, shapes.
10. do some interpretations for people.
once you learn these steps. deeply learning each planetary and sign energy what they could mean for the sphere of everyday life.
then it is possible to move on to any section of astrology that you would like. without learning the "symbology" it is impossible
to do more advanced things. everything else is built on these parts and its a matter of soaking up what it means.
sources are: bookstores, online webpages, ancient online texts, forums, youtube videos.
the hellenists see the planetary climate having an effect on the persons complexion and build for example. this is not a direct phenomena in modern astrology.
for example sagittarius actually has a reddish complexion and sagginess.
11. learn synastry through dynamic and composite chart. look at a few synastry books.
12. look at your current transits and read some transit interpretations and books.
13. do some other techniques like progressions, solar return, time-tables.
what i think is the most viable system is modern hellenistic basically compression psychological into situational. then really crossing every border with the correct energy of the symbol.
14. take a look at every astrological system to build up more dynamics. including vedic, financial, medieval, uranian, magi, horary, mundane, historical, etc. you can even learn something about competition with sports astrology, bonatti wartime, legal astrology, etc.
astrology has several time modes.
the natal chart is the main energy
progressions is a more temporal expression of natal energy.
horary or transit time is the realtime communication of the sky with the layers of
the self. well its dervied from the natal ultimately, but is seen as in the air.
when current time combines with natal time it creates an extentional pocket.
it can be easier to jump from synastry to transits if you take the concept of combining two chart energies and getting an output instead of between two people between situation and self with a transit intepretation set.
you have to learn everyones sign in real life though.
well you do have to keep it in the system, but when reading interpretations. take the energy outside of just memorization. its more of a sandbox. once you get a handle on all the energies its a matter of systemic appropriation.
this is a type of compression:
when looking at an attribute
look at it like an infinite series.
think it terms of
physical attribution
environmental situation
orientation (what is the person an archetype of)
creative action
its really up to your own skills to come up with whats important. you dont have to do it in a rigorous order the only thing that you need to drive you is wanting to find something out. you do have to build it up like an algebra.
many moments of learning astrology are intense because of how arbitrary it is from anything else. it functions on a cross syndiffeomorphic type of plane of every subject.
the important natal moment is realizing your constitution over and over again from many perspectives and finding out how you function and your natal fate. then the important transit moment is when something negative happens and you realize what it was and you find a way out of it. that is why it is important to learn the event-orientated astrology of traditionalists along with the intensity signature of energies. its important to actually use astrology to make yourself a better person and assert your direction.
its even a division of layers of conscious experience. starting with the assertive being and ending in the spiritual dimension.
the influence of astrology is unfolded from mesopotamian astrology. the traditional astrological field with the personal planets and saturn cover most of the dynamics, but the more recent pluto range can cover more complexity. then magi has right ascension and uranian has midpoints and tnos.
try not to miss a developmental step such as evolutionary astrology though which is the case that astrology is open-ended and it becomes a shift of the same energy.
some people even get in to astrological weather which is a type of mundane astrology. in spring the flowers are budding and theres a certain bright poigency. its not the white blue faintedness of the pisces region. then around may 5th the buddings become green and a darker concentrated color. around may 21 the sky starts getting lighter and aireyer and we see the shift in to gemini. june is the receptive watery part of summer, and some of july is the hottest part of summer which is the leo stage. in august then we see a calming down and a practical planning mood in virgo. when late fall starts coming it starts getting kind of eerie from the shift and really dark this is the scorpio stage.
the amount of energy that you have each part of the year is in the receptions to the planets in the sky if youre an earth sign you probably feel more vital during the virgo stage. not all the time because of outer transits, but if mars is in virgo as well your energy would become fortified.
this is why you have to get down to the essence and structure in order to see how the energy is present in situations.
the best time to learn astrology is during a major uranus or neptune transit. neptune in the 9th is probably sufficient. uranus sextile mercury perhaps. the way and consciousness youre under when you learn astrology is going to somewhat stay. it would shift under pluto for example. you probably don't want to start astrology under saturn to sun. it would be easier to grasp the platform of astro logic under uranus for technicality and vision or neptune for spirituality and imagination. saturn of course would make you more thorough. when two metaphysical transits combine is probably the best time to experience it. the point is that sometimes its a matter of waiting and timing. a good amount people in the west dont realize the spiritual harmonics for example until a certain activation then their entire world view changes and they see how dull it was.