How to graduate from Astrology 101

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For example, a person might cut their finger. No problem, Mars in Gemini, right? Maybe.
Or maybe Mars in Capricorn (3rd sign from Scorpio) in the 3rd house, afflicted. Or maybe Uranus in Gemini in the 8th house opposition Mars in Sagittarius. Or maybe Sun in the 3rd square Mars and afflicted Mercury in the 12th, or 1st, or 6th.
Or any one of a number of other possible configurations.
Watching these videos, one might think, Mars in Gemini, that's all there is to it. Voila!
This is just one example, but a lot of astrological principles are presented this kind of simplified, hypothetical way on the internet.
In my experience, unless we really get our hands dirty and do the work, we don't understand how subtle, and how complex, these influences can be in manifestation.
I'm probably still on Astrology 102!
For me Astrology 101 is learning the Sun signs, planets, houses, angles, and placements!
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I agree study is required. But watching videos is not study. And without some application, it's just entertainment.
In order to use astrological principles to some useful end -- finding a career (10th house matters), improving one's health (6th house), marriage (7th house), or making an election or answering some horary question -- it is necessary to focus on an area of astrology or specific technique appropriate for that application.
Once one tries to apply astrology, they quickly find out what they know for sure, as opposed to second hand knowledge or opinion.
It's only possible to learn astrology by doing it.
Almost all of those videos are, really.
They give folks the impression they understand things, but until one actually tries to use it, they don't.
Unfortunately, only a real astrologer would know that.
they would look good to an astrological theorist or astrological historian, though.
I’m not really sure how you would know this, Ivan, since you are not really an astrologer, but more like an astrological historian specializing in a certain historical period.
Ah.... yep.
ah... yep. But this really is astrology 101, I’m afraid.

I'm probably still on Astrology 102!
For me Astrology 101 is learning the Sun signs, planets, houses, angles, and placements!

For example, a person might cut their finger. No problem, Mars in Gemini, right? Maybe.
Or maybe Mars in Capricorn (3rd sign from Scorpio) in the 3rd house, afflicted. Or maybe Uranus in Gemini in the 8th house opposition Mars in Sagittarius. Or maybe Sun in the 3rd square Mars and afflicted Mercury in the 12th, or 1st, or 6th.
Or any one of a number of other possible configurations.
Watching these videos, one might think, Mars in Gemini, that's all there is to it. Voila!
This is just one example, but a lot of astrological principles are presented this kind of simplified, hypothetical way on the internet.
In my experience, unless we really get our hands dirty and do the work, we don't understand how subtle, and how complex, these influences can be in manifestation.

...and some are mongrels, who mix and match concepts
and methods from all approaches: like me

And your methods and posts are very interesting dr, farr
as well as most instructive, thank you :)

I have a new title for myself: Eccentric Modern Astrologer:tongue::tongue:

I thought of Eclectic, but I'm really more out of center than off center.

Clearly then, 'graduating from Astrology 101'
- which is an idea thread title
encourages us to explore :)

- involves a wide variety of the many forms of astrology

- including Vedic, Western, Modern, Traditional, Western Sidereal,

Vedic Tropical, Hellenistic, Uranian - the list is endless

Much study is required

I’m sorry J, but we will need to disagree here a bit. Yes much study is required, and I have done that. But if you don’t specialize you will never accomplish anything. You need that Saturn aspecting the ruler of the 9th house, or something in the ninth house or the Sun or some way to focus on something. Endless study of every brand of astrology might make for a great astrological historian, who has lots of information to share, but its useless for an astrologer who is also a clinician.

I agree study is required. But watching videos is not study. And without some application, it's just entertainment.
In order to use astrological principles to some useful end -- finding a career (10th house matters), improving one's health (6th house), marriage (7th house), or making an election or answering some horary question -- it is necessary to focus on an area of astrology or specific technique appropriate for that application.
Once one tries to apply astrology, they quickly find out what they know for sure, as opposed to second hand knowledge or opinion.
It's only possible to learn astrology by doing it.

And your methods and posts are very interesting dr, farr
as well as most instructive
The good doctor's been gone nearly a year, hasn't he? And Zarathu's account was closed quite a while ago. Kind of like talking to ghosts?
I see the responses pasted by them above are from Sept 7, 2013.
No doubt these members made a big impression at the time.

Anyway, to get back on track, one way to get beyond Astrology 101 in my opinion would be to get a good astrology software, stake out your territory, and start cranking.
This is a huge advance. Back in the day it all had to be done by hand.
Anyway, to get back on track, one way to get beyond Astrology 101 in my opinion would be to get a good astrology software, stake out your territory, and start cranking.
This is a huge advance. Back in the day it all had to be done by hand.
Finding a teacher for feedback while learning is crucial, imo. That way you don't risk giving bad advice to those seeking help. Make your mistakes reading a chart in the class room. Finding a good teacher is more difficult than finding a good astrologer though. You are literally left with books, your own mind and Youtube.
Finding a teacher for feedback while learning is crucial, imo.
That way you don't risk giving bad advice to those seeking help.
Make your mistakes reading a chart in the class room.
Finding a good teacher is more difficult than finding a good astrologer though.
an excellent observation

You are literally left with books, your own mind and Youtube

You are literally left with books, your own mind and Youtube.
In the event all you're really left with is your own mind anyway. Your own understanding, your own experience, your own faculties.
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Finding a teacher for feedback while learning is crucial, imo.
That way you don't risk giving bad advice to those seeking help.
Make your mistakes reading a chart in the class room.
Finding a good teacher is more difficult than finding a good astrologer though.
an excellent observation

You are literally left with books, your own mind and Youtube.

Youtube didn’t exist when I did my study.

Guess what? The guv says I’ve been classified as elderly for the past 9 years.


The first ever video on YouTube was uploaded 17 years ago
on 23 April 2005
meanwhile it's 2023 :)

An interview with astrologer Chris Brennan

where he explains how astrology works
and discusses different types and applications of astrology.


A discussion between Tony Howard and Chris Brennan
about what it takes to become a professional astrologer
and be successful in the field in modern times :)

So much has changed in the astrological community in the past few decades
and we spend a large part of this discussion
talking about how astrologers make a living and build an audience
by leveraging new technologies.
During the course of the discussion we cover starting to offer consultations,

marketing your services, content creation, self-publishing astrology books, and more
