How to interpret a yod?

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madame moon

Active member
Apr 3, 2012
Hi folks,

I have difficulty in interpreting the yod configuration. Depending on the orbs used, I supposedly have two in my chart. One is with with Mars in 5th as the focal point, in quincunx to a Sun in 12th sexilte Saturn in 10th.

The other is with Saturn in 10th as focal point, quincunx Mars in 5th sextile Moon in 3rd.

Can anyone break down these for me and tell me how I'm supposed to work them out?

Any help is greatly appreciated!


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Hi. I think that signs which are sextile to one another, together generate a strong bias in a particular direction, because they are of the same polarity and in the same part of the zodiac. The quincunxing sign challenges this bias by being in the opposite part of the zodiac and in the opposite polarity.

Of course you have to take into account the meanings of the planets involved, how smoothly the planets function in their respective signs, and how this all looks in the light of the rest of the chart.

Also, this approach doesn't work where out-of-sign aspects are involved (eg Venus in early Taurus sextile Mars in late Gemini). But you can still see the sextiling planets mutually supportive, while the quincunxing planet challenges them to focus in a somewhat alien direction.
Your focal point is your stellium in the 3rd house. Yods are just patterns and you need to take aspects on their individual merits.
Re the quincunx or inconjunct from the 5th to the 12th it may be that one part of you wants to be social and adventurous but the other wants to be private and alone. This aspect needs to be just dealt with as it cannot really be changed as the energies are so different.
The quincunx is an aspect that shows a need to make an adjustment in order to integrate. So, the native tends to be stuck in the "easy" sextile aspect. One needs to explore the meaning of the apex of the yod. Sometimes this can be done by stepping out of your comfort zone. This is what makes a yod powerful as eventually you'll gain insight thru exploration.
The word focal has been used in two different ways in the thread - both ways being perfectly legitimate. A stellium is always a focal point in a chart. And also configurations like t squares and yods have a focal planet. In both cases, energy is concentrated on the focal planet.
The Yod Formation

The rather unusual yod formation consists of two quincunx (inconjunct) “aspects”, each one attached to either end of a sextile aspect and focused on a third planet tied to the two forming the sextile. The two planets in sextile can be seen by the geometry of the formation to act as the base or foundation of the complex, while the third is the point of release or expression; the geometrical base of the formation is also the base of the psychological complex.

All astrological formations involving three or more planets in mutual aspect to each other, even when the grouping is irregular in form and not symmetrical depict a “psychological complex,” by which we mean that the three planets are activated simultaneously by a fourth directed or transiting planet. The three in the formation act in unison (whether harmoniously or in discord), each one stimulating the other in a repetitive pattern of behavior or response. Thinking, feeling and/or acting may all be involved.

Jung describes a complex as a grouping of psychic elements about emotionally-toned contents. He goes on to say that a complex consists of a nuclear element and a great number of secondarily constellated associations. It is observed that the nuclear element is always in the unconscious, while the constellated associations may be unconscious or conscious. In other words the conscious elements, if they are present, can serve as tattletales pointing toward the unconscious nucleus of the complex. A complex, in psychiatry, is considered to involve repressed contents. There is some element of fundamental conflict within the person, often sexual in nature but sometimes involving other areas of life experience, that demand resolution during infantile stages of growth and the answer is repression. This then encourages the behaviors associated with the complex to emerge unconsciously, perhaps in sublimated form. Because the nuclear element, and probably the associated elements – to a greater or lesser degree – are unconscious, repressed, they tend to express themselves automatically or autonomously, resulting in behaviors beyond conscious control.

For example, in an “authority complex” early experience with authority may have been so psychologically painful as to be repressed. The person will automatically respond to authority just as he originally did – although he will not be aware of this – usually resulting in either rebellion or submission as a habitual response to authority.

The yod formation, because it is formed of two quincunxes which in their nature “do not behold each other,” can be particularly difficult to deal with. It is quite disruptive, confusing, and tends toward negative behaviors that build on themselves the form of the notorious “vicious circle.” Thus, a web of frustration envelops the native; the more the person struggles against the strands of the web, the more entangled he becomes until movement (relief) is reduced to a minimum – life comes to a standstill and there seems to be no way out.

The quincunx, taken alone, usually signifies a burden of guilt stemming from past sins of either inaction or transgression. This feeling of guilt or sin, buried in the unconscious, leads to a desire for atonement or remission which often expresses itself as a compulsive need to sacrifice the self for the benefit of another. Personal desires may be set aside and obligations to another assumed as the means to forgiveness. The native seeks approval through “unselfish” service to others. The quincunx produces pressure and strain, uncertainty and confusion, and frustration or disappointment as a result of failed efforts which then leads to a sense of anxiety born of the failure. The native then seeks to “get it right” by making additional efforts that once again bring disappointment and increased anxiety. The person is trapped in a vortex that carries him ever deeper into frustration and anxiety. The quincunx typically expresses this quality of psychological quicksand. The formation has something of the quality of the story of Jonah.

The relationship of the quincunx to the urge to self-sacrifice and penitence (unconscious in nature) can result in physical pain and suffering. Here we find the reason the inconjunct is often tied to health issues. The cause is often psychosomatic. Unconsciously, the native feels that his self-sacrifice is inadequate, that forgiveness has not been earned, and bodily complaints emerge in an unconscious attempt to sacrifice the self to such a degree that the original sin can be forgiven through pain.

If, in a given horoscope, the quincunx is exceptionally emphasized, then it may show some prominent feature of the life that is characterized by this urge to redemption through self-sacrifice. Although all quincunxes denote this sort of quality, it is only when they come to prominence or special emphasis that their effects become a determinant in the life. The yod formation carries within it such an emphasis.

The yod, especially if it is prominent in the chart, brings a life of frustrated and wasted efforts (or affects some particular area of life in this way.) It is fraught with ambiguity and uncertainty, with feelings of “something being wrong” while just what is wrong and why escapes us. The formation creates disharmony and uneasiness in body, mind or both. Pursuit of opportunities and goals is subject to recurrent disruption. Often, this formation brings sudden, deep and irrevocable changes to the life, or events or conditions that require major readjustments. The attention may be diverted from primary concerns toward annoying but consuming side-issues.

The attached chart is of a male, aged 39. No birth time is given.

The chart shows remarkable overall symmetry. In fact, this chart shows a “unitary complex” that includes every planet in the map, with the unitary complex itself divided into two distinct sub-complexes. Two planets, Mars and Saturn, stand apart from the main body of eight planets which is contained by the trine of Jupiter and Pluto – the other six planets lie inside this trine, which has its midpoint at Neptune. Both Mars and Saturn are retrograde – the only retrograde planets in the map. Note that Mars and Saturn are in sextile aspect and form a yod with Neptune at the focal apex. Mars is square Jupiter, while Saturn is in partile square to Pluto (there is a second partile square, Mercury-Jupiter.) There are two oppositions in the chart, one each to Saturn and Mars. Observe the aspect lines in this chart and the symmetry jumps right out at you.

In this chart, then, the yod formation occupies center stage. Neptune is central. And not only are there the two quincunxes to Neptune, but Mars is quincunx Pluto and Saturn is quincunx Jupiter. The map is “tightly bound” in an exceptionally symmetrical pattern structurally reinforced by quincunxes, four in total. The central pointing in this figure is effected by the yod.

There is also a very unusual rulership pattern present here, and along with the pattern of aspects, it divides the chart into two very clear and distinct sub-patterns, or complexes. Venus and Mars share disposition of the upper complex; Moon and Saturn share dominion over the lower one. All of these chart rulers, all four of them, are in their detriment. Neptune is the only planet among the ten to participate in both complexes by aspect through the sextiles to Jupiter and Pluto, as well as its position at the focus of the yod. Neptune stands at center and divides the two complexes physically (spatially) while participating in both.

Venus is disjunct because she beholds no major aspect. Sun is besieged (actually under duress) by the malefics Pluto and Uranus. The will is trapped between “compulsion” and “rebellion” and is in his fall; the will is ineffectual because its energies are spent in fruitless rebellion against the compulsions of life.

We mentioned that a feeling of guilt is at the root of the yod’s energies, creating the compelling need for forgiveness. Does this chart substantiate “guilt”? Yes, it does. The partile square of Saturn to Pluto, using simple keyword techniques of interpretation, says “Extreme Guilt.” The Moon-Saturn opposition withholds love and demands “appropriate behavior,” and if that behavior is not forthcoming (it never is – the demands are too great) then love is withheld and guilt is heaped on the “inadequate” native. Venus disjunct and in Scorpio implies a cutting off in relationships as well as a sense of abandonment and rejection.

What about the life of this subject? When his two children were quite small his wife abandoned them all; he has raised the two kids as a single parent with very little help from anyone. Looking at the chart only superficially, Venus is disjunct and in Scorpio (failure of relationship, coupled with abandonment) and the yod demands “self-sacrifice for another” – the children. The man lives in constant severe pain due to two separate accidents. The pain has led to dependence on medications, which leads to further deterioration of the life.

The main problem with the yod is that it tends to remain unavailable to consciousness. The service to others that it demands is given out of the controlling guilt rather than by the liberated will. I believe Jung said that as long as we act unconsciously we are at the mercy of fate.

The way out of the yod is basically by means of submission and renunciation. The powerlessness of the native, when finally recognized and accepted, must lead to complete submission to a higher power and renunciation of the demands of the ego. The formation requires the development of faith and trust in Providence. This formation demands that, in some way (as seen here), the self must be sacrificed to the service of others. When such service is given in a truly selfless manner guided by the personal will, redemption is at hand.


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With Saturn at the apex of the Yod [in Taurus] you are apt to be thwarted or frustrated in terms of material/physical hardships or limitations. In this position, Saturn is like your 'Achilles heel' that tends to hold you back or create delays in achieving your goals and fulfillment in life, because the nature of Saturn is to constrict and conserve. You may be feeling greater tension now, since Saturn is for you in its cycle of opposition. This can lead to a make or break situation, depending on your understanding of what is going on internally for you. You may experience power struggles with authorities during this time if you allow your stubbornness to get the better of you. The problems involved are reflected through the afflictions of Saturn to both your Moon and Mars, and these are the issues that need to be sorted out. If you can attain the harmonization of these two planets, you will be better equipped to resolve the Yod configuration. I believe this configuration is of significance because it symbolizes the Finger of Fate, suggesting that there is a degree of destiny involved, a challenge that has been pre-determined for you for your soul growth; remember it also represents the Trinity, where the energies of earth, air and fire must be successfully blended and appropriately channeled. Look to the 9th house Chiron in Aries for further insights about what ails you from within. You might ask yourself What do I need to change within, to compensate for my past trials and conflicts.
The main problem with the yod is that it tends to remain unavailable to consciousness. The service to others that it demands is given out of the controlling guilt rather than by the liberated will. I believe Jung said that as long as we act unconsciously we are at the mercy of fate.

The way out of the yod is basically by means of submission and renunciation. The powerlessness of the native, when finally recognized and accepted, must lead to complete submission to a higher power and renunciation of the demands of the ego. The formation requires the development of faith and trust in Providence. This formation demands that, in some way (as seen here), the self must be sacrificed to the service of others. When such service is given in a truly selfless manner guided by the personal will, redemption is at hand.

Thanks for taking the time to post this greybeard. There are two current members with a similar chart shape to the one you posted. I am one and zenith is the other. She just recently joined and started this thread:

Zenith has 4 yods in hers. I'm lucky with only 3 in mine...

There are a few other threads around on this particular pattern as well.
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Mars is out of ORB for Yod. The chart has couple of inconjuncts, but they won't work as Yod.

Yes, I agree; the outside orb for a quincunx is 2 degrees as anything outside of that can involve another harmonic series of aspects.

The aspect Mars makes to Saturn is a triseptile with a 1 degree 21 minute applying orb. The septile series are a 7th harmonic series and the quincunx belongs to the 12th harmonic series, so they are entirely different in energy.

Madame Moon has two quincunxes: Moon in a partile, separating quincunx to Saturn; Sun in an applying quincunx to Mars. Neither makes up a YOD.

In the example chart I provided...
Mars/Neptune have a 2d22m orb. Wide? A bit.

Here's why I allow this aspect without reservation...

1. Mars is retrograde; by progression the quincunx perfects in the 9th year of life. A bit late in life perhaps, but at 8 years of age, still indicative of a definitive adventitious experience that precipitates or provokes emergence of what is latent.
2. 2d22m is, by the standards of some astrologers, an allowable orb for a quincunx. (I normally hold the inconjunct to 1-1/2 degrees; here I allowed a wide orb.)
3. The rather amazing overall symmetry of the chart asks for the allowance.
4. Neptune is at center of Jupiter/Pluto, and even more significantly, Mars/Saturn=Neptune by <1 degree. This centralization of Neptune by other measures increases its power in the chart, and a wider orb is not a flagrant disregard for a disciplined astrology. I allow the wide orb with good reason.
5. Both Mars and Saturn are brought to high power in this chart (position within pattern and other related features), therefore merit wider orbs in any preliminary analysis provided the aspect in question may throw significant light on the interpretation.

In comparing the chart to the life (a luxury none of you have had) I found that the Mars-Neptune quincunx (which makes the yod allowable or not) provides significant accurate information applicable to several areas of the life. It is true that allowing the yod (the wide Mars-Neptune quincunx) is not indispensable to proper interpretation of the chart. However, I find that it offers significant substantiation and refinement of the other chart elements, and -- as a formation with the qualities and effects I described above -- provides an accurate and meaningful description of the life as lived. In this example chart, the yod is the central structural feature, and in the life this feature is clearly apparent, and central.

I used a 120% expansion of normal orb on to get the chart to show the Mars-Neptune quiincunx aspect line for use as an example chart... The recourse to wide orb is less than 20% if you accept's normal orbs.
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If not done already, I recommend a midpoint analysis for any formation that resembles an isosceles triangle. It provides a different perspective and is intuitive.
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I mentioned the midpoint formation in the post. It is part and parcel of my working interpretation of this man's chart. It was not to the point as far as the original question about the "yod", so received no more than passing mention. All yods are also midpoint formations.

It is interesting that Ebertin describes the "biological correspondences" of the Mars/Saturn midpoint thus: "The bone-forming processes, joints, muscles as active factors and bones as passive factors, the joining spots of the tendons or sinews with the bones. --an inflammation of the bones...."

In actual fact, an automobile accident left severe injuries of neck and shoulder. These injuries have led to the formation of bone spurs which grate on the muscles and tendons at these points and result in chronic and constant severe pain from the irritation and apparently irremediable disintegration of the joints. A prior logging accident damaged a knee, and similar spurs and arthritis are now setting in. The constant pain has led to dependence on pain killers, creating disintegration of another sort, all in line with Neptune at the midpoint/focus of the yod. With time I expect that there will be some atrophy of the muscles, from disuse. This man is not yet 40 years old and finds himself effectively barred from physical work even though he still has child-rearing obligations before him. He is uneducated and has always relied on work he can do with his hands. As foretold by the yod formation, "The formation creates disharmony and uneasiness in body, mind or both. Pursuit of opportunities and goals is subject to recurrent disruption. Often, this formation brings sudden, deep and irrevocable changes to the life, or events or conditions that require major readjustments." Luckily, he has considerable artistic talent and creativity which may allow him not only a way to earn the daily bread he and his kids need (he can work at art on his "good days", without a demanding schedule,) but also provide him with a suitable outlet for his woes. Now faced with this insurmountable obstacle (inability to work and provide for his family by his accustomed means) he must make major readjustments in his life. This situation may also provide the stimulus for putting spiritual precepts to work in his life, ultimately offering "salvation;" this remains "yet to be seen" because of deep and entrenched attitudes and the dependence on drugs.

Personally, as a result of my own experiences, I am convinced that "psychological" and "spiritual" are virtually one and the same thing. Certainly in this man's case, the path to healing is a spiritual one. Whether or not he will take that path is the question, which only he can answer. If he does not take that path, the life will end in ultimate failure and dissolution (Neptune is the central figure in this chart.)
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I mentioned the midpoint formation in the post. It is part and parcel of my working interpretation of this man's chart. It was not to the point as far as the original question about the "yod", so received no more than passing mention. All yods are also midpoint formations.
Of course, however, I was eluding to cases where it is determined that there is no yod due to orb issues. Midpoints might still be highlighting the would-be apex. This is especially true if there are conjunctions around the triangle corners.
Of course, however, I was eluding to cases where it is determined that there is no yod due to orb issues. Midpoints might still be highlighting the would-be apex. This is especially true if there are conjunctions around the triangle corners.

Yes using tighter orbs for quincunxes makes it more likely that the focal planet of a yod will be opposite the midpoint of the sextiling planets, and that each of the sextiling planets will be sesquiquadrate the midpoint of the other two planets. One or more of these midpoint contacts could be very tight even if the quincunxes are quite wide.

But I don't feel that its necessarily productive to dwell too much on where an orb is too wide to consider. The tighter orbs tend to give the strongest dynamics. Since all of the planets need to interact just by virtue of expressing through the same psyche/reality, whether or not we interpret a wide aspect or not is unlikely to change the usefulness of the interpretation to the native. (imo) We can usually find techniques to link any two planets in a chart if we look to higher harmonics and midpoint trees etc. And wider orbed aspects, like any aspect, will be more powerfully felt by the native at some times than others - for example if some one else has the Sun or ascendant on the midpoint of those planets in the native's chart then this other person's presence would make a difference.
I'm not sure if dhundhun and alice are referring to greybeards chart or the op.

In regards to greybeards chart, this is the time period where the pandora shaped aspect pattern begins to form. The shape is characterized by 3 intertwined yods that form a trapeze with a minor grand trine "roof". So, and I'm not sure if I'm phrasing this right, the yods will be applying or beginning to come together during this part of Oct in '73. This aspect pattern lasts surprisingly long, which is interesting to see, if you go day by day to see how the planets move to keep the structure in shape. I believe the pattern begins to unravel the 22nd of October.
Do yall consider the Ascendant as a focal point for a yod as legitimate? I posed this question a while back and most said no but one astrologer said yes it was a yod. I ask this because this set up is in my chart.
I have neptune sextile pluto. Neptune and Pluto both quincunx my Ascendant. :unsure:
I'd say its not a yod, because a configuration doesn't include axes such as the horizon or the lunar nodes. But it still is probably significant, especially if the Ascendant is opposite the Neptune/Pluto midpoint. Neptune and Pluto both open the self to collective feeling, so your ascendant may need to accommodate such openness in some way if the orbs are quite tight. The sign of the ascendant and the general flavour of the chart will of course be relevant to how this plays out, as will the presence of other planets at the same degrees of other signs if they form aspects with Neptune, Pluto and the Ascendant.
Hi Miquar! Yes the midpoint of neptune/pluto is my descendant. Uranus might even be in orb for it's midpoint as well, it is tightly conjunct DC.
Ascendant is Taurus.