How to Recognize Physical Beauty

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Interesting. With all of those Pluto contacts I guess it could go either way depending on what signs the planets are in? My Pluto (H9) and Mars (H8) are in Libra, Venus (H1) and ASC in Capricorn. What are yours?

I am not sure about the fixed stars - how would I find that out?
Hundreds of fixed stars and their likely influences are listed at One reason why people believe the stars don't work is because of the lack of knowledge of their meanings and nature. The traditional interpretations, although they can be very 'spot on', have a tendency to dwell on the negative influences and show a lack of an overall comprehension of their meanings. Hopefully in time and with proper application of empirical evidence we can be more definite about the possibilities within the meanings of the fixed stars. Anne Wright To assist with finding fixed star contacts to any natal chart then the same site provides THE FIXED STARS IN LONGITUDE ORDER :smile:

'….There is permanent blending of the influences of stars conjunct natal planets. When a transit, arc, or progression, conjuncts a natal planet, it will express the nature of the fixed star aligned with that natal planet.

Nobody seems to know what is the correct orb of influence. There is general agreement that the bigger and brighter stars have a stronger influence than the dimmer stars. Astrologers usually agree on a one degree orb.

Magnitude system is a method of expressing apparent brightness of a celestial object - BUT is confusing to some, since the magnitude number grows larger as the star grows fainter......'

'…substituting the word 'class' for 'magnitude' simplifies. Obviously we would expect a 'first class star' to be brighter than a second or third class star and so on.

"The fixed stars operate by position and are said to 'cast no rays' or, in other words, their aspects are said to be ineffective and their influence to be exerted only by conjunction and parallel". Aspects: Robson (The Fixed Stars and Constellations in Astrology)

Some authorities suggest aspects to the fixed stars can be read, but it is only the opposition that is thought to be of any relevance. The opposition may exert some influence due to the polarity, but the conjunction is by far the primary aspect to consider. Trines, sextiles and squares should therefore be discounted....'

"Convenient way to study given star is when Moon physically occultates/skims star. Moon frequently occultates certain big stars, sometimes once a month several months in a row, so collect a series of observations of validity of traditional keywording for said star. Same can be said for when planet conjuncts zodiacal star both in longitude and in ecliptic latitude, because then the star shines full strength and its nature will reveal itself to the attentive eye. Specific stars project clusters of synchronistic coincidences. Name of constellation will play a role, particularly for stars classified in planetary terms as sharing some Mercurial quality. Fixed stars often bring about bizarre synchronicities and clustering of coincidences that may involve the meaning of star and constellation it is in."...'
Dr Gonzales Tamez
Mine are in the following:

Venus in 12th house Gemini (conjunct the Ascendant)
Mars conjunct Sun in Leo (Mars is in the 2nd house and Sun in the 3rd house)
Pluto in 5th house Scorpio
Moon closely conjunct Uranus in 6th house Sagittarius
Ascendant at 28 degrees Gemini.

The best way of finding out the placement of fixed stars would be to select the ones you want to choose from at and re-plot your natal to include the placement of fixed stars.

What is the significance of Uranus in terms of appearance / attractiveness? I have Uranus sextile Venus (weak), opposing my Moon and squaring my Sun. Based on all of that and the Pluto nonsense I sound like a hot mess..haha!
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What is the significance of Uranus in terms of appearance / / / attractiveness? I have Uranus sextile Venus (weak), opposing my Moon and squaring my Sun. Based on all of that and the Pluto nonsense I sound like a hot mess.
greybeard offers good advice concerning the myriad forms of expression presented by planets/signs :smile:
Planets, signs...have multiple potentials for form of expression.

Venus, for example, is said to rule "beauty". But beauty has two faces, as do coins, and the other face is ugliness.

The reason that we must take care in judging the condition of any planet is to gauge the nature of its expression. There is a sort of sliding scale of expression for any planet, going from the extreme pole of "good" to the other pole of "bad." Usually the expression of a planet's energies falls somewhere between the two extremes.

It is by analyzing and interpreting each of the conditions that affect a planet that we can judge its probable forms of expression. The condition of the lord of the planet (Venus in Aries is ruled by Mars) disposes the planet to behave in a certain way. The sign itself is important, of course, but too often we ignore the lord of the sign.

The interpretation of a planet, and of the horoscope as a whole, is conditional. One thing is conditioned by another, and the conditioning reverberates throughout the chart.

The student of astrology should understand that there is nothing mysterious in the art. [Astrology is deeply mysterious, but I want to emphasize the common-sense and practical view, because students tend to want to see the mysterious and lose sight of the down-to-earth nature of interpretation.]

Take Venus in the First House. Venus rules "refinement"; but then too it rules "coarseness". The task of the astrologer is to determine where, on the scale of values ranging from refined to coarse a particular Venus will register.

Suppose we have Venus in Aries, rising. But Venus is squared by Saturn in Capricorn.

Well, what is the nature of Saturn, and what is the nature of Capricorn -- an Earth sign? Might we think that Saturn in Capricorn, probably in the Tenth in the example, is "careful of appearances"? Earth signs are by and large conventional.

But Aries is a Fire sign and very self-expressive and individualistic, leaning toward the new and daring. The astrologer then faces the problem of which will dominate, the careful and conservative Saturn or the daring, self-expressive Venus? But of course, the native of the horoscope lives with the same conflict faced by the astrologer.

By looking at Mars (lord of Aries) and the other aspects to Venus, and well as her situation with regard to Sun, her motion, the Sixth House (which rules clothing and physical self-care), as well as the Moon (image).... we might discover how this person dresses, what appearance she will project.

But all this is too complex, too complicated, you say? Well, yes it is. But then human beings tend to be complex and complicated, too.

So, how do we interpret a horoscope?

We take the details, but we also take the whole. One without the other is incomplete.
I'm not sure about how Uranus relates to attractiveness. I only stated it as a planet because it's 1 degree close to my natal Moon. Though I will say that Uranus and Pluto, from experience, tend to be aura related planets. E.g. we may attract strange people if we have say Uranus in the 1st house or possibly the 11th (sign placement and aspects will of course increase the likelihood or counter this). Judging by your previous post: "feel like a magnet - strangers always just start talking", this could explain the positive Uranus-Venus aspect. The opposing Moon could well cause a sudden mood swing with a partner? The square to the Sun could suggest a strain in the relationship/attraction present with that special someone.

I wouldn't say you're a hot mess. We all have our strengths and weaknesses that we have to maintain and work on respectively. :)
My Mars is very close to the ascendant and is on a critical degree. I never read about mars affecting appearance, only personality. Does anyone have anything on this?
Reading through all this... Whew!
The human need to find fixed universal standards that will always apply to everyone, never ceases.

Remember the 80's movie, "The Gods Must Be Crazy?" There was the scene where the voluptuous white lady, with long blond hair is bathing in the river as the aboriginal man on his mission to return the bottle to the Gods watches her from the bushes. He thinks to himself, "What a pity this woman is so ugly and that she will never find a husband..."

Ha! There you have it!

I recall an experience in 7th grade (yes, I remember that far back ;-) when a new girl came into the class and she was seated next to me. Having ALWAYS loved the opposite sex I was disappointed that she was kind of "homely" — or so I thought. But by the end of the school year I was quite infatuated with her. By the next year, 8th grade, she was chosen to be a cheerleader and was very popular and a "beauty" in her own right. I've never forgotten the change in my perception as I got to know her. Sure, part of it was a common transition that girls can make at that age into womanhood where the "ugly duckling" becomes the "swan." But it also had a great deal to do with my value structure and simply getting to know someone to realize their inner beauty.

Perhaps the real contribution from this discussion can evolve to include the not so good lookers that project beauty from within. THAT has lasting value... or are we concerned with that? If so, what are the astrological configurations governing this blessed trait?
I'm not sure about how Uranus relates to attractiveness. I only stated it as a planet because it's 1 degree close to my natal Moon. Though I will say that Uranus and Pluto, from experience, tend to be aura related planets. E.g. we may attract strange people if we have say Uranus in the 1st house or possibly the 11th (sign placement and aspects will of course increase the likelihood or counter this). Judging by your previous post: "feel like a magnet - strangers always just start talking", this could explain the positive Uranus-Venus aspect. The opposing Moon could well cause a sudden mood swing with a partner? The square to the Sun could suggest a strain in the relationship/attraction present with that special someone.

I wouldn't say you're a hot mess. We all have our strengths and weaknesses that we have to maintain and work on respectively. :)

Hmmm the Uranus sextile Venus may be precisely why I attract the oddest strangers. I mean I once had a woman go on to me about her cat psychic at the vet. I have some very entertaining encounters with people quite often. I must look like I am an open minded person because people I hardly know also just tell me the craziest stuff. I love it.
My Mars is very close to the ascendant and is on a critical degree. I never read about mars affecting appearance, only personality. Does anyone have anything on this?

I've read that whatever part of the body the sign your ascendant governs there could be problems with. I don't know how much I buy into that, but my ASC is Capricorn and as a child I did break bones a few times.. so maybe?
I've read that whatever part of the body the sign your ascendant governs there could be problems with. I don't know how much I buy into that, but my ASC is Capricorn and as a child I did break bones a few times.. so maybe?
However, there are at least hundreds of millions of people with natal ascendants other than Capricorn, who nevertheless broke bones when they were children :smile:

By the way, the ruler of the ascendant sign, as well as the bound ruler of the ascendant sign, as well as the degree of the ascendant sign are amongst some of the factors to consider when delineating health/physical body


Main Rulerships of First House

'....Life, vitality and health. Stature, colour, complexion, form and shape of body.

Older sources note its influence upon the intellect, the way the mind works, and speech.

In general, the first house represents the focal point for the personality and manner of expression.

As well as describing the physical appearance, the condition of this house and that of its planetary ruler indicates the level of personal vitality and strength.....'
However, there are at least hundreds of millions of people with natal ascendants other than Capricorn, who nevertheless broke bones when they were children :smile:

By the way, the ruler of the ascendant sign, as well as the bound ruler of the ascendant sign, as well as the degree of the ascendant sign are amongst some of the factors to consider when delineating health/physical body


Main Rulerships of First House

'....Life, vitality and health. Stature, colour, complexion, form and shape of body.

Older sources note its influence upon the intellect, the way the mind works, and speech.

In general, the first house represents the focal point for the personality and manner of expression.

As well as describing the physical appearance, the condition of this house and that of its planetary ruler indicates the level of personal vitality and strength.....'

I felt it was a stretch as well! :)

My ASC is at 26 degrees Capricorn. What does that mean for my health?
I felt it was a stretch as well! :)

My ASC is at 26 degrees Capricorn. What does that mean for my health?
Necessary to delineate natal Saturn, because Capricorn is the natural home aka domicile of Saturn.

Also important to include such factors as sign and house location of ruler of natal Saturn
aspects made by natal Saturn to other natal planets

There's a useful ZODIAC DEGREE INFLUENCES TABLE at that includes an explanation of the table by Deborah Houlding

Notice that to read the table correctly: Deg. 1 equates to 0°00' - 0°59 ; deg. 2 equates to 1°00' - 1°59, and so on, ending with deg. 30 equating to 29°00 - 29°59

dr, farr explains
at this thread :smile:
Problem with the skyscript list is that the numbers (degrees) given have NOT been corrected for our modern sign numeration! Now, skyscript DOES append a note that the degrees given in their tables must be taken back 1 degree to match modern sign numeration; however I wonder why skyscript has not simply adjusted their tables to the modern numeration?? (as I have done, here on AW in my table of elevated and pitted degrees)
Hmmm the Uranus sextile Venus may be precisely why I attract the oddest strangers. I mean I once had a woman go on to me about her cat psychic at the vet. I have some very entertaining encounters with people quite often. I must look like I am an open minded person because people I hardly know also just tell me the craziest stuff. I love it.

I thought you'd meet strange people, but not that strange. LOL @ psychic cat. :lol: Uranus sextile Venus must work wonders for you. Do you get a lot of guys approaching you for your number or an instant date?
I've read that whatever part of the body the sign your ascendant governs there could be problems with. I don't know how much I buy into that, but my ASC is Capricorn and as a child I did break bones a few times.. so maybe?

I'm Gemini rising and have never experienced problems with my arms. My Sun sign is Leo and I can confirm that I have had mid-lower back problems (muscular not spinal) from time to time especially when I over weight lift.
I thought you'd meet strange people, but not that strange. LOL @ psychic cat. :lol: Uranus sextile Venus must work wonders for you. Do you get a lot of guys approaching you for your number or an instant date?

Ha! Yes actually! For example, I was walking home from work last month and as I was crossing the street I saw a guy wearing a Man United shirt and I looked at him and our eyes met (my boyfriend hates Man U so I only noticed him because of this). This guy instantly turned the corner (I was walking straight up the block) and started talking to me and asking me what I was doing that evening and said he was going to dinner or something at Subway (haha). He was VERY STRANGE. His behavior was just off and he freaked me out a bit. I was trying to be polite but he did not seem to get the hint or pick up on social cues. I told him I was going home to my boyfriend (which was a lie) and he persisted. I had to walk a few blocks past my apartment to make sure I ditched him. So yeah, instant dates from weird people happens from time to time.
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Ha! Yes actually! For example, I was walking home from work last month and as I was crossing the street I saw a guy wearing a Man United shirt and I looked at him and our eyes met (my boyfriend hates Man U so I only noticed him because of this). This guy instantly turned the corner (I was walking straight up the block) and started talking to me and asking me what I was doing that evening and said he was going to dinner or something at Subway (haha). He was VERY STRANGE. His behavior was just off and he freaked me out a bit. I was trying to be polite but he did not seem to get the hint or pick up on social cues. I told him I was going home to my boyfriend (which was a lie) and he persisted. I had to walk a few blocks past my apartment to make sure I ditched him. So yeah, instant dates from weird people happens from time to time.

Hmmm thought so. You'll probably get this very often. In fact more often than you think. It's definitely that Uranus-Venus aspect at work here. Venus the attraction, Uranus the odd/unusual method of approaching.
Hmmm thought so. You'll probably get this very often. In fact more often than you think. It's definitely that Uranus-Venus aspect at work here. Venus the attraction, Uranus the odd/unusual method of approaching.

I actually don't mind it. It makes my life interesting and then I have amusing stories to tell people. As long as I'm not attracting serial killers I am ok with it all! I love "weird" people anyway.
I actually don't mind it. It makes my life interesting and then I have amusing stories to tell people. As long as I'm not attracting serial killers I am ok with it all! I love "weird" people anyway.

I've had weird people come in contact with me on the street and in a very unusual, but not very "approachable" way. I don't think Venus has anything to do with this so I shan't bring it up in this thread. I guess it is a good way to meet a wide variety of people rather than just the same type all the time. Makes life pretty exciting hey!
An excellent compilation reflecting the good looks/not so good looks of various celebrities. One thing I did note, which may not necessarily be relevant here, is that 7 of the so called "good looking ones" all have a Sun semi-square Venus. I wonder if that is coincidence or if this aspect has in anyway attributed to their looks? :/

Oh thank you honey I have Sun semisquare Venus. :D. I just went to a religious center and I came back home with lovers lol (not trying to brag). I also have Venus 1st and conjunct AS at Aquarius. Aphrodite (Virgo) trine AS, and I guess because Aphrodite in Virgo is a few degrees away from reaching Aphrodite in Libra it trines with AS in Aquarius.

Those guys apparently were attracted to my appearance. A bit for my calmness and less for my brashness.
Oh thank you honey I have Sun semisquare Venus. :D. I just went to a religious center and I came back home with lovers lol (not trying to brag). I also have Venus 1st and conjunct AS at Aquarius. Aphrodite (Virgo) trine AS, and I guess because Aphrodite in Virgo is a few degrees away from reaching Aphrodite in Libra it trines with AS in Aquarius.

Those guys apparently were attracted to my appearance. A bit for my calmness and less for my brashness.

Lovers? What kind the tarot card? :sideways: I've always been curious about Aphrodite's role in astrology. Not even sure where mine is.
Can anyone look at my chart to see if the rules apply to me? I do have saturn square venus, but I have other aspects to my venus too that connect to my ascendant.


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