How to Recognize Physical Beauty

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An excellent compilation reflecting the good looks/not so good looks of various celebrities. One thing I did note, which may not necessarily be relevant here, is that 7 of the so called "good looking ones" all have a Sun semi-square Venus. I wonder if that is coincidence or if this aspect has in anyway attributed to their looks? :/

Oh thank you honey I have Sun semisquare Venus. :D. I just went to a religious center and I came back home with lovers lol (not trying to brag). I also have Venus 1st and conjunct AS at Aquarius. Aphrodite (Virgo) trine AS, and I guess because Aphrodite in Virgo is a few degrees away from reaching Aphrodite in Libra it trines with AS in Aquarius.

Those guys apparently were attracted to my appearance. A bit for my calmness and less for my brashness.
Oh thank you honey I have Sun semisquare Venus. :D. I just went to a religious center and I came back home with lovers lol (not trying to brag). I also have Venus 1st and conjunct AS at Aquarius. Aphrodite (Virgo) trine AS, and I guess because Aphrodite in Virgo is a few degrees away from reaching Aphrodite in Libra it trines with AS in Aquarius.

Those guys apparently were attracted to my appearance. A bit for my calmness and less for my brashness.

Lovers? What kind the tarot card? :sideways: I've always been curious about Aphrodite's role in astrology. Not even sure where mine is.
Can anyone look at my chart to see if the rules apply to me? I do have saturn square venus, but I have other aspects to my venus too that connect to my ascendant.


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This is a subject that has interested me for quite some time.

My observations have led to me the conclusion that Venus adds grace, form and symmetry, along with innocent charm, and that Pluto gives sexual charisma, magnetism and a powerful presence. Venus and/or Pluto must be aspecting either the Sun or the Ascendant in order for a native to be considered a sex symbol. One can be attractive to the opposite sex without these aspects, but nearly all sex symbols (people who have been World famous for their physical Beauty and sexual charisma), and I have looked at hundreds of charts, have either the Pluto or Venus or both, in aspect to either the Sun or the Ascendant. Angelina Jolie has Venus conjunct Ascendant, and Sun is trine Pluto. Brad Pitt has Pluto Square Ascendant, and Venus is trine Midheaven too. He was literally made famous only because of his appearance. Venus Trine Midheaven = Charm your way to success.

Leonardo Dicaprio has Pluto conjunct his Ascendant, and Sun is conjunct Venus.

Ingrid Bergman, famous Swedish actress and Beauty Icon has Venus conjunct Ascendant, and Sun in sextile to Pluto. Her charms and radiant sex appeal is made stronger by a Venus-sextile aspect. Venus-Pluto aspects gives strong sexual charisma as well.

Grace Kelly has Venus conjunct Ascendant, and Sun trine Pluto.

Errol Flynn, the Brad Pitt of the 1930's, had Sun conjunct Pluto, and Pluto sextile to Ascendant. He is widely regarded as one of Hollywood's sexiest men of all time.

Pluto's sexual magnetism is much stronger than Venus. Venus gives general Beauty and symmetry but Pluto is capable of casting love spells on others. They usually influence others in a very powerful way, and when an attractive person receives an aspect from Pluto, that person is certain to have people obsessed with him/her.

Beyonce is Another; Venus and Pluto conjunct the ascendant. And that woman got a great deal of sex appeal for sure.

Claudia Cardinale; Sun Square Pluto, Venus conjunct Ascendant. Famous Beauty Icon.

Ava Gardner; Venus trine ascendant and Sun opposition Pluto. In her prime, regarded as one of the most Beautiful women in the World.

Kate moss; Pluto sextile ascendant, trine venus with venus opposing her ascendant. (All venus aspects to ascendant gives grace, symmetry and Beauty/charm)

Sylvana Mangano; Pluto trine ascendant, Venus sextile Pluto and Venus opposing ascendant. Regarded for her Beauty and charisma.

There are thousands of examples. The biggest beauty Icons in history, both men and women, who are regarded by the majority of people as extraordinary handsome, attractive, magnetic and Beautiful, ALL have these aspects. I haven't come across a single exception to be honest, and the handful I found who are regarded as Beauty Icons, and yet lack an aspect of Pluto and Venus to Sun/ascendant, are still nowhere near as Beautiful and magnetic as the ones who got them. Beauty is not objective, and Astrology has clearly shown that. It is pretty safe to say that in order to be a sex symbol like Angelina Jolie, Grace Kelly, Brad Pitt, Errol Flynn etc. you got to have either Pluto or Venus (or both) aspecting Sun and Ascendant. It must remembered that a lack of these aspects do not in any way suggests ugliness. There are thousands of people who are magnetic, even regarded as Beautiful, but they lack that magic touch that separates ordinary, handsome people from those magnetic superstars who a couple of times every Century show up.

It is true that some actors (Johnny Depp, Jennifer Aniston) lack any aspect between Venus/Pluto to Sun/ascendant, but let's face it, although they are attractive, they are nowhear near, say for example, Brad Pitt or Angelina Jolie. Angelina Jolie is such a typical example of plutonic charm, so is Brad Pitt, with these piercing Eyes that radiates sexuality even when he is not trying to look good. And that is what is so fascinating with Pluto. Venus is charming because Venus tries to be charming; it is a conscious process on the part of Venus. Pluto is magnetic and "sexy" without trying, it is just natural. The plutonic charm is so unmistakable that when I see it I know immediately it is Pluto; the smooth, intense natural charisma that penetrates nearly everyone escapes no one. Pluto represents Power, and it is not Always the Power of Pluto is manifested as sexual energy; sometimes it is simply so that the person looks very intimidating, but when it DOES manifest as sexual energy, and these Movie stars are the finest examples of this, there is nothing that can beat it. No other planet will give such a big dose of sex appeal such as Pluto. Perhaps it is because that we associate sex with something "forbidden". Like too much innocence is not commonly regarded as "sexiness" and the Pluto gives a mischievous flair to the person, yet without being creepy or unattractive. When you see someone who looks mischievous in a very subtle, sexual manner without trying, that person got Pluto in aspect to Sun and Ascendant for sure.

I grew up in a Place where almost everyone looked good. I seriously didn't have a single unattractive girl in my class. I have studied the horoscopes of my peers, my friends and I have found a great majority of them to have Venus in aspect to Ascendant.

The most attractive person I have ever seen in my entire Life, and I was not the only one who was totally enthralled with the person, had Pluto aspecting ALL planets, including the Ascendant. The person was so magnetic, so extremely Beautiful that people became obsessed. That person would have been a World famous Beauty Icon if famous, I swear. Unfortunately the person got into drugs and drinking and was destroyed - a tragedy.

I have noticed somethings about planets and their influence on appearance. To put it shortly:

Sun: When in Connection to the Ascendant, and favourably placed; it gives glory, honor, authority and a sunny disposition to the appearance.

Moon: Makes the person look warm and caring, a Little sensitive, nurturing etc.

Mercury: Tend to look scientific, Cold, sometimes dishonest, intelligent, curious.

Venus: Gives charm, grace, symmetry, Beauty, a pleasing appearance.

Mars: Gives an athletic, rough, raw, passionate appearance, radiating energy and will.

Jupiter: The cheerful one. Marks the face with joy and optimism, people want to hug this person and hear stories told by him/her. The person looks as if she/he is full of faith and security. Gives joval Eyes and often quite a big mouth.

Saturn: Makes the person either look Cold and stern, or troubled and defensive. Gives either extremely good bone structure, or flabby features, depending on aspect.

Uranus: Gives eccentricity to the appearance, impossible to tell how this may manifest.

Neptune: Gives a dreamy, sensitive, youthful appearance with soft features, sometimes they look slightly "fishy" - not ugly, but with flattened noses, soft ears and soft skin. Rarely look rough.

Pluto: Looks intimidating, powerful, intense, often with small piercing Eyes radiating energy and drive, as well as sexuality and a slightly "mischievous" quality. Can sometimes look dark and slightly geeky (interested in the occult).
Ingrid Bergman:

Grace Kelly:

Angelina Jolie:

Silvana Mangano:

Kate Moss:
(there are better Pictures of her)

Now the men
Brad Pitt:

Errol Flynn:

Marlon Brando:
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What about minor Venus and Pluto aspects that I have?:sideways:


Your Venus is trine your midheaven, meaning that you are known in the general public Eye to be charming and Beautiful.

I don't pay so much attention to minor aspects to be honest. I don't Believe that they make much of an influence on a person. I have studied my own minor aspects and they don't make sense.
Your Venus is trine your midheaven, meaning that you are known in the general public Eye to be charming and Beautiful.

I don't pay so much attention to minor aspects to be honest. I don't Believe that they make much of an influence on a person. I have studied my own minor aspects and they don't make sense.

Aww boo, I was hoping my Pluto and Venus did something. My co-worker is a Libra with dimples. I am a Pisces, libra ascendant in sidereal. People always mistake us for each other. We both have a soft voice, and she has two dimples, I have one. I just find it interesting that people ar two different hospitals always mistake us for each others though my Western ascendant is Scorpio.
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This is a subject that has interested me for quite some time.

My observations have led to me the conclusion that Venus adds grace, form and symmetry, along with innocent charm, and that Pluto gives sexual charisma, magnetism and a powerful presence. Venus and/or Pluto must be aspecting either the Sun or the Ascendant in order for a native to be considered a sex symbol. One can be attractive to the opposite sex without these aspects, but nearly all sex symbols (people who have been World famous for their physical Beauty and sexual charisma), and I have looked at hundreds of charts, have either the Pluto or Venus or both, in aspect to either the Sun or the Ascendant. Angelina Jolie has Venus conjunct Ascendant, and Sun is trine Pluto. Brad Pitt has Pluto Square Ascendant, and Venus is trine Midheaven too. He was literally made famous only because of his appearance. Venus Trine Midheaven = Charm your way to success.

Leonardo Dicaprio has Pluto conjunct his Ascendant, and Sun is conjunct Venus.

Ingrid Bergman, famous Swedish actress and Beauty Icon has Venus conjunct Ascendant, and Sun in sextile to Pluto. Her charms and radiant sex appeal is made stronger by a Venus-sextile aspect. Venus-Pluto aspects gives strong sexual charisma as well.

Grace Kelly has Venus conjunct Ascendant, and Sun trine Pluto.

Errol Flynn, the Brad Pitt of the 1930's, had Sun conjunct Pluto, and Pluto sextile to Ascendant. He is widely regarded as one of Hollywood's sexiest men of all time.

Pluto's sexual magnetism is much stronger than Venus. Venus gives general Beauty and symmetry but Pluto is capable of casting love spells on others. They usually influence others in a very powerful way, and when an attractive person receives an aspect from Pluto, that person is certain to have people obsessed with him/her.

Beyonce is Another; Venus and Pluto conjunct the ascendant. And that woman got a great deal of sex appeal for sure.

Claudia Cardinale; Sun Square Pluto, Venus conjunct Ascendant. Famous Beauty Icon.

Ava Gardner; Venus trine ascendant and Sun opposition Pluto. In her prime, regarded as one of the most Beautiful women in the World.

Kate moss; Pluto sextile ascendant, trine venus with venus opposing her ascendant. (All venus aspects to ascendant gives grace, symmetry and Beauty/charm)

Sylvana Mangano; Pluto trine ascendant, Venus sextile Pluto and Venus opposing ascendant. Regarded for her Beauty and charisma.

There are thousands of examples. The biggest beauty Icons in history, both men and women, who are regarded by the majority of people as extraordinary handsome, attractive, magnetic and Beautiful, ALL have these aspects. I haven't come across a single exception to be honest, and the handful I found who are regarded as Beauty Icons, and yet lack an aspect of Pluto and Venus to Sun/ascendant, are still nowhere near as Beautiful and magnetic as the ones who got them. Beauty is not objective, and Astrology has clearly shown that. It is pretty safe to say that in order to be a sex symbol like Angelina Jolie, Grace Kelly, Brad Pitt, Errol Flynn etc. you got to have either Pluto or Venus (or both) aspecting Sun and Ascendant. It must remembered that a lack of these aspects do not in any way suggests ugliness. There are thousands of people who are magnetic, even regarded as Beautiful, but they lack that magic touch that separates ordinary, handsome people from those magnetic superstars who a couple of times every Century show up.

It is true that some actors (Johnny Depp, Jennifer Aniston) lack any aspect between Venus/Pluto to Sun/ascendant, but let's face it, although they are attractive, they are nowhear near, say for example, Brad Pitt or Angelina Jolie. Angelina Jolie is such a typical example of plutonic charm, so is Brad Pitt, with these piercing Eyes that radiates sexuality even when he is not trying to look good. And that is what is so fascinating with Pluto. Venus is charming because Venus tries to be charming; it is a conscious process on the part of Venus. Pluto is magnetic and "sexy" without trying, it is just natural. The plutonic charm is so unmistakable that when I see it I know immediately it is Pluto; the smooth, intense natural charisma that penetrates nearly everyone escapes no one. Pluto represents Power, and it is not Always the Power of Pluto is manifested as sexual energy; sometimes it is simply so that the person looks very intimidating, but when it DOES manifest as sexual energy, and these Movie stars are the finest examples of this, there is nothing that can beat it. No other planet will give such a big dose of sex appeal such as Pluto. Perhaps it is because that we associate sex with something "forbidden". Like too much innocence is not commonly regarded as "sexiness" and the Pluto gives a mischievous flair to the person, yet without being creepy or unattractive. When you see someone who looks mischievous in a very subtle, sexual manner without trying, that person got Pluto in aspect to Sun and Ascendant for sure.

I grew up in a Place where almost everyone looked good. I seriously didn't have a single unattractive girl in my class. I have studied the horoscopes of my peers, my friends and I have found a great majority of them to have Venus in aspect to Ascendant.

The most attractive person I have ever seen in my entire Life, and I was not the only one who was totally enthralled with the person, had Pluto aspecting ALL planets, including the Ascendant. The person was so magnetic, so extremely Beautiful that people became obsessed. That person would have been a World famous Beauty Icon if famous, I swear. Unfortunately the person got into drugs and drinking and was destroyed - a tragedy.

I have noticed somethings about planets and their influence on appearance. To put it shortly:

Sun: When in Connection to the Ascendant, and favourably placed; it gives glory, honor, authority and a sunny disposition to the appearance.

Moon: Makes the person look warm and caring, a Little sensitive, nurturing etc.

Mercury: Tend to look scientific, Cold, sometimes dishonest, intelligent, curious.

Venus: Gives charm, grace, symmetry, Beauty, a pleasing appearance.

Mars: Gives an athletic, rough, raw, passionate appearance, radiating energy and will.

Jupiter: The cheerful one. Marks the face with joy and optimism, people want to hug this person and hear stories told by him/her. The person looks as if she/he is full of faith and security. Gives joval Eyes and often quite a big mouth.

Saturn: Makes the person either look Cold and stern, or troubled and defensive. Gives either extremely good bone structure, or flabby features, depending on aspect.

Uranus: Gives eccentricity to the appearance, impossible to tell how this may manifest.

Neptune: Gives a dreamy, sensitive, youthful appearance with soft features, sometimes they look slightly "fishy" - not ugly, but with flattened noses, soft ears and soft skin. Rarely look rough.

Pluto: Looks intimidating, powerful, intense, often with small piercing Eyes radiating energy and drive, as well as sexuality and a slightly "mischievous" quality. Can sometimes look dark and slightly geeky (interested in the occult).

What about black moon lilith?
I hope it works the same way because I have sun opposite black moon lilith, bml conjunct MC and square my libra ascendent, venus trine my ascendent but that's about it and venus(ascendent ruler) quintile pluto. If it doesn't, it's okay. I think I'm confident enough. Nice findings by the way. :)
What about black moon lilith?
I hope it works the same way because I have sun opposite black moon lilith, bml conjunct MC and square my libra ascendent, venus trine my ascendent but that's about it and venus(ascendent ruler) quintile pluto. If it doesn't, it's okay. I think I'm confident enough. Nice findings by the way. :)

I've no idea about Black moon lilith.

But your Venus is trine your ascendant? It does not need to be conjunct. Venus adds Beauty, even if it is just a Little, it Always balances the features and makes the individual well proportioned. Even if the person is NOT attractive, venus in aspect (even Squares and oppositions) to the ascendant gives a harmonious appearance.
Megan fox has neither of these and she is one of the most beautiful creatures I have ever seen!

Yeah she is Beautiful, and I had not seen her chart actually. If it is correct, then she is an exception to the rule. But she is Beautiful indeed, but in my opinion she lacks that sexual magnetism that Plutonic people got. It is not that plutonic people necessarily are the most Beautiful, because they frequently are not, in fact some plutonic people are ugly in some way, but they have, when Pluto manifests as sexual energy, an unmistakable sexual charisma.

My step-father had the conjunction (Sun-Pluto) and he was very shy, and not sophisticated, and not particularly attractive either. But when he saw a woman he liked, his Eyes would shine up in a very intense way, and that mysterious, powerful pluto-gaze appeared.

But well, I must add, because I felt a Little self-righteous and tactless when I wrote my post - that Beauty is, to a certain degree, in the Eye of the beholder. I am totally amazed by Plutonic Beauty, it is just that when I see those mysterious, powerful and playful Eyes, I get totally mesmerized. It is like a fetish for me. They burn right into my soul. But others may not find the plutonic charisma as Amazing as I do. But MANY sex symbols, people who have attracted men and women alike, in all ages, have their ascendants and/or suns influenced by Pluto. And it makes sense, if you Think about it. Pluto rules Power AND sex, and there is no Power that is stronger than sexual Power. Nothing can make you as sad as being madly in love with a Beautiful person, then abandoned. And nothing can make you happier and more excited than being with a Beautiful person, romantically. Love and sex are truly the most powerful things in this World.

I have been thinking and studying this, and I have found out that Plutonic people usually are very strong, and even if they are not, they radiate naturally a strong sense of confidence and "naturalness". They are "Active" and their sexual charisma has got a masculine tone to it. For instance, plutonic women are not typical neptunian, receptive and emotional ladies, but very powerful so that they make men highly nervous. Plutonic men can break a woman's heart by simply looking at her. And I Believe this is why they are often so extraordinary attractive, because they penetrate your soul and you feel like you disappear in front of them. Whether you like it or not, you become a receptive agent for their intensity. And there is something mysteriously mischievous and cocky about the plutonic stare. In Brad Pitt, Errol Flynn and Ingrid Bergman, this is very much pronounced. Brad Pitt for example, is a very boyish-looking man, yet it is his plutonic Eyes and expressions that separated him from other ordinary pretty-boys and made him one of the biggest male sex symbols of all time. Errol Flynn, who was just as big and famous for his sexual charisma as Brad Pitt during his reign in Hollywood, got also typical plutonic Eyes that resemble the gaze of Brad Pitt. It is the same sexual intensity. What is also very interesting is that they (the plutonic people) usually keep this sexual charisma with them, throughout Life. Errol Flynn was addicted to drugs, alcohol and sex and lead a very destructive Life. He died at age 50, totally destroyed physically. But even in his last films, when his appearance resembled a drunk old man, his charisma was still very much alive. Even at that age, in that condition, he made teenage Girls totally crazy about him. Marlon Brando and Brad Pitt are the same. Marlon Brando's Eyes got the exact same intensity, natural playfulness and mischievous flair to them as Brad Pitt's and Errol Flynn's. Whether one is receptive to the charisma of theirs, depends, but there can be no doubt in my opinion, that Pluto is behind it, and Pluto rules sex and Power.
Yeah she is Beautiful, and I had not seen her chart actually. If it is correct, then she is an exception to the rule. But she is Beautiful indeed, but in my opinion she lacks that sexual magnetism that Plutonic people got. It is not that plutonic people necessarily are the most Beautiful, because they frequently are not, in fact some plutonic people are ugly in some way, but they have, when Pluto manifests as sexual energy, an unmistakable sexual charisma.

My step-father had the conjunction (Sun-Pluto) and he was very shy, and not sophisticated, and not particularly attractive either. But when he saw a woman he liked, his Eyes would shine up in a very intense way, and that mysterious, powerful pluto-gaze appeared.

But well, I must add, because I felt a Little self-righteous and tactless when I wrote my post - that Beauty is, to a certain degree, in the Eye of the beholder. I am totally amazed by Plutonic Beauty, it is just that when I see those mysterious, powerful and playful Eyes, I get totally mesmerized. It is like a fetish for me. They burn right into my soul. But others may not find the plutonic charisma as Amazing as I do. But MANY sex symbols, people who have attracted men and women alike, in all ages, have their ascendants and/or suns influenced by Pluto. And it makes sense, if you Think about it. Pluto rules Power AND sex, and there is no Power that is stronger than sexual Power. Nothing can make you as sad as being madly in love with a Beautiful person, then abandoned. And nothing can make you happier and more excited than being with a Beautiful person, romantically. Love and sex are truly the most powerful things in this World.

I have been thinking and studying this, and I have found out that Plutonic people usually are very strong, and even if they are not, they radiate naturally a strong sense of confidence and "naturalness". They are "Active" and their sexual charisma has got a masculine tone to it. For instance, plutonic women are not typical neptunian, receptive and emotional ladies, but very powerful so that they make men highly nervous. Plutonic men can break a woman's heart by simply looking at her. And I Believe this is why they are often so extraordinary attractive, because they penetrate your soul and you feel like you disappear in front of them. Whether you like it or not, you become a receptive agent for their intensity. And there is something mysteriously mischievous and cocky about the plutonic stare. In Brad Pitt, Errol Flynn and Ingrid Bergman, this is very much pronounced. Brad Pitt for example, is a very boyish-looking man, yet it is his plutonic Eyes and expressions that separated him from other ordinary pretty-boys and made him one of the biggest male sex symbols of all time. Errol Flynn, who was just as big and famous for his sexual charisma as Brad Pitt during his reign in Hollywood, got also typical plutonic Eyes that resemble the gaze of Brad Pitt. It is the same sexual intensity. What is also very interesting is that they (the plutonic people) usually keep this sexual charisma with them, throughout Life. Errol Flynn was addicted to drugs, alcohol and sex and lead a very destructive Life. He died at age 50, totally destroyed physically. But even in his last films, when his appearance resembled a drunk old man, his charisma was still very much alive. Even at that age, in that condition, he made teenage Girls totally crazy about him. Marlon Brando and Brad Pitt are the same. Marlon Brando's Eyes got the exact same intensity, natural playfulness and mischievous flair to them as Brad Pitt's and Errol Flynn's. Whether one is receptive to the charisma of theirs, depends, but there can be no doubt in my opinion, that Pluto is behind it, and Pluto rules sex and Power.

Always been the eyes for me

But I compiled a list of people with part of fortune in the 12th and they have the eyes too. Like a cat or an owl
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I don't pay so much attention to minor aspects to be honest. I don't Believe that they make much of an influence on a person. I have studied my own minor aspects and they don't make sense.

I know someone with Venus Quintile the Ascendant very tight and she's absolutely gorgeous. :love: No other meaningful aspects as related to the topic in this thread.