I don't know, Bjork has a very unusual appearance, and I'm more "attracted" to the typical traditional Beauty.
Katy Perry has Pluto conjunct ascendant and Sun. But I don't Think she is that attractive, Pluto's Power did not manifest as sexual Power in her - in my opinion. She is not ugly, but she does not possess that typical playful sexual aura that I am trying to describe.
Look here.
Ingrid Bergman:
I love this woman - Ingrid Bergman!!!

She is so gorgeous it is just insane. Many of you might not know her, but she was the biggest Beauty Icon in her own country Sweden, and she was like the Ideal woman in America as well. She was noted especially for her naturalness. Look at the Eyes, the piercing, intense stare with the playful and mysterious touch to them.
Errol Flynn:
Brad Pitt:
It is in these celebrities I have found the plutonic sexual charisma to be the absolute strongest, and I KNOW THAT IT IS PLUTO! They radiate POWER, not that receptive dreamy kind of Neptunian charm, or the exciting, Electric charms of Uranus. Nor the sporty, lighthearted athletic sexiness of Mars. It is just that their Eyes penetrate so Deep, they are just so incredibly Beautiful persons. Errol Flynn and Ingrid Bergman in particular, have completely mesmerized me.
There is Another; Grace Kelly. She had strong Plutonic and Scorpionic influences in her chart. She was and is still today, regarded as one of the most Beautiful women of all time. Plutonic men and women are not necessarily Beautiful though, as said, but they are doubtless sexy to a degree that is well beyond normal. They can literally walk around outside and look sexy in that mysteriously mischievous way, and it comes natural to them. Sexuality and approaching others with it is so natural to them that they seldom are even conscious of it actually - I Believe it to be so anyway. It is like instinctive with them.
Here is Grace Kelly, and one has to see her Movies to truly understand. People tend to not be natural in front of the camera.
She does not really exude the same intense energy as does the other Three; but in her the Plutonic Power is expressed in a more subtle, secretive way. It is the danger, excitement, intensity, playfulness, Power, strength, natural confidence, destructiveness in the plutonic Eyes that I just cannot find Words to describe. And I know that it is Pluto. I have looked at so many charts, and I have come across a couple of people with those Eyes in real Life. THE ONLY CONNECTION IS PLUTO.
I actually read that I am not alone to have discovered this. One astrologer, famous I Think, wrote that Plutonic influences on the ascendant and sun could give a very sexual magnetism. And it all makes sense if you begin to Think of what the planets symbolize. Since Pluto rules sex, Power, Death, is it then strange that he adds a touch of sex, Power and destructiveness if on the ascendant or in other aspect to it, or the sun? No, not at all.
Venus, Mars and Pluto are the sexual planets. In Venus, this quality is refined, and made acceptable, it expresses itself through grace, charm, Beauty and symmetric proportions. In Mars, it expresses itself in a rough, raw, passionate but light hearted way. In Pluto, it becomes nuclear Power. The reason why Scorpios are traditionally seen as the "sexiest" sign is and must be due to the natural influence of Pluto on the sign.
The ideal man would have Sun-Pluto, Pluto-Ascendant, Venus-Pluto and Mars-Pluto, because Venus aspecting the Ascendant in Plutonic men will somehow remove some of that mysterious charisma, making them more tame. The ideal woman would have all these and also Venus in Connection to the Ascendant.