It's just interesting because very rarely are your examples not carrying
significant 12 house activity, 8th house activity, or Pluto in the 8th . I'm still learning but if there is an obvious calculated reason for it let me know. I've been interested in this physical feature for a few weeks.
Charlize Theron
Natalie Portman
Errol Flynn
Grace Kelly
Brad Pitt
Marilyn Monroe
Marlo Brando
Kate Moss
Zayn Malik
Putin has your eyes, no of the Pluto aspects
Ben Stiller has them..none of your aspects but 8th house Mars & Venus conjunct, 12th house is interesting
Silvana Mangano Pluto is in 8th house & ASC is Scorpio
Ingrid Bergman..Venus at a critical point, 12th house neptune..Jupiter in the 8th
Angelina Jolie
I personally know of 3 people - 2 have important 12th house (Part of Fortune, and for the other Pluto in Scorp/Scorpio rising)but both also have Pluto trine Sun. the other has a stellium in the 8th house but no prominent aspects. Unless it's any aspects to Venus - Sun, Pluto, MC. And any aspect to Pluto-Venus-MC? There's also the guarantee of personal preference but I really try to stick to the intensity of the eyes.