How to Recognize Physical Beauty

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Does that mean you'll kind of dislike me if ever you meet me? (Or maybe even extremely dislike) hahaha :)

Because, I have like 3 planets in Scorpio and Mars Virgo is trining my ascendant (2 deg orb). I'm also a Cap ascendant. But what exactly does being "classy" even mean? xD

I agree with you on Virgo though. My mom has her Mars-Jupiter close conjunction on Virgo, and since I have this trine my ascendant and it is also the handle of my bucket chart pattern, I think I do exhibit a lot of virgo energy. My mom is a neat freak, no joke. And originally, I wasn't a neat freak. But now that she's teaching and making me do so many chores at home, I slowly became one too lol. She also doesn't hesitate to voice out her criticism on anyone, especially to her loved ones, i see this as her way of showing that she cares and all, but it's quite painful sometimes. I DO find faults on other people and also do it subconsciously but I don't have the guts to voice it out because whenever I do, I realize that I have these faults too. It's like... whenever I point out something imperfect or negative about someone, i suddenly realize that its actually mirroring myself and I feel bad afterwards. I also kind of hate this sign, but when I started embracing it, I learned how to understand Virgo people. My mom, friends and an ex lover who are Virgo people, have actually pissed me off before, now though, I realized that deep down they're just caring in their own way, and they're really service oriented people as well.

Other than that, I have Jupiter in Pisces sextiling my ascendant so I think this kinda tames my Virgo energy (I think?). My way of finding faults and perfectionism is applied more on myself, so i'm quite harsh on myself.

I'm sorry you met/ had bad experiences with Scorpios though. Scorpios are one of the misunderstood signs and even I am scared of the negative vibrations of Scorpio haha! I hope you get to befriend one who is a more evolved scorpio or something. I have a few, and they're extremely loyal, intense and passionate with what they love or who they love and very soulful. On the other hand, I do find Tauruses extremely yummy hihi, despite being its opposite to my sign. So sensual and so "Venus" too. <3

I think the fault-finding, perfectionist, non-compassionate attitude towards other's weaknesses and flaws, is most marked when the Sun is in Virgo. And I don't hate people because of their zodiac sign, but I strongly dislike people who are provoked by people's flaws - if they do no harm. I mean, why hang up on a person's physical appearance, manner or clothing if they do no direct harm to anyone? But some Virgos are like that, they like to pick on people they don't like. I'm not talking about people who are critical in love towards their loved ones, I'm talking about people who are critical without purpose, just critical because they are bothered with people, you know. Virgos are not exactly (in general) people you feel like you can hug and be relaxed with; because the critical eye is set on you! When Virgos overcome this, they become really likable in my opinion. They should of course be critical, with love, not because they are simply irritated by that they criticize.

Leo is very much the opposite of Virgo - because they are very accepting of other's flaws, and very magnanimous. They don't mind the little details or if someone is wearing something funny to them, they don't hang up on it.

In a way, I hate all signs, and I love them all too. There are good and bad people of every sign of course. Virgo can be the selfless servant, Scorpio can be the spiritual shaman of the zodiac, Leo can be the merciful King, Cancer can be the fearless defender of the family and the nation, etc. It goes on, all signs, when perfected, are of course different archetypes of human Beauty and perfection. But in Daily Life you seldom see those evolved, perfected archetypes, you see the good and bad in the signs. I have read about Scorpios and perhaps met a few also, who were very, very good. Scorpio is the most interesting sign in my opinion, due to that Phoenix legend story, Rising from the Ashes etc. It is the most fascinating, mysterious one. But this I seldom see in Scorpio people :D The thing with Scorpios is that they represent extremes. Scorpio addicts for example will indulge in drugs to an extent that no other sign will; they are either hardcore addicts or they are Clean livers. There is no middle ground. I have very much Scorpio in my chart so I know.

I kind of fear Scorpios a little too, because although not as intelligent as say Gemini or Virgo, they are so probing and physic, they certainly do have the advantage when it comes to Power mind games.
There's been two virgos I like. Some virgos are actually like pisces and some are innocent and pure even though even though they are discriminative. Knew a girl who wanted her brother to marry from the same state in the same country they are from? This isn't even race anymore, it's tribalism to the next level. Like what kind of ridiculousness? But she was nice, selfless, and pure but yes they don't like vulgarity or the dark things.

However, when you have virgos that have other things in their chart that make them want to engage in darker, vulgar things like sex, drinking, drugs, partying, then you have a cunning fake *****. Knew a virgo with prominant lilith placements, and she would do it all and come back and act like a virgin, backstab her friends to keep up the good girl act but later make the friends think they owe her. This is the type that will make it look like they are still a virgin because the the guy didn't push deep enough. I'm sorry, this type is utter trash. They'll be madonna one day in front of parents, friends and society and the next, they'll **** at the back alley and be cunning enough to handle it all.

I've known darker signs like cancers and scorpios. When they have the dark knight of the soul, or gothic rebellious periods, at least they'll be somewhat authentic about it. And I respect that ten times more to be honest. I mean don't go around bragging about your wild nights to your family, but don't go leave an impression of being someone you're completely not either.

Are scorpios short? You said they were of small stature? lol I've had people tell me I like sleazy-looking guys when I'm not interested in doe eyed taurus men. And yes these men do have a reptelian vibe about them.

I'll tell you what I hate about my sign since you said what you hate about yours. My ascendent is libra. Libras are soo scared to rock the boat until it's too late. But they do care for justice and fairness eventually so if you completely put them off of some sort of balance, they will fight you. But usually they're treated like a door matt before that happens. They're naive to see it too.

That friend of yours sounds like a real psychopath. But sometimes with Virgos, I have noticed, is that they act like they are tougher than they are, because Virgo is a weak sign, a very feminine sign, and until they embrace that trait, they might want to be cooler and tougher than they are, that is my experience and I refer to my early youth. Virgos want to feel adored, needed and appreciated. As a Virgo, it is impossible to live this Life if you are not of use. I really hate Life when I feel that no one needs me.

No what I meant about Scorpios is that when they are small, they tend to be cunning and aggressive in a Virgoan, passive, indirect way. They are not as direct and straightforward as Aries, for example.

Didn't know that about Libra, or well I could understand it, because Libra wants Peace, it is not looking for trouble, it wants to please and so, but I have Always found Libras to have a great deal of integrity.
I have a friend who has Pluto conjunct her ascendant (5 degrees though) , and although it's sort of wide, it still works! Gosh.

I cannot even count the number of times I'm constantly saving her from men or boys who try to woo or flirt with her after just 5 seconds of looking at her. Private or public places. It doesn't seem to stop! She has Mercury and Venus Leo, but she doesn't seem to be so egoistical (maybe secretly? But who knows) and doesn't really show off her assets either. She's quite simple. She attracts a LOT of jealousy from women though. Even if she's showing less skin, males still see her as someone really sexy and magnetic.

Then again, she does have Mars in Scorpio.. but hmmm. 12th house Mars too.

I have Sun semi-sextile Pluto. But that's a minor aspect so it's not so obvious. I wonder, are Sun-Pluto aspects similar to having Sun Scorpio?

Yeah Pluto on the ascendant or blended with the Sun makes for magnetic people, even if there are no aesthetic Beauty, there is still that innate charisma that is very addictive to many people.

I don't know what it is, but with such a dark planet as Pluto, I still find Plutonic people to be pure and innocent. I don't find them particularly manipulative or vulgar or anything, they Always come across as nice and gentle to me, yet tough of course, but never perverse or so.

Sun-Pluto aspects should be similar to having Sun Scorpio I think. But I think the charisma is stronger with Sun-Pluto aspects. Can't remember any Scorpio I have seen without Pluto aspects to the Sun/Ascendant who had the same charisma as Sun-Pluto individuals but there might be some, I don't know.
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I think the fault-finding, perfectionist, non-compassionate attitude towards other's weaknesses and flaws, is most marked when the Sun is in Virgo. And I don't hate people because of their zodiac sign, but I strongly dislike people who are provoked by people's flaws - if they do no harm. I mean, why hang up on a person's physical appearance, manner or clothing if they do no direct harm to anyone? But some Virgos are like that, they like to pick on people they don't like. I'm not talking about people who are critical in love towards their loved ones, I'm talking about people who are critical without purpose, just critical because they are bothered with people, you know. Virgos are not exactly (in general) people you feel like you can hug and be relaxed with; because the critical eye is set on you! When Virgos overcome this, they become really likable in my opinion. They should of course be critical, with love, not because they are simply irritated by that they criticize.

Leo is very much the opposite of Virgo - because they are very accepting of other's flaws, and very magnanimous. They don't mind the little details or if someone is wearing something funny to them, they don't hang up on it.

In a way, I hate all signs, and I love them all too. There are good and bad people of every sign of course. Virgo can be the selfless servant, Scorpio can be the spiritual shaman of the zodiac, Leo can be the merciful King, Cancer can be the fearless defender of the family and the nation, etc. It goes on, all signs, when perfected, are of course different archetypes of human Beauty and perfection. But in Daily Life you seldom see those evolved, perfected archetypes, you see the good and bad in the signs. I have read about Scorpios and perhaps met a few also, who were very, very good. Scorpio is the most interesting sign in my opinion, due to that Phoenix legend story, Rising from the Ashes etc. It is the most fascinating, mysterious one. But this I seldom see in Scorpio people :D The thing with Scorpios is that they represent extremes. Scorpio addicts for example will indulge in drugs to an extent that no other sign will; they are either hardcore addicts or they are Clean livers. There is no middle ground. I have very much Scorpio in my chart so I know.

I kind of fear Scorpios a little too, because although not as intelligent as say Gemini or Virgo, they are so probing and physic, they certainly do have the advantage when it comes to Power mind games.

Oh. I actually have come across those types of Virgos then. ESPECIALLY when they're a mix of negative Leo and Virgo! Now that I think about it, my dad is a mix of both signs. My mom is more loving with her criticism, my dad points out anything flawless or negative about you as a way to insult you/hit you deeply in the core. Highly hypocritical too, since he can't stand it when someone else points out his mistakes haha!

I laughed at the "extremes" part. It's really true lol. The scorpios I know who are bad are REALLY bad and the good ones I know are reaalllyy good too. For me, it's still the most complex sign in the zodiac. It's mysterious and hard to understand. Quite funny this is coming from me who has three personal planets in scorpio with Chiron, Lilith, and Juno closely conjuncting in Scorpio too, but it's still hard for me to grasp the concept of being a "Scorpio". My views on that sign always change.

The Phoenix story is quite beautiful though, something that I want to keep in mind for myself whenever I hit rock bottom :D

The mind games worries me. I sometimes sort of do those stuff without realizing it. But this friend of mine who has Pluto conjunct Ascendant does it more often than I do, and she knows what she's doing. So far, she's done nothing wrong, but I dread the day she does it for revenge haha.
Oh. I actually have come across those types of Virgos then. ESPECIALLY when they're a mix of negative Leo and Virgo! Now that I think about it, my dad is a mix of both signs. My mom is more loving with her criticism, my dad points out anything flawless or negative about you as a way to insult you/hit you deeply in the core. Highly hypocritical too, since he can't stand it when someone else points out his mistakes haha!

I laughed at the "extremes" part. It's really true lol. The scorpios I know who are bad are REALLY bad and the good ones I know are reaalllyy good too. For me, it's still the most complex sign in the zodiac. It's mysterious and hard to understand. Quite funny this is coming from me who has three personal planets in scorpio with Chiron, Lilith, and Juno closely conjuncting in Scorpio too, but it's still hard for me to grasp the concept of being a "Scorpio". My views on that sign always change.

The Phoenix story is quite beautiful though, something that I want to keep in mind for myself whenever I hit rock bottom :D

The mind games worries me. I sometimes sort of do those stuff without realizing it. But this friend of mine who has Pluto conjunct Ascendant does it more often than I do, and she knows what she's doing. So far, she's done nothing wrong, but I dread the day she does it for revenge haha.

Yeah, and the Phoenix story is very true and real, because Scorpios can regenerate and really transform themselves, also those who have personal planets in the sign, the North node also is Another example of personal transformation.

Scorpios seem to do those mind games naturally, they barely think about it I think. My mother got a lot of Scorpio in her chart, both Moon and ascendant, and she doesn't like to forgive others hehe..
Definitely Margaret Windsor! What a beauty she was.
21 August 1930
Glamis castle Scotland

Her Venus is in Libra and its aspecting her first house Uranus

My mother got a lot of Scorpio in her chart, both Moon and ascendant, and she doesn't like to forgive others hehe..

Most Pisces -including me- are like that too.It must be a common trait of water signs.Cancers are no different either.

I have a friend who has Pluto conjunct her ascendant (5 degrees though) , and although it's sort of wide, it still works! Gosh.

I cannot even count the number of times I'm constantly saving her from men or boys who try to woo or flirt with her after just 5 seconds of looking at her. Private or public places. It doesn't seem to stop! She has Mercury and Venus Leo, but she doesn't seem to be so egoistical (maybe secretly? But who knows) and doesn't really show off her assets either. She's quite simple. She attracts a LOT of jealousy from women though. Even if she's showing less skin, males still see her as someone really sexy and magnetic.

Then again, she does have Mars in Scorpio.. but hmmm. 12th house Mars too.

Could you post her chart please.
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If I am being honest... some of people listed here aren't exactly conventionally attractive, to me at least. They are just famous. There are prettier women and more handsome men I see on the street every day, but nobody knows about them - and who knows what their chart looks like. I think that using celebrities as a basis is flawed... they are a specific type of people, and any common traits they share in their charts can actually point to one thing they share in common - fame.
Edit: Forgot to mention, many celebrities had plastic surgery as well. Another reason why I simply wouldn't use them as a sample.
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If I am being honest... some of people listed here aren't exactly conventionally attractive, to me at least. They are just famous. There are prettier women and more handsome men I see on the street every day, but nobody knows about them - and who knows what their chart looks like. I think that using celebrities as a basis is flawed... they are a specific type of people, and any common traits they share in their charts can actually point to one thing they share in common - fame.
Edit: Forgot to mention, many celebrities had plastic surgery as well. Another reason why I simply wouldn't use them as a sample.

That’s an interesting point. Yes lots of famous ppl have surgery which should show on the chart. Like Neptune in the first etc.
it would be good to see non celebs pics and their charts to see what ‘real beauty’ is on a chart. Again, I say real beauty loosely as beauty is in the eye of the beholder.
Good point about Neptune in the 1st... it could signify plastic surgery, as well as somebody who uses a lot of cosmetics in order to change the way the way they look naturally in a drastic way. I've also heard this can be the case with harsh aspects of Venus to Ascendant. The person can feel insecure about the way they look and try to overcompensate by using make-up and other enhancers of beauty.
Good point about Neptune in the 1st... it could signify plastic surgery, as well as somebody who uses a lot of cosmetics in order to change the way the way they look naturally in a drastic way. I've also heard this can be the case with harsh aspects of Venus to Ascendant. The person can feel insecure about the way they look and try to overcompensate by using make-up and other enhancers of beauty.
I only know this from another thread and the fact someone had mentioned looking at Kim kardashian and Marilyn Monroe as they had the Neptune aspects.
Venus to ascendant harsh aspects makes sense too.

This is what I can call Venusian beauty.
Symmetrical feautures , flat face (nothing protruding much) golden ratio between nose-chin and eyes-lips.Nose usually low rooted and upturned.Skin is healthy and beautiful, face shape is oval ( could be fatty when young) ages beautifully. Body has hourglass figure and thin feminine bones.

Some families' like British Royal family genetically have protruding mouths and noses.İn such families having flatter faces or lower rootes noses could be seen as a sign of beauty.
View attachment 101133

This is what I can call Venusian beauty.
Symmetrical feautures , flat face (nothing protruding much) golden ratio between nose-chin and eyes-lips.Nose usually low rooted and upturned.Skin is healthy and beautiful, face shape is oval ( could be fatty when young) ages beautifully. Body has hourglass figure and thin feminine bones.

Some families' like British Royal family genetically have protruding mouths and noses.İn such families having flatter faces or lower rootes noses could be seen as a sign of beauty.
She is stunning! She looks like an air rising sign!
View attachment 101133

This is what I can call Venusian beauty.
Symmetrical feautures , flat face (nothing protruding much) golden ratio between nose-chin and eyes-lips.Nose usually low rooted and upturned.Skin is healthy and beautiful, face shape is oval ( could be fatty when young) ages beautifully. Body has hourglass figure and thin feminine bones.

Some families' like British Royal family genetically have protruding mouths and noses.İn such families having flatter faces or lower rootes noses could be seen as a sign of beauty.
I would disagree with your perception. For me this is mercurian beauty or uranian. The jaw is too square and the eyebrows are too straight for venusian.
I get the impression that Taurus and Libra risings may be more likely to be good at makeup! Making them more likely to know how to dress, and put on makeup! Which makes it more likely for them to attract people! Very Venusian ruled rising signs!
i agree with almost everything you said thats crazy i have the same experiences with these signs
virgo is also a sign that i usually do not like at all because they represent almost everything that i dislike in people lol, even the ones i get along with its usually more of a mental connection than emotional. they tend to be so critical of others but also very insecure and, imo along with libras they are the type that cant take what they dish out themselves, very thin skin. they tend to be really boring too, as well as neurotic. i just hate this trait in other people especially because virgos dont even try to hide how neurotic they are lol i hate virgo mars especially

i dont like libras. they are basically like a less neurotic and more people pleasing version of virgo imo both of them lack substance. theyre also very conflict avoidant but like to initiate conflict in a way lol
even though i think gender astrology doesnt make any sense for some reason ive liked male libras more than female libras

sagittarius is either a sign thats very jovial and bubbly or literally cruel and violent for no reason
tbh i like capricorns a lot. theyre a bit stoic sometimes but theyre very nonchalant and also authentic as well as composed unless they have other aspects in their charts that go against this
i dont like capricorn mixed with fire or libra/gemini too much because those, in my experience tend to be everything but authentic or calm lol

also i noticed capricorn placements can either be very shy and insecure or very overachieving and stoic

a lot of taurus tend to be extremely composed, stable and kind. like very well rounded in all areas of life as well as kind to the point that theyre a bit boring
the only taurus placements i met with anger issues or ones that were impulsive/reckless were the ones who had aries placements and those are the most violent people i know lol
Unfortunately that's a shadow Libra for you. They do this when they feel insecure about their lives, themselves, or they're unconsciously envious, of other people! They play these mind games when they don't have a great handle on their own sense of self!

Virgos don't play mind games. But they can um, not be so honest about their intentions when they criticize others. They criticize the other person for doing something.....they do themselves. However, unlike you, I love Virgos! I'm not their friend but I respect their intelligence and how they can sniff out a puzzle and figure it out!

sagittarius is either a sign thats very jovial and bubbly or literally cruel and violent for no reason

I was only physically violent, once, when I was six years old. My Scorpio brother had thrown away my Pokémon cards! I was pissed and went and slapped him twice in the face! He was about eleven years old! He was, and still is, a jerk, to be honest! He's the Scorpio one I talk a lot about on here who I am giving one more chance before I cut him out of my life!

I am 34 years old now and that was the last time I ever slapped/hit anyone. We both got 'time out' time for that, understandably!

I am more of the bubbly, jovial, kind now, and even as a teenager, I was the bubbly type!
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i dont know why the ones i met were like that, for some reason i have problems with air signs in general even though i am one lol
im sure thats the unevolved libras tbh i rarely meet libras that i find cool or interesting its weird
i cant stand pettiness or passive aggressiveness, like for some reason these types of people will always make things 10x worse because they dont know how to just be direct and honest about their feelings, all because they hate conflict or wanna be on good terms with everyone idk?
even eg their opposite sign aries can be blunt at least you know where you stand with them, even if you fight with them when its over its done and all is good but libras tend to drag everything out until the situation cannot be saved
they can be really sweet but sometimes its just in a superficial way, they also switch up easily and just go with what other people think instead of making their minds up themselves which i dislike. a lot of libras i meet are very easygoing, but i hate the way they go about things and handle situations
virgos are so draining to me.. i did meet some cool virgos that were really kind and laidback but they had leo placements. i dont get along with them in general i think that they are smart but a lot of them are so lacking in emotional intelligence that its frustrating, theyre also way too serious a lot of the time
its like they just ruin the vibe for me!!

i find it hilarious that you slapped your brother when he is way older than you lol, thats what he gets for throwing away your cards :ninja: i miss pokemon :(
i think your leo moon and pisces rising make you even ''nicer'' and sagittarius itself a sign that in its positive side can be really nice and funny

of all the elements i think that fire signs have a tendency to be brash or blunt but for that the rest of the chart needs to be looked at. pretty sure every person i met that was rude or cruel for no reason had a badly placed mars or other aspects in the chart that indicated this, some of the most easygoing and nice people i know are fire signs

i also remember that you have an aries mars, im guessing since its dignified here this probably means you handle your anger well and dont hit below the belt. aries is supposed to be aggressive but i think that this depends strongly on other aspects in the chart, a dignified mars without any bad aspects to it is extremely good in making someone handle their anger well imo.
interestingly i got into way more fights and especially with my siblings we could literally rival UFC champions the way we would fight eachother lmao.. and im the one who called sagittarius violent, but here you are the sagittarian pacifist.. does this mean im the villain? LOL
i know how hard it is to cut a family member out of your life, because no matter what they do thats still your family but everything has its limits
imo if he is still acting the way he is and making you feel bad, maybe you should do it. since you guys are not children anymore. he might realize his mistakes and change his ways
My Mars is in Aries, but it is square Saturn in Capricorn.
Haha. Don't feel too bad! I'm more forgiving then most! Siblings fighting physically with each other is more common than people like to admit! As long as it doesn't go too far! Also sometimes the other person started it and you're just defending yourself!

As for Sagittarius bluntness! Yes I used to be very blunt before around age 18, or so! I have calmed down a lot!

To make my post more relevant to this thread! I feel like air rising signs are very 'fresh' and 'social,' which makes them very attractive, even if they're not physically attractive!