How to Recognize Physical Beauty

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I always found him so likeable.. even though i disagree with some of the things he has done politically, i always felt like he is so charismatic
it fits him a lot, the aquarius risings are listed are also pretty much the same! zendaya especially is extremely loved she seems very authentic and laidback as well as genuine to me
I find Aquarius risings very breathtaking!
interesting, you think maybe the square to saturn would help with restraint and such? i think this is an aspect that can result in being constantly feeling like being limited or held back but i think it might explain why you dont seem to be violent. btw i think its great that you are not violent yourself i mean obviously thats good lol but i think restraint and an even temper is one of the best traits someone can possess
i agree, i wish i had an air rising they seem relaxed and uninhibited. were doomed with the overemotional scorpio and pisces risings lmao
im joking i think pisces is one of my favourite rising signs! i think having a water rising could be harder on the individual sometimes, than having a fire or air rising. i like the way the houses are set up for them as well
me and my siblings fought so much too but i guess its normal! they are the ones who always start it trust me :coffee:
Yes restraint.
I would disagree with your perception. For me this is mercurian beauty or uranian. The jaw is too square and the eyebrows are too straight for venusian
Those are general traits of Venus influenced people.But when we go into details the V shaped chin is Aquarian to me and her eye shape isn't necessarily Venusian.
Brooke Shields can be considered mercurian beauty perhaps ; Sun-Moon Gemini, ASC virgo
Brooke Shields is 1.83m tall. Based on my research, that leaves only Aquarius as her rising sign. So you could go with a Gemini face. Which would give her appearance a somewhat mercurial character. And Virgo's maximum height is at around 1.65m for women (in the West). So that's not an option at all.
Brooke Shields can be considered mercurian beauty perhaps ; Sun-Moon Gemini, ASC virgo
I think thats her Sun-Moon in Gemini with the same ruler as her ASC do that, and not her Virgo ASC, as Virgo ASC's are more petite and short than her, which is just over 6' tall
We have to work backward because it is already established that you are pretty. So the question is, "Why are you pretty?" You have Venus neither aspecting your ascendant nor the chart ruler. You also have Saturn afflicting your Venus via a square.

But—your Venus is strong. It is the strongest planet in your chart. It is exalted, at the zenith and in its triplicity. So the planet itself is going to have a strong effect on you. It also has a loose conjunction to the MC, and it forms a trine by sign to your ascendant.

You are a Venusian woman, through and through, and it is likely that because Venus dominates your chart, it need not form any of the classical configurations to beautify you.

I believe that is the reason. :smile:
Does that makes me pretty too? Warning this photo is from 20 years ago. My Venus is a (singleton) dual planet conjunct the Moon in Libra, the only aspect she has. But it’s the strongest planet I have (Venus in own sign) and therefore my chart ruler. And I have Neptune in the first house (The house of physically appearance). Funny thread, gazing at Venusian people.
Expert cosmetic surgeon, many hours of preparation, carefully contrived camera shots, lengthy photo shoots...sounds very Saturnian to me - another manifestation of Saturn square Venus. Interesting.

But yes, even the best planet placements need to be boosted via a little outside help from time to time.:smile:

I beg to differ. Mars in the First House generally makes a person fond of sports and outdoor activities. There are exceptions of course, but even in those cases the body will be in good shape, as Mars rules the muscles. Venus in the First house - I "own" Venus, I am like Venus - I am pretty. Mars in the First - I am like Mars - I am muscular.

So even without any sporting activity such a placement gives a better than average body.

But I've seen cases of First House Mars related to heavy exercise. My primary example is my current Solar Return, with a First House Mars. At the start of the year I began exercising. I felt an urge to regurarly visit the gym. I enjoyed it a lot. I have changed my diet, dropped carbohydrate foodstuffs and started eating protein-rich meals. The results in the course of eight months: I have lost thirty pounds of weight and I am lean and muscular now. Visibly. People say the change is amazing. This is Mars in the First House.

I agree. Mars also rules the surgeon's scalpel. Thank you for pointing out that for me.
Max Verstappen has Mars in the 12th house. Sports people often have Mars in the 12th house.
Max Verstappen has Mars in the 12th house. Sports people often have Mars in the 12th house.

That doesn't make sense, it should be Mars in 1st not 12th. And when you look at his chart you'll see Mars in 12th Placidus but 1st whole sign (which does make sense).
That doesn't make sense, it should be Mars in 1st not 12th. And when you look at his chart you'll see Mars in 12th Placidus but 1st whole sign (which does make sense).
Mars has for a reason co-rulership over the water signs. The French couple Gauquelins made a very interesting study about Mars in the 12th with sports people. Howard Sasportas call‘s Mars in the 12th “Mars at his most manic in the 12th”. And that does makes sense; the 12th house is the house of pushing the limits, going through boundaries. The house of addiction, the too much and overdoing. No boundaries, no limits. It’s the house of sacrifice and self destruction. It’s an addiction of pushing the limits for himself and for others! Mars in the first house of the Self doesn’t has this, it’s more ego centered. Mars in the 12th have a mission and nothing and nobody can stop them for achieving that goal. Max has also his 12th house ruled by the water sign Scorpio, he’s going deep (where nobody dares to go). With Mars in Sagittarius (aiming high and far), in the house of dissolved boundaries and limits. Also his Part Fortune is in this house and Pluto in the game of life and death. It’s Max most interesting and powerful house.

The reason I’m not a fan of whole house system is simple. Our character is more complex than one sign in a house only. Three signs in one house explains sometimes why some people stand out above the rest in certain areas in character or skills. Don’t say ever in astrology it doesn’t make sense.
Arnold Swarzenegger: Mars, Uranus and Mercury in 12th house. Same as Max: in their younger years they where convinced: “I’m going to be world champion. The best in the world.” And they did. Mars in 12th house pushing the limits, going beyond.
“Mars in the 12th house feels that he can never do enough.” Howard Sasportas
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